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Iron Powder and Carbonyl Iron in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (2 edition)

Número de páginas: 167 Número de tablas: 42 El número de cifras: 32
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 16.08.2024
Forma de presentación:

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Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


Настоящий отчет является 2-м изданием исследования рынка железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России и мире.

Цель исследования – анализ рынка железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России и прогноз его развития до 2030 г.

Данная работа является кабинетным исследованием. В качестве источников информации использовались данные статистических комитетов стран ЕАЭС (в том числе Росстата, Национального статистического комитета Республики Беларусь, Бюро национальной статистики Агентства по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан); международные базы данных ООН (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; данные международной и европейской торговли (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Федеральной таможенной службы РФ (до 2022 г.); Единой информационной системы в сфере закупок; статистики железнодорожных перевозок; базы СБИС;  зарубежных специализированных компаний; годовых и квартальных отчетов эмитентов ценных бумаг; отраслевой и региональной прессы, материалов конференций, интернет-сайтов предприятий-производителей и потребителей исследуемой продукции; научно-технической литературы (elibrary и др.), база патентов ФИПС; база данных «Инфомайн» и т.д.

Хронологические рамки исследования: 2007-2023 гг., прогноз – до 2030 г.

География исследования: Россия (комплексный анализ), мир (фрагментарно).

Объем исследования: отчет состоит из 7 частей, содержит 167 страниц, в том числе 42 таблицы, 32 рисунка и 2 приложения.

В первой главе отчета представлена классификация железных порошков и карбонильного железа, сырье для их производства, основные способы получения и характеристики разных видов порошков.

Во второй главе отчета рассмотрены основные торговые потоки с железными порошками в мире в 2014-2023 гг.

Третья глава отчета посвящена производству железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России. Представлена динамика их производства в 2007-2023 гг.

Четвертая глава отчета посвящена основным производителям железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России, по которым представлена информация по объемам производства, поставок и экспорте.

В пятой главе отчета приведены данные по экспорту и импорту железных порошков и карбонильного железа Россией в 2007-2023 гг. Здесь также дана динамика экспортных и импортных цен на железные порошки и карбонильное железо в РФ. Глава дополнена подробной информацией о российских импортерах и зарубежных поставщиках железных порошков. Кроме этого, рассмотрен экспорт-импорт железных порошков стран бывшего СССР.

В шестой главе отчета описывается потребление железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России. В ней приведена динамика их потребления в 2007-2023 гг., дана оценочная структура потребления по областям использования в России, указаны предприятия-потребители с оценкой объемов потребления железных порошков, а также проанализированы открытые тендеры и закупки железных порошков в 2015-2023 гг. в разрезе Заказчик-Исполнитель.

Седьмая глава отчета посвящена прогнозу развития рынка железных порошков и карбонильного железа в России до 2030 г.

В Приложениях приведена контактная информация основных предприятий, выпускающих, поставляющих и потребляющих железные порошки и карбонильное железо.


Целевая аудитория исследования:

- участники рынка железных порошков и карбонильного железа – производители, потребители, трейдеры;

- потенциальные инвесторы.

Предлагаемое исследование претендует на роль справочного пособия для специалистов, работающих на рынке железных порошков и порошковой металлургии, и принимающих управленческие решения.





1. Technologies for the production of iron powders and carbonyl iron, quality requirements, raw materials used

1.1 Iron powders

1.2 Alloyed iron-based powders

1.3 Powders of stainless chromium-nickel steels and corrosion-resistant steels and alloys

1.4 Carbonyl iron


2. The main trade flows with iron powders in the world in 2014-2023


3. Production of iron powders and carbonyl iron in the Russian Federation (2007-2023)


4. The main producers of iron powders and carbonyl iron in the Russian Federation in 2007-2023

OOO SSM-Tyazhmash/PAO Severstal (Vologda Region)

AO Polema (Tula Region)

OOO Grankom/AO Ruspolimet (Nizhny Novgorod Region)

ZAO Rostov Plant (ZAO STAKS)

