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Phlogopite in the CIS and world: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of phlogopite mica in the world and the CIS and forecast of its development. The report consists of 12 Sections, contains 147 pages, including 34 Figure, 32 Tables. It is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official statistics of rail transport, the sector and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of company-producers and consumers of phlogopite.
In the first chapter of the report presents brief characteristics of raw materials in the world phlogopite
In the second chapter of the report describes the world production of mica. Special attention was given to countries that are major producers of these products. Describes the major manufacturers of mica.
In the third chapter are the prices of different brands of mica in the U.S. and certain other countries.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the international trade of mica, it is diagram of the regional structure of world exports and imports of mica in 2011.
In the fifth chapter discussed the global consumption of mica and mica products - given the industrial structure of global consumption of mica. More detailed analysis of consumption of mica in the Asia-Pacific region (China, Republic. Korea, Japan).
In the sixth chapter provides an analysis of the prospects of the global mica industry.
In the chapter the resource base of phlogopite Russia and other CIS countries. It presents data on reserves of phlogopite in Russia in 2011.
The eighth chapter is devoted to production of phlogopite in Russia over the past 6 years.
The ninth chapter describes mica-mining and mica-processing enterprises in Russia.
Import-export operations with phlogopite in 2005-2012 considered in the tenth chapter. Provides statistics on the volume of foreign trade operations in bulk and in money terms, regional pattern of export and import of phlogopite, data on volumes and directions of supplies of the main exporters and importers.
The eleventh chapter of the report is devoted to analysis of consumption of phlogopite and muscovite in Russia. The Section presents supply-demand balance of phlogopite and muscovite in 2006-2011, estimated sectoral and regional patterns of phlogopite, the current condition of the greatest enterprise-consumers of phlogopite.
In the twelfth, final Section of the report presents forecast of development of market of phlogopite in Russia up to 2017.
1. Brief description of the largest deposits in the world phlogopite
2. World production of mica
2.1. Major producing countries and ground sheet mica
2.1.1. USA (ground mica)
2.1.2. India (sheet mica)
2.2. Some of the world's manufacturers of mica and slyudoproduktsii
Imerys (France)
Yuanjian Minerals Co., LTD (China)
Lingshou County Xinfa Mineral Co., Ltd (China)
Hebei Celia Minerals Co., Ltd. (China)
Shijiazhuang Mining Imp & Exp Trade Co., Ltd (China)
3. Analysis of world prices for mica
3.1. Prices of mica in the U.S.
3.2. Prices of mica in some countries
4. International trade mica
5. World consumption of mica and mica products
5.1. Sectoral structure of the global consumption of mica
5.2. Volumes and regional structure of the global consumption of mica
5.3. Mica consumption in China, Japan, South Korea
5.3.1. China
Description mica-mining industries
Industrial centers of China
5.3.2. Japan
Description mica-mining industries
5.3.3. South Korea
Description mica-mining industries
6. World Economic Outlook mica industry
7. Reserves and deposits of phlogopite in the CIS
7.1. The raw material base of Russia
7.2. Resources base of other CIS countries
8. Extraction and production of mica
8.1. Brief description of mica mining companies
8.2. Processing of ores containing mica, for mining enterprises
8.3. Brief description of production mica-mining
9. Current state enterprises mica
9.1. Enterprises that produce phlogopite
LLC "Kovdorslyuda" (Murmansk region).
LLC "Phlogopite" (Sverdlovsk Region).
LLC "Nizhneudinskiy Slyudyanitovaya Factory" (Irkutsk region).
Extraction of raw materials phlogopite in Irkutsk region
9.2. Manufacturer of mica
OJSC "Balashovslyuda" (Saratov region. Balashov)
OJSC "Mica" (Nizhny Novgorod region., P. Filinskaja)
CJSC "Geocom" (Kaluga region).
Other producers of mica products
10. Foreign trade operations in Russia and the CIS phlogopite
10.1. Russia's exports of phlogopite 2002-2012
10.1.1. Export of flat phlogopite
10.1.2. Export ground phlogopite
10.2. Imports of phlogopite in Russia in 2002-2012
10.2.1. Import of flat phlogopite
10.2.2. Import ground phlogopite
Company-suppliers of ground phlogopite in Russia
Russian company-consumers of imported milled phlogopite
10.3. Export-import of mica by Kazakhstan in 2000-2011
11. Market conditions phlogopite
11.1. Supply-demand balance of phlogopite and muscovite in Russia in 2006-2011
11.2. Pattern of consumption of phlogopite in Russia in 2011
11.3. The main company-consumers of phlogopite in Russia
11.3.1. JSC "Holding Company" Elinar "
11.3.1. OJSC "Novolipetsk Steel"
12. Prospects phlogopite industry in Russia up to 2017
Appendix 1. Contact details enterprises mica-mining industries of China, Japan and South Korea
Appendix 2. The main Russian guest on mica
Appendix 3. A brief overview of the use of mica in the electrode RF industry
Appendix 4. Contact information on company-producers of phlogopite and muscovite mica and goods
Appendix 5. Prices of products from ground mica produced by JSC "Balashovslyuda"
Table 1. World production of mica (crushed and Scrap) in 2007-2011 (according to USGS), kt
Table 2. World production of mica in 2006-2010 (according to BGS), t
Table 3. Major indicators of mica in the U.S. 2007-2011
Table 4. Main indicators of foreign trade operations with mica USA in 2010-2011, t, thousand $
Table 5. Prices of mica in some countries in 2005-2007 and 2011, $ / t
Table 6. Main directions of ground mica in the world
Table 7. Foreign trade of mica in China in 2006-2011, t, thousand $
Table 8. Characteristics of the major industrial centers of China
Table 9. Foreign trade of mica in Japan in 2006-2011, t, thousand $
Table 10. Dynamics of production of gypsum board (million m2), plastics and rubber products (thousand tons) in Japan in 1995-2010
Table 11. Foreign trade of mica in South Korea in 2005-2011, t, thousand $
Table 12. Geographic location of reserves and production in Russia phlogopite in 2011 (phlogopite - raw mud, m)
Table 13. Flogopitonosnye areas and main deposits in Russia phlogopite (phlogopite - adobe mud, m)
Table 14. Technical requirements for crushed micas SFE-315 and MPS-630 is produced by "Kovdorslyuda"
Table 15. Production and sale of products of LLC "Kovdorslyuda" in 2011
Table 16. Cost of products of phlogopite "Kovdorslyuda" in 2011, Rs. / ton
Table 17. Areas of shipments by rail phlogopite, produced by "Kovdorslyuda" in 2007-2011, t
Table 18. The specifications for the ground electrode phlogopite varieties produced by "phlogopite"
Table 19. Profit and loss statement of LLC "Nizhneudinskiy slyudyanitovaya plant" in 2007-2009, th.
