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High-quality Building Lime (grades 1 and 2) in the European part of Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Número de páginas: 168 Número de tablas: 58 El número de cifras: 28
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 23.09.2013
Forma de presentación:

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Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


This report is the first publication of the research of the market of high-quality building lime (grades 1 and 2) in the European part of Russia.

The purpose of the study - an analysis of the market of high-quality building lime (grades 1 and 2) in the European part of Russia.

The objects of study are the building lime, high-quality construction lime, aerated concrete, sand-lime brick.

This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia , official statistics of Railway Transport of Russia , sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies , as well as web - sites of producers and consumers of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia .

The chronological scope of the study : 2007-2012 outlook - 2013-2020

Geography of the study: the European part of Russia, which includes the Central , Volga , North- West and South (without the North Caucasus ) federal districts .


The report consists of five chapters, contains 168 pages , including 28 figures , 58 tables and 2 appendices.

In the first chapter of the report presents data on resources, required for the production of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia , and their characteristics . Also in this chapter, the characteristic of existing quarries and explored fields for the production of these products in the region. Also in the first chapter the quality requirements of building lime 1 and 2 grades to be met by consuming industries.

The second chapter is devoted to the production of building lime in Russia , including high quality . Considered as the Russian Federation as a whole, and the European part of Russia in particular. This section of the report presents statistical and estimated data on volumes of production, the regional structure of production. In addition, an assessment of the structure of production of high-quality building limes on grades in the European part of Russia . Also in this chapter describes current standing of producers of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia . Also in the second chapter deals with projects to build in the European part of Russia new enterprises on production of building lime . Among other things , this chapter provides major suppliers and consumers of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia for the last 6 years.

The third chapter is devoted to consumption of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia This chapter presents data on foreign trade of these products , the balance of the production - consumption of this product . The chapter describes consumption of lime in the construction of high-quality construction and steel industries of the European part of Russia.

In addition, this chapter provides manufacturers of concrete blocks in the European part of Russia with output and production technology. Describes the current state of many of these enterprises. This chapter also discusses new business projects for the production of aerated concrete and steel enterprises in the European part of Russia.

The fourth chapter presents data on prices for construction (including high ) lime in the Russian domestic market from 2001 to 2012 and the 1st half of 2013 is also the data on changes in import prices on the products in Russia in 2007-2012 in this chapter also presents forecast of development of the price of high-quality building lime in Russia up to 2020

The fifth chapter is devoted to the prospects and forecast of the market development of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia until 2020 also presents forecast of development of industries that consume high-quality building lime .

The appendix contains the address and contact information of enterprises producing and consuming high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia . Also it contains the full text of GOST 9179-77 .


The target audience of the study:

- Building lime market participants - producers, consumers , traders ;

- Potential investors .

This research claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and for decision management solutions , working in the market of the product.





1. Raw materials for the production of high quality lime (1st and 2nd grade, GOST 9179-77) and the quality of products

1.1. Availability of raw materials for the production of high-quality lime (1st and 2nd grade, GOST 9179-77)

Location and standing of reserves of flux limestone in Russia

Location and standing of reserves of building stone in Russia

Location and standing of reserves of chalk in Russia

1.2. Review of existing quarries and explored fields for the production of high-quality lime in the European part of Russia

1.3. Requirements, imposed on quality of lime 1 and 2 grades


2. Production of building lime in Russia (including high )

2.1. Salable lime (without use for their own needs ) in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012

2.2. Regional pattern of production of lime in Russia Construction

2.3. Estimation of pattern of high-quality building limes on grades in the European part of Russia

2.4. Characteristics of the largest manufacturing enterprises

Ltd. "Pridonkhimstroi Lime" ( Voronezh region).

Branch "Krupennikov" of CJSC "Eldako" ( Voronezh region).

Ltd. "Fels Lime" (Kaluga region).

JSC "Building materials" ( Belgorod region).

Ltd. "Ruskalk" ( Rostov region).

CJSC "Eletsizvest" (Lipetsk region).

JSC "Uglovka lime combine" (Novgorod region).

CJSC " Klintsovsky lime plant"

"Plant the production of lime" (Vladimir region).

CJSC "Kopanishche complex of building materials" ( Voronezh region).

Enterprises that have stopped production of high quality lime

2.5. Projects on creation in the European part of Russia new enterprises on production of building lime . Prospects for the modernization of existing technologies

2.6. Supplies of lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012, major suppliers and consumers


3. The consumption of lime in Russia (including high-quality)

3.1. The consumption of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012

3.2. Volumes of consumption of lime in construction and metallurgical industries (companies without their own production of lime) in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012

3.3. Characteristics of the major manufacturers of aerated concrete in the European part of Russia

The group of companies "GRAS" (Kaluga, Saratov region).