OOO Sintez-PKZh (Nizhny Novgorod Region)

Other enterprises


5. Export-import of iron powders of the Russian Federation and other countries of the former USSR (2007-2023)

5.1 Export of iron powders of the Russian Federation

5.2 Export of carbonyl iron of the Russian Federation

5.3 Import of iron powders of the Russian Federation

5.4 Main suppliers of iron powders to Russia

5.5 Export-import prices for iron powders and carbonyl iron of the Russian Federation

5.6 Export-import of iron powders of the countries of the former USSR


6. Consumption of iron powders in the Russian Federation (2007-2023)

6.1 Production-consumption balance (2007-2023)

6.2 Consumption structure, main industries and areas of use

6.3 Main consumer enterprises


7. Forecast of production and consumption of iron powders in the Russian Federation until 2030


Appendix 1. Contact information of the main enterprises-producers of iron powders in the Russian Federation

Appendix 2. Contact information of the main enterprises-consumers of iron powders in the Russian Federation

Table 1. Technologies for the production of iron powders, carbonyl iron and the raw materials used

Table 2. Quality requirements for iron powders according to GOST 9849-86

Table 3. Granulometric composition of iron powder according to GOST 9849-86

Table 4. Bulk density of iron powder according to GOST 9849-86

Table 5. Quality requirements for high-alloy steel and alloy powders according to GOST 13084-88

Table 6. Granulometric composition of high-alloy steel and alloy powder according to GOST 13084-88

Table 7. Bulk density of high-alloy steel and alloy powder according to GOST 13084-88

Table 8. Quality requirements for powders sprayed from stainless chromium-nickel steels and nickel according to GOST 14086-68

Table 9. Fraction sizes, sieve composition and bulk density of powders sprayed from stainless chromium-nickel steels and nickel according to GOST 14086-68

Table 10. Physicochemical composition of carbonyl iron powders

Table 11. The main countries exporting alloy steel powder in 2014-2023, thousand tons, million dollars

Table 12. The main countries importing alloy steel powder in 2014-2023, thousand tons, million dollars

Table 13. Dynamics of production of iron powders and carbonyl iron by Russian companies in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Table 14. Quality requirements for iron powders produced in LLC "SSM-Tyazhmash", according to TU 14-1-5365-98

Table 15. Main technological properties of iron powders produced by SSM-Tyazhmash LLC

Table 16. Main technological properties of partially alloyed powders produced by SSM-Tyazhmash LLC

Table 17. Transportation of iron powders by PAO Severstal/OOO SSM-Tyazhmash in 2007-2023, t

Table 18. Dynamics of iron powder exports by SSM-Tyazhmash LLC by country in 2007-2023, t

Table 19. Quality requirements for corrosion-resistant powders produced by Polema JSC

Table 20. Chemical composition of serial iron-based powders for 3D printing and MIM technologies produced by JSC "Polema"

Table 21. The main companies-importers of powder alloy steel of JSC "Polema" in 2007-2023, kg

Table 22. Tender deliveries of carbonyl iron of LLC "Sintez-PKZh" by grades in 2018-2023, t, thousand rubles.

Table 23. Financial indicators of LLC "Sintez-PKZh" in 2009-2021, million rubles.

Table 24. Tender deliveries of LLC "NPF "Materials-K" in 2017-2023, t, thousand rubles.

Table 25. Characteristics of metal powder compositions produced by OZ Mikron

Table 26. Export of iron powder by the main Russian supplier companies in 2007-2023, t

Table 27. Directions of export deliveries of iron powder from the Russian Federation in 2007-2023, t

Table 28. Main foreign importers of Russian iron powder in 2007-2023, t

Table 29. Dynamics of export of carbonyl iron by the Russian Federation by country in 2007-2023, t

Table 30. Main foreign importers of Russian carbonyl iron in 2007-2023, t

Table 31. Directions of import purchases of iron-based powders by the Russian Federation in 2007-2023, t, thousand dollars

