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Antifreeze and Household Coolant in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of the research on the market of antifreeze and household coolant in Russia.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of antifreeze and coolant.
The objects of research are antifreezes and coolants for vehicles, industrial facilities and households.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, we used data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, and also the websites of manufacturers of coolants.
Chronological scope of the study: 2016-2018; Forecast - 2019-2025
Geography of research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 84 pages, including 15 figures, 31 tables and 1 appendix.
The first chapter provides general information about antifreezes, their classification and physico-chemical properties.
The second chapter of the report describes the raw materials used for the production of antifreeze.
The third chapter lists industry regulations, norms and requirements for antifreeze and coolant.
The fourth chapter of the report is devoted to the production of antifreeze and coolant in Russia. This chapter describes the current state of the main antifreeze manufacturing enterprises in Russia, provides qualitative characteristics of the products, estimates the volume and structure of production in 2016-2018.
The fifth chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade operations with antifreezes and coolants in the Russian Federation in 2016-2018. Statistical data on the volumes of export and import operations, the regional structure of exports and imports, data on volumes and directions of supplies by the main exporters and importers are given, and the main foreign suppliers of antifreeze are described.
In the sixth chapter, a price analysis of antifreeze is carried out, current prices for antifreeze and coolant in the domestic Russian market, as well as the dynamics of export-import prices are given.
The seventh chapter of the report discusses the consumption of antifreezes and coolants in Russia in 2016-2018. This section presents the balance of production-consumption of products, estimates the structure of consumption by types and segments of consumption.
The eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of antifreeze and coolants for the period until 2025, taking into account the current state and prospects of the automotive industry and the Russian car market.
The appendix contains the address and contact information of the main enterprises producing antifreeze agents in Russia.
The target audience of the study:
- Market participants antifreeze and coolants - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists making managerial decisions working in the automotive chemistry market.
1. Description and classification of antifreeze and coolant. Physico-chemical properties of products
2. Raw materials used in industry. Availability of raw materials, supply directions
3. Industry, environmental and other regulatory regulations, norms and requirements for products
4. Production of antifreeze and coolant in 2016-2018. in Russia
4.1. Product quality
4.2. The volume of production and the structure of the release of antifreeze by region and manufacturer
4.3. Brief description of the largest Russian manufacturers of antifreeze agents (TOP-5). Current status and development prospects
Tosol-Synthesis-Invest LLC (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Obninskorgsintez JSC (Kaluga Region)
Tekhnoform OJSC (Klimovsk, Moscow region)
Delfin Group (Pushkino, Moscow Region)
Gelena-Himavto LLC (Moscow)
5. Foreign trade operations with antifreezes and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018.
5.1. Export of antifreeze and coolant. Scope and geography of deliveries, main suppliers and recipients
5.2. Import of antifreeze and coolant. Scope and geography of deliveries, main suppliers and recipients
5.3. Brief description of the main foreign suppliers
6. Price analysis for antifreeze and coolant
6.1. Domestic antifreeze and coolant prices
6.2. Export-import prices for antifreeze and coolant
7. Consumption of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018
7.1. The balance of production and consumption of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018
7.2. Consumption structure of antifreeze and coolant by assortment and consumption segments
8. Demand for antifreeze and coolant in Russia and its forecast until 2025
8.1. Current status and development prospects of the main areas of consumption
8.2. Estimation of antifreeze and coolant consumption by segment
8.3. Growth Drivers, Constraints
Application. Addresses of antifreeze manufacturing enterprises in Russia
Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol antifreezes in comparison with water
Table 2. Supplies of monoethylene glycol (MEG) to antifreeze producers in 2016-2018. by rail, t
Table 3. Forecast of production of monoethylene glycol (MEG) in Russia for the period up to 2025, thousand tons
Table 4. Import of additives for the production of antifreezes in Russia in 2016-2018, t
Table 5. Technical characteristics of cutting fluids (antifreezes) according to GOST 28084-89
Table 6. Physico-chemical properties of coolant concentrates
Table 7. Physico-chemical properties of pre-diluted coolants
Table 8. The main technical characteristics of antifreeze Tosol -40M
Table 9. The main physico-chemical characteristics of the concentrated antifreeze Tosol-AM
Table 10. The main brands of antifreeze produced by enterprises of the Russian Federation
Table 11. Volumes of production according to the item “Brake fluids for hydraulic gears; antifreezes and finished anti-icers ”(Rosstat) in 2013-2018 by regions of the Russian Federation, thousand tons
Table 12. Physico-chemical properties of Felix antifreezes produced by Tosol-synthesis-invest LLC
Table 13. Financial indicators of Tosol-synthesis-invest LLC in 2013-2017, million rubles
Table 14. Physico-chemical properties of Sintec antifreezes produced by Obninskorgsintez JSC
Table 15. Financial indicators of Obninskorgsintez JSC in 2014-2018, million rubles
Table 16. Financial indicators of Tekhnoform JSC in 2013-2016, million rubles
Table 17. Financial indicators of Delfin Industry JSC in 2013-2016, million rubles
Table 18. Financial indicators of Tektron LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles
Table 19. Financial indicators of Strextan LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles
Table 20. Financial performance of Gelena-Himavto LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles
Table 21. Export volumes of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018 in directions, t
Table 22. Deliveries volumes of antifreeze and coolant of the main Russian exporters in 2016-2018, t
Table 23. The main consumers * of exported antifreeze and coolant in 2016-2018, t
Table 24. Import volumes of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018 in directions, t
Table 25. The main suppliers of antifreeze and coolant to Russia in 2016-2018, t
Table 26. Volumes of imports of antifreeze and coolant to the main Russian recipients in 2016-2018, t
Table 27. Prices for antifreezes of Russian manufacturers in 2019 (rubles / pcs.)
Table 28. Prices for domestic coolants of Russian manufacturers in 2019 (rubles / pcs.)
Table 27. Export prices for antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018 by directions, $ / t
Table 28. Volumes of supplies of antifreeze and coolant for the main Russian exporters in 2016-2018, t
Table 29. Import prices for antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018 by directions, $ / t
Table 30. Import prices for antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018 by suppliers, $ / t
Table 31. The balance of production and consumption of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, thousand tons,%
Figure 1. Dynamics of production according to the item “Brake fluids for hydraulic gears; antifreezes and finished anti-icers ”(Rosstat) in 2013-2018, thousand tons
Figure 2. The structure of production according to the item “Brake fluids for hydraulic gears; antifreezes and finished anti-icers ”(Rosstat) by region of the Russian Federation in 2018,%
Figure 3. Dynamics of production of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, thousand tons
Figure 4. Pattern of production of antifreeze and coolant in Russia by producers in 2018,%
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of antifreeze and coolant JSC "Technoform" in 2009-2018, thousand tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of export-import of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, thousand tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of export of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, thousand tons, $ million
Figure 8. Dynamics of import of antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, thousand tons, $ million
Figure 9. Dynamics of export and import prices for antifreeze and coolant in Russia in 2016-2018, $ / t
Figure 10. Pattern of consumption of antifreeze and coolant by type in 2018,%
Figure 11. Pattern of consumption of antifreeze and coolant by consumption segments in 2018,%
Figure 12. Dynamics of car production in Russia in 2000-2018
Figure 13. Forecast of automobile production in Russia until 2025, million units
Figure 14. The dynamics of the growth of the fleet in Russia in 2012-2018, million units
Figure 15. Forecast of consumption of antifreeze and coolant in Russia until 2025 by segments, thousand tons