The Central Federal District

OAO "Lipetsk plant products Housing" (Lipetsk region).

OAO "Lipetsk plant silicate products " (Lipetsk region).

CJSC " Xella - Aeroblok -center- Mozhaisk " ( Moscow region).

Ltd. " Egorievskiy plant of building materials " ( Moscow region).

CJSC " ELGAD - FOIA " ( Moscow reg. , Kolomna )

LLC " Plant of Building Materials» (Stary Oskol , Belgorod region).

CJSC " Liskigazosilikat " ( Voronezh region).

LLC "Eco" (Yaroslavl region).

JSC " Kostroma lime plant " (Kostroma region).

JSC "Combine " Red builder " ( Moscow region).

OAO " Tver plant cellular concrete " (Tver region).

North- West Federal District

Ltd. " Aeroc Saint-Petersburg " (Saint -Petersburg)

Ltd. "H + H" (Leningrad region).

CJSC " EvroAeroBeton " (Leningrad region).

Volga Federal District

"Perm Plant of Silicate Panels " ( Perm )

CJSC " Saratov plant of building materials " (Saratov region).

Southern Federal District

LLC " Plant of road and building materials (Rostov region).

3.4. Projects on creation in the European part of Russia new enterprises on production of aerated concrete


4. Review of prices on lime in Russia (including high-quality)

4.1. Overview of the market price for the commodity lime in Russia in 2007-2012

4.2. Forecast of price conjuncture up to 2020


5. Prospects and forecast of the market development

5.1. Market prospects of high-quality building lime

5.2. Forecast of development of end-uses high-quality building lime

Building materials industry

metallurgical industry

5.3. Forecast of production and consumption of high-quality construction of lime in Russia up to 2020


Appendix 1. Address Book of the largest Russian producers and consumers of

Appendix 2. GOST 9179-77 Building lime. Specifications

Table 1. Geographic location of balance reserves of flux limestone
Table 2. The greatest deposits of limestone in the European part of Russia
Table 3. Geographic location of balance reserves of chalk in Russia
Table 4. The largest deposits of chalk in the European part of Russia
Table 5. Sources of raw material producers of high quality lime in the European part of Russia
Table 6. Quality requirements for air lime GOST - 9179
Table 7. Quality requirements for hydraulic lime GOST - 9179
Table 8. The volume of production of building lime largest manufacturers of high-quality lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 9. Volumes of production of building lime in Russian regions in 2000-2012 , kt
Table 10. The volume of production of high-quality building lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 11. Quality figures of lime , LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime "
Table 12. Quality parameters of ground lime , LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime "
Table 13. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 14. Volumes and directions of export of lime , LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime " in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 15. Some of the financial performance of OOO " Pridonkhimstroi Lime " in 2007-2011 , mln.
Table 16. Quality figures of lime of JSC " Eldako " f- l " Krupennikov "
Table 17. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime F- la " Krupennikov " ZAO " Eldako " in 2008-2012 , t
Table 18. Some financial indicators of JSC " Eldako " in 2007-2010 , mln.
Table 19. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of LLC " Fels Lime " in 2009-2012 , t
Table 20. Some of the financial performance of OOO " Fels Lime " in 2008-2011 , mln.
Table 21. Quality figures of lime of JSC " Building materials "
Table 22. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of JSC " Building materials " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 23. Volumes and directions of export of lime of JSC " Building materials " in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 24. Some financial indicators of " materials " in 2007-2012 , mln. ,%
Table 25. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of LLC "Ore " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 26. Some of the financial performance of OOO "Ore " in 2007-2011 , mln.
Table 27. Quality figures of lime of JSC " Eletsizvest "
Table 28. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of JSC " Eletsizvest " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 29. Some financial indicators of JSC " Eletsizvest " in 2007-2011 , mln.
Table 30. Quality figures of lime of JSC " Uglovka lime combine "
Table 31. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of JSC " Uglovka lime combine " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 32. Some of the financial results of JSC " Uglovka lime combine " in 2007-2012 , mln.
Table 33. Technical characteristics of lime of JSC " Klintsovsky lime plant"
Table 34. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of JSC " Klintsovsky lime plant " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 35. Export supplies of lime of JSC " Klintsovsky lime plant " in 2010-2012 , kt
Table 36. Some financial indicators of JSC " Klintsovsky lime plant " in 2007-2011 , mln.
Table 37. Quality figures of lime of JSC "Plant of lime "
Table 38. Volumes and directions of supplies of lime of JSC "Plant of lime " in 2007-2012 , t
Table 39. Some of the financial results of JSC "Plant of lime " in 2007-2012 , mln.
Table 40. The volume of imported supplies of lime and the price for it , LLC " Nordkalk Alexeevka " in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , kt, $ / t
Table 41. Volumes of supplies of high-quality manufacturers of building lime in 2007-2012 , thousand t
Table 42. Directions and volumes of supplies of building lime producers in 2007-2012 , thousand t
Table 43. The main directions of the manufacturer of high-quality building lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) manufacturers of aerated concrete and the maximum possible amount of consumption of the lime
Table 44. The volume of exports of high-quality producers of lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 45. Import volumes of building lime in Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 46. Domestic consumption of high-quality lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 47. Manufacture of building blocks of autoclaved aerated concrete by regions of Russia in 2007-2012 , mln conventional . bricks %
Table 48. Volumes of supplies for w / d lime for building and steel industries in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 49. Manufacturers of concrete blocks in the European part of Russia with output and production technology
Table 50. Quality figures of lime , LLC " Plant of Building Materials»
Table 51. Average prices on lime in Russia in the construction 2001-2012 and 1 half of 2013 , rub. / T
Table 52. Average annual prices on lime construction by Russia and federal districts in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , rub. / T
Table 53. Comparative prices for high-quality construction and lime in Russia in 2009-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , rub. / T
Table 54. Prices on lime of some Russian enterprises in 2005-2013 , rub. / T
Table 55. Manufacture of building small blocks of cellular concrete by Federal Districts in Russia in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , mln conventional bricks
Table 56. Production of silica brick by Federal Districts in Russia in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , mln conventional bricks
Table 57. Volumes and directions of supplies of high-quality building lime metallurgical enterprises in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 58. Plans for the construction of new facilities for the production of rolled and reconstruction of existing facilities in the European part of Russia