Table 32. The main Russian importers of iron powder in 2007-2023, tons

Table 33. The main suppliers of iron powder to the Russian Federation and Russian importers in 2007-2023, tons, dollars/t

Table 34. The main grades of iron powders produced by Höganäs and their areas of use

Table 35. Mass content of components in some iron-based powders supplied by Höganäs

Table 36. Average annual export prices for some types of iron powders and carbonyl iron of various Russian exporters in 2007-2015, dollars/t

Table 37. Average annual import prices for some types of iron powders supplied to Russia in 2007-2023, dollars/t

Table 38. Import dynamics iron powders by other countries of the former USSR in 2007-2023, t

Table 39. Dynamics of Ukrainian iron powder exports by country in 2007-2023, t

Table 40. Production-consumption balance of iron powders in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand t

Table 41. Main equipment installed in the metallurgical production of JSC Novomet-Perm

Table 42. Russian companies-consumers of iron powders and their suppliers in 2015-2023 (analysis of tenders and purchases)

Figure 1. Dynamics of world trade in iron powders in 2014-2023, thousand tons, million dollars

Figure 2. Dynamics of production of iron powders and carbonyl iron in Russia in 2007-2024, thousand tons

Figure 3. Share of companies in the production of iron powders and carbonyl iron in Russia in 2007-2023, %

Figure 4. Dynamics of production of iron powders in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 5. Scheme of the production cycle of SSM-Tyazhmash LLC

Figure 6. Dynamics of production of iron powders in SSM-Tyazhmash LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 7. Dynamics of exports of iron powders of SSM-Tyazhmash LLC and the share of exports in production in 2007-2023, thousand tons, %

Figure 8. Dynamics of production of alloyed steel powders by Polema JSC in 2007-2023, tons

Figure 9. Dynamics of export of alloyed powders and the share of exports in the production of Polema JSC in 2007-2023, tons, %

Figure 10. Dynamics of production of metal powders and granules by Grankom LLC in 2019-2023, tons

Figure 11. Dynamics of production of iron powders at STAKS CJSC in 2000-2008, thousand tons

Figure 12. Dynamics of production of carbonyl iron powders by Sintez-PKZh LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 13. Dynamics of export of carbonyl iron powders and the share of exports in the production of LLC "Sintez-PKZh" in 2007-2023, thousand tons, %

Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian exports of iron powders in 2007-2023, tons, thousand dollars

Figure 15. Dynamics of Russian exports of iron powders by type in 2007-2023, tons

Figure 16. Dynamics of Russian carbonyl iron exports in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 17. Change in the shares of the main countries-importers of Russian carbonyl iron in 2007-2023, %

Figure 18. Change in the shares of the main buyers of Russian carbonyl iron in 2007-2023, %

Figure 19. Dynamics of Russian imports of iron powders in 2007-2023, thousand tons, million dollars

Figure 20. Dynamics of Russian imports of iron powders by type in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 21. Supplies of iron powders by Höganes Eastern Europe LLC to Russia and its share in Russian imports in 2010-2023, thousand tons, %

Figure 22. Supplies of iron powders by Region DP LLC to Russia and its share in Russian imports in 2008-2016, thousand tons, %

Figure 23. Share of the main companies importing iron powders in the Russian Federation in 2023, %

Figure 24. Average annual export price of iron powder supplied from Russia in 2007-2023, dollars/t

Figure 25. Average annual export price of carbonyl iron in the Russian Federation and LLC Sintez-PKZ in 2007-2023, thousand USD/t

Figure 26. Average annual import price for iron powder supplied to Russia in 2007-2023, USD/t

Figure 27. Consumption of iron powders in Russia and supplies of iron powders by Höganes in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 28. Estimated structure of consumption of iron powders in Russia in 2018-2023, %

Figure 29. Estimated consumption of carbonyl iron in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 30. Supplies of iron powders to DAAZ JSC in 2007-2023, tons

Figure 31. Forecast of production of iron powders in Russia up to 2030 g., thousand tons

Figure 32. Forecast of consumption of iron powders in Russia up to 2030, thousand tons


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