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Low-Temperature Superconductors (LTSC) and equipment on their basis in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)

Número de páginas: 100 Número de tablas: 18 El número de cifras: 31
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 17.02.2017
Forma de presentación:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the third edition of the market research of low-temperature superconductors.

The purpose of research – analysis of Russian low-temperature superconductors.

Object of research are low temperature superconducting materials and devices based on them.

This work is a Desk study. As information sources, we used data of scientific, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of emitters of securities, Internet-sites of incisions and hardware manufacturers.

Chronological framework of the study: 2010-2016 forecast 2017-2022.

Geography research: Russian Federation.


The volume of research: report consists of 5 chapters, contains 100 pages, including 18 tables, 31 figures and 5 appendices.

In the first Chapter of the report presents market performance of low-temperature superconductors in Russia, describes the development of scientific research and the global market of superconducting materials.

The second Chapter is devoted to the production of Russia low-temperature superconducting materials and devices based on them, 2010-2016. This section provides information on the main producers ntsp in Russia.

The third Chapter is devoted to foreign trade operations, 2010-2016. Presents the dynamics of imports and of Russian exports of wires and cables; superconducting magnets; scientific devices, and magnetic resonance tomographs with superconducting magnets.

In the fourth Chapter of price analysis of materials and devices based on the ntsp V.

In the fifth Chapter considers the prospects of development of Russian market ntsp materials 2017-2022

The Appendix contains the specialization of Russian enterprises and organizations, gives a brief history of the partnership of the state Corporation "Rosatom" and Philips, specified complexity of the operation of magnetic resonance scanners, the issues of standardization, and also provides contact information from key market participants and information sources.


Target audience research:

- market participants superconductors in Russia and the CIS countries – producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims the role of reference for professionals working in the market of low-temperature superconductors and making management decisions.



1. The development of scientific research in the field of superconducting materials


2. Russian production of the superconducting materials and equipment on their basis, 2010-2016

2.1. JSC "Chepetsky mechanical plant" (Glazov)

2.2. JSC "VNIINM" (Moscow)

2.3. Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

2.4. Institute of Applied Physics RAS/ZAO "Gikon" (Nizhny Novgorod)

2.5. JSC "VNIIKP" (Moscow)

2.6. Physical Institute of RAS. Lebedev (Moscow)/OOO "RTI" (Chernogolovka)

2.7. JSC "AK Tulamashzavod (Tula)/OOO "MIP Nano" (Moscow)


3. Export and import by Russia of low-temperature superconducting materials and equipment on their basis, 2010-2016

3.1. Export and import of wires and cables, 2010-2016

3.2. Exports and imports of electromagnets, 2010-2016

3.3. Export and import of scientific equipment, 2010-2016

3.4. Import medical magnetic resonance tomography, 2010-2016

Importers of CT scanners Siemens

Importers of CT scanners by General Electric

Importers of CT scanners Toshiba

Importers of CT scanners Philips


4. Price analysis of low-temperature superconducting materials, 2010-2016


5. Prospects of development of Russian market of low-temperature superconducting materials and devices for 2017-2022


Appendix 1. Specialization of Russian enterprises in the field of ntsp

Appendix 2. The story of the partnership Corporation "Rosatom" and Phillips in magnetic resonance imaging

Appendix 3. Features of operation of MRI

Appendix 4. Work on standardization in the field of superconductivity

Appendix 5. Contact information


Sources of information

Table 1. Characteristics of superconducting cables

Table 2: Sales SP devices, 2010-2016, billion $

Table 3. Comparative characteristics of the liquid refrigerants

Table 4: production of superconductors in Russia in 2009-2016, tons

Table 5: developments in the field of superconductors JSC "CHMZ" in 2009-2016

Table 6: Russian gyrotrons for plasma setups controlled thermonuclear fusion

Table 7: Exports LTSC cables, 2010-2016, t, mln $

Table 8: Exports of superconducting magnets ZAO NPP "Geek" in the period 2010-2016, pieces, kg, thousand $

Table 9: Imports of superconducting magnets in 2010-2016, pieces, kg, thousand $

Table 10: Exports of scientific equipment, 2010-2016, pieces, kg, thousand $

Table 11: Imports of scientific instruments, 2010-2016, pieces, kg, thousand $

Table 12: imports of new magnetic resonance tomographs with superconducting magnets, 2010-2016, pieces, million $

Table 13: Importers of scanners Siemens 2010-2016.

Table 14: Importers of scanners General Electric in 2010-2016.

Table 15: Importers of scanners, Toshiba, 2010-2016.

Table 16: Importers of scanners Philips, 2010-2016.

Table 17: Level of prices for SP cables in 2016, $/kA m

Table 18: Price of popular models from MRI in 2016, thousand $

Figure 1: Structure of the global market of superconducting devices in 2016, %

Figure 2: Technological scheme of production of multi-strand Nb3Sn superconductors

Figure 3: Technological scheme of production of multi-strand Nb-Ti superconductors

Figure 4: Cross section of Nb-Ti superconductors for ITER

Figure 5: Cross section of Nb3Sn superconductors for ITER

Figure 6: Multi-fiber Assembly Nb-Ti superconductor for the ITER

Figure 7: Production of niobium-titanium and niobium-tin ntsp at CMW in 2009 and 2016., t

Figure 8: Samples of superconductors development VNIINM

Figure 9: Installation of the wiggler BINP ANKA to the drive

Figure 10: Prototype of the gyrotron c liquid-cooled recuperative insulator in cryomagnet

Figure 11: Orthopedic MRI construction LPI, produced by "RTI"

Figure 12: Full MRI Scan of the structure of FIAN, the production of "RTI"

Figure 13: Production line of scanners for a Full Scan of the Lebedev Institute of physics in Chernogolovka 46

Figure 14: Stage of production of the magnet for MRI Full Scan design FIAN

Figure 15: Exterior view of the scanner under the trademark "Prestige 15"

Figure 16: Imaging "Prestige 15" of the development OOO "MIP Nano"

Figure 17: Schematic of a superconducting magnetic resonance tomograph

Figure 18: Geographical structure of Russian import of magnetic resonance tomographs with superconducting magnets in 2010-2016, %

Figure 19: Distribution of importers of CT scanners Siemens by region, 2010-2016,%

Figure 20: Top 10 importers of CT scanners Siemens 2010-2016 pieces

Figure 21: Distribution of importers of CT scanners by General Electric by region for the period 2010-2016,%

Figure 22: Top 10 importers of CT scanners by General Electric in 2010-2016.

Figure 23: Distribution of importers of Toshiba CT scanners by region for the period 2010-2016,%

Figure 24: Top 10 importers of scanners, Toshiba, 2010-2016.

Figure 25: Distribution of importers of CT scanners Philips by region, 2010-2016,%

Figure 26: Top 10 importers of scanners Philips, 2010-2016.

Figure 27: Export prices of LTSC cables production of CMP for ITER, 2012-2016, $/kg

Figure 28: Forecast of the market structure of superconducting devices in Russia in 2022, %

Figure 29: Forecast of production of  LTSC cables in Russia in 2017-2022, t

Figure 30: Working time of repair Discovery MR750W 3T MRI scanner


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