Figure 1. Dynamics of production of building lime in Russia in 2000-2012 , mln t
Figure 2 . Regional structure of production of building lime in Russia in 2007-2012 ( by Federal Districts ),%
Figure 3 . Dynamics of production of high-quality building lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) by federal districts in Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 4 . Dynamics of production of high-quality lime (1st and 2nd grade) and its share in total production of building lime in Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 5 . Dynamics of production of high-quality lime in the European part of Russia on grades in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 6. Dynamics of production of high-quality building lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) by producers in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 7. The share of production of high quality lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) manufacturers in the European part of Russia in 2012 ,%
Figure 8. Flow sheet of production of lime , LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime "
Figure 9. Dynamics of production of lime , LLC " Pridonkhimstroi Lime " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 10 . Dynamics of production of lime of JSC " Eldako " branch " Krupennikov " in 2008-2012 , kt
Figure 11. Dynamics of production of lime , LLC " Fels Lime " in 2009-2012 , kt
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of lime of JSC " Building materials " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of lime , LLC " Ruskalk " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 14. Dynamics of production of lime of JSC " Eletsizvest " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of lime of JSC " Uglovka lime combine " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 16. Dynamics of production of lime of JSC " Klintsovsky lime plant " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of lime of JSC "Plant of lime " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 18. Dynamics of production of lime , LLC " Nordkalk Alexeevka " in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 19. Dynamics of production and consumption of high-quality building lime ( grades 1 and 2 ) in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Figure 20. Dynamics of average prices on lime construction in Russia in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , rub. / T
Figure 21. Dynamics of average quarterly prices on lime in Russia in the construction 2007-2012 and 1 half of 2013 , rub. / T
Figure 22. Dynamics of average monthly prices of building lime in Russia in 2010-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , rub. / T
Figure 23. The price of imported high-quality lime in Russia in 2007-2012 and the 1st half of 2013 , rub. / T
Figure 24. Dynamics of production of silica brick and porous concrete blocks in Russia in 2000-2012 , mln conventional . bricks
Figure 25. Dynamics of production of cellular blocks and consumption of high-quality lime in the European part of Russia in 2007-2012 , mln conventional . bricks , kt
Figure 26. The pessimistic forecast of the production of high-quality building limes and lime consumption in the production of concrete blocks and steel industry up to 2020 , kt
Figure 27. The optimal forecast of production of high-quality building limes and lime consumption in the production of concrete blocks and steel industry up to 2020 , kt
Figure 28. The optimistic forecast of the production of high-quality building limes and lime consumption in the production of concrete blocks and steel industry up to 2020 , kt


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