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Fractionated Quartz Sand in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)
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This report is the second edition of the research market fractionated quartz sands in Russia.
The purpose of research – market analysis fractionated quartz sand.
The objects of study are fractionated quartz Sands.
This work is a Desk study. As information sources, data of Federal service of state statistics of Russia (Rosstat), JSC "RZHD" (statistics of rail transportation), Federal customs service of the Russian Federation, the Database of "INFOMINE". Also, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of emitters of securities, Internet-sites of company-producers of graded sand, telephone interviews with market participants.
The chronological scope of the study: 2007-2015.; forecast 2016-2020.
Geography research: Russian Federation – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The volume of research: report consists of 6 parts, contains 126 pages, including 32 tables, 21 figures and 2 appendices.
In the first Chapter of the report presents data on reserves of quartz raw materials in Russia.
The second Chapter is devoted to the production of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia. In this section, the estimated volumes of the production in 2007-2015., given the regional structure of production and describes current standing of the main producers of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia.
In the third Chapter of the report analyses data on foreign trade with quartz Sands fractionated in Russia.
In the fourth Chapter of the report presents the current prices for fractionated quartz Sands Russian producers.
The fifth Chapter is devoted to analysis of domestic consumption fractionated quartz Sands in Russia. Also in this section are regional and sectoral structure of consumption of sand, describes the main consumers of the products.
The sixth Chapter of the report presents forecast of production and consumption of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia until 2020.
The Appendix presents addresses and contact information on the main producers and consumers of glass Sands.
Target audience research:
- market participants quartz glass Sands – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market fractionated quartz sand.
1. Raw material base of fractionated quartz Sands in Russia
2. Fractionated quartz sand production in Russia
2.1. Fractionated quartz sand production in Russia in 2007-2015.
2.1.1. Dynamics of production of quartz sand in fractionated 2007-2015.
2.1.2. Structure of production of quartz sand in fractionated 2007-2015.
2.2. Current state of the leading manufacturers of quartz sand fractionated
JSC "Spetsneftematerialy" (Volgograd)
LLC "Remix" (the Leningrad region)
JSC "Quarry "Сrystal Mountain" (Sverdlovsk region).
The Sibelco Group
The group of companies " Sands of Nizhny Novgorod" (Nizhny Novgorod region).
LLC "UNESCO" (Nizhny Novgorod region).
LLC "Nonmetallic building materials" (Chuvash Rep.)
JSC GOK "murayevnya" (Ryazan region)
JSC "Khokholsky sand pit" (Voronezh region).
JSC "Tuganskiy GOK "Ilmenit" (Tomsk region)