Table 20. Areas of shipments by rail mica from the Irkutsk region in 2007-2011, t
Table 21. The range of ground phlogopite JSC «Balashovslyuda"
Table 22. Profit and loss statement of "Balashovslyuda" in 2007-2011, th.
Table 23. Suppliers of phlogopite in "Mica" in 2005-2011, t
Table 24. Profit and loss statement of "Mica" in 2008-2011, rubles.
Table 25. The export of Russian sheet, plucked phlogopite and scrap in 2005-2012 and its consumers, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 26. The export of Russian ground phlogopite in 2005-2012 and its consumers, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 27. Import of flat phlogopite in Russia in 2005-2012, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 28. Import ground phlogopite in Russia in 2005-2012, t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 29. Supply-demand balance of phlogopite (sheet and ground) in Russia in 2006-2011, t,%
Table 30. Supply-demand balance of muscovite (sheet and ground) in Russia in 2006-2011, t,%
Table 31. The greatest Russian company-consumers of phlogopite in 2010-2011, t,% (according to the statistics of the train)
Table 32. Dynamics of production of main kinds of products by JSC "NLMK" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 1. Mica-bearing pegmatites areas with India (By R.L.Beytsu)
Figure 2. Dynamics of average prices of milled and crushed mica in the United States in 2000-2011, $ / t
Figure 3. Dynamics of average prices of sheet mica in the U.S. in 2000-2011, $ / kg
Figure 4. Regional structure of world exports of mica in 2011,%
Figure 5. Regional structure of world imports of mica in 2011,%
Figure 6. Regional structure of the global consumption of mica in 2011,%
Figure 7. Dynamics of export-import of mica in China in 2005-2011, kt
Figure 8. The dynamics of housing commissioned in China in 2004-2011, million m2,% change. year
Figure 9. The dynamics of the regional structure of the world production of vehicles in 2000-2010,%
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of vehicles in China in 2000-2011, mln pieces.
Figure 11. Dynamics of export-import of mica in Japan in 2005-2011, kt
Figure 12. The dynamics of housing commissioned in Japan in 2004-2010, mln m2,% change. year
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of vehicles in Japan in 2000-2010, mln pieces.
Figure 14. Dynamics of export-import of mica in South Korea in 2005-2011, kt
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of motor vehicles in South Korea in 2000-2010, mln pieces. %
Figure 16. Dynamics of world production of vehicles in 2000-2011, mln pieces.%
Figure 17. Dynamics of phlogopite in Russia in 2006-2011, t
Figure 18. Dynamics of production of phlogopite, including ground on Kovdor phlogopite factory in 2006-2011, t
Figure 19. Dynamics shipments phlogopite and its products LLC "Nizhneudinskiy mica factory" Russian consumers in 2006-2011, t
Figure 20. The dynamics of domestic traffic micas from the Irkutsk region in 2006-2011, t
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of ground phlogopite "Balashovslyuda" in 2007-2011, t
Figure 22. Dynamics of supplies of raw materials by rail phlogopite in OAO "Balashovslyuda" in 2007-2011, t
Figure 23. Dynamics of production of ground muscovite and phlogopite OJSC "Mica" in 2007-2011, t
Figure 24. Dynamics of supplies of ground muscovite and phlogopite in JSC "Geocom" in 2005-2011, t
Figure 25. Dynamics of Russian exports of crude, sheet and plucked phlogopite and scrap (t) and average export prices ($ / t) in 2002-2012
Figure 26. Dynamics of Russian export of ground phlogopite (m) and average export prices ($ / t) in 2002-2012
Figure 27. Import of flat phlogopite in Russia and Central prices in 2002-2012, t, $ / t
Figure 28. Import ground phlogopite in Russia and the average price of his 2002-2012, t, $ / t
Figure 29. Dynamics of import supplies to Kazakhstan mica in 2000-2011, t
Figure 30. Pattern of consumption of phlogopite in Russia in 2011,%
Figure 31. Dynamics of import supplies of sheet muscovite and phlogopite in JSC "Holding" Elinar "in 2005-2011, t
Figure 32. Dynamics of supplies of sheet of phlogopite in "HC" Elinar "in 2007-2011 (supplier LLC" Kovdorslyuda "), t
Figure 33. Supply dynamics phlogopite produced by "Kovdorslyuda" to OJSC "NLMK" by rail in 2007-2011, t
Figure 34. Forecast of consumption of phlogopite in Russia up to 2017, t