3. Foreign trade with quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2013-2015.
3.1. Export
3.2. Import
4. Prices for fractionated quartz Sands in 2015.
5. The consumption of quartz graded sand in Russia
5.1. The balance of production and consumption of quartz graded sand in Russia in 2007-2015
5.2. The main sectors of consumption of quartz graded sand in Russia. The largest consumers of quartz sand fractionated
5.2.1. The production of dry building mixes
5.2.2. Metallurgy. Foundry
5.2.3. Water filtration
5.2.4. The oil and gas industry
5.2.5. Sandblasting surfaces
5.2.6. Functional fillers for paints, adhesives, polymers, etc.
5.2.7. Other applications (pavements, football fields, etc.)
6. Forecast of development of production and consumption of quartz sand fractionated 2020
Appendix 1. Contact information on producers of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia
Appendix 2. Address book consumers of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia
Table 1. The main deposits of quartz RF
Table 2. The main deposits of quartz Sands for glass industry in Russia
Table 3. The main deposits of molding Sands in Russia
Table 4. Fractionated quartz sand production by Russian enterprises in 2007-2015., kt
Table 5. Chemical composition of quartz sand JSC "Spetsneftematerialy", %
Table 6. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated production of JSC "Spetsneftematerialy" in 2007-2015., t
Table 7. Export deliveries of JSC "Spetsneftematerialy" in 2013-2015. recipients, tons
Table 8. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated production of JSC "Quarry "crystal Mountain" in 2007-2015., t
Table 9. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated production of JSC "Voronezh mining administration" in 2013-2015., t
Table 10. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated produced by "Nonmetallic building materials" in 2007-2015., t
Table 11. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated production of "GC "murayevnya" in 2007-2012., t
Table 12. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated production of JSC "Khokholsky sand pit" in 2013-2015., t
Table 13. The main brands of quartz Sands fractionated production of "Tuganskiy GOK "Ilmenite"
Table 14. Foreign trade with quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t, thousand $
Table 15. Directions of export supplies of Russian quartz Sands fractionated in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t
Table 16. Russian companies-exporters of quartz Sands fractionated in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t
Table 17. Russian exports of quartz Sands fractionated for the senders and recipients of products in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t
Table 18. Directions of import of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t
Table 19. Import of quartz Sands fractionated for senders and recipients in 2013-2015. and 1 hy 2016, t
Table 20. Producer prices for fractionated quartz Sands of different fractions, with VAT, RUB/t
Table 21. Prices, OOO "NPF "Tareks" fractionated quartz Sands of different fractions, with VAT, RUB/t
Table 22. Prices, OOO "Roskvarts" fractionated quartz Sands of different fractions, with VAT, RUB/t
Table 23. Price OOO PK "Evrokvarts" fractionated quartz Sands of different fractions, without VAT, RUB/t
Table 24. Supply-demand balance of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2007-2015., thousand t, %
Table 25. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated (tenders) for June-July 2016, t, thousand RUB.
Table 26. The main recipients of fractionated quartz Sands for W/d for the production of dry building mixes in 2007-2015., t
Table 27. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated for W/d for casting in 2007-2015., t
Table 28. Railway deliveries of graded Sands metallurgical enterprises in 2007-2015., t
Table 29. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated for W/d for water treatment 2007-2015., t
Table 30. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated for W/d for oil and gas industry in 2007-2015., t
Table 31. Key consumers of quartz Sands fractionated for W/d for sandblasting in 2007-2015., t
Table 32. Forecast of consumption of quartz Sands fractionated by industry up to 2020, kt
Figure 1. Structure of reserves of quartz (glass) Sands in Russia by County as of 01.01.2015, %
Figure 2. Dynamics of production of quartz sand and graded sand production in Russia in 2007-2015., kt
Figure 3. Regional structure of graded sand production in Russia in 2015, %
Figure 4. Structure of production of quartz sand fractionated JSC "Spetsneftematerialy" of the factions in 2015, %
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of quartz sand fractionated JSC "Spetsneftematerialy" in 2006-2015., kt
Figure 6. Dynamics of production of graded quartz Sands, OOO "Remix" in 2011-2015., kt
Figure 7. Structure of the consumption of dry graded sand, produced by LLC "Remix" in 2015, %
Figure 8. Structure of the consumption of dry graded sand, produced by LLC "UNESCO" in 2015, %
Figure 9. Structure of the sales of sand production JSC "Khokholsky sand pit" in 2015, %
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of quartz sand fractionated JSC "Khokholsky sand pit" in 2007-2015., kt
Figure 11. Dynamics of production of graded quartz Sands of JSC "Tuganskiy GOK "Ilmenite" in 2007-2015., kt
Figure 12. Foreign trade with quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2011-2015., kt
Figure 13. Geographical structure of Russian exports of quartz Sands fractionated in 2013-2015., %
Figure 14. Geographical structure of Russian import of quartz Sands fractionated in 2013-2015., %
Figure 15. Dynamics of Russian import of quartz Sands fractionated in the main branches of consumption in 2014-2015., t
Figure 16. Dynamics of consumption of quartz graded sand in Russia in 2007-2015., thousand t, %
Figure 17. Regional structure of consumption of quartz graded sand in Russia in 2013-2015., %
Figure 18. Sectoral structure of consumption of quartz graded sand (based on rail transport) in Russia in 2015, %
Figure 19. The structure of the main consumers of quartz Sands fractionated (tenders) in 2015, %
Figure 20. Forecast of production of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2016-2020., kt
Figure 21. Forecast of consumption of quartz Sands fractionated in Russia in 2016-2020., kt