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Titanium Powders and Titanium Tablet Ligatures in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)
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This report is the 4th edition of the market research of titanium powders and titanium tablet alloys in Russia
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for titanium powders and titanium tablet alloys in Russia and forecast its development.
The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that in the Russian market of marketing research this topic is not considered by anyone except the Infomine Research Group.
This work is a desk research.
Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.
Chronological scope of the study: 2007-2023.
Geography of the study: Russia – comprehensive market analysis.
Scope of the study: the report consists of 6 parts, contains 128 pages, including 27 tables, 13 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the report presents the classification of titanium powders, raw materials for their production, the main methods of production and characteristics of different types of powders.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the production of titanium powders in Russia. The dynamics of production in 2007-2023 is shown. the main manufacturer (PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation), information about other manufacturers in Russia is provided.
The third chapter of the report provides data on the export and import of titanium powders by Russia in 2005-2023. with distribution according to supply directions. Supplies of imported tableted titanium alloys are highlighted separately. The chapter is supplemented with detailed information about Russian importers and foreign suppliers of titanium powders, including average prices for titanium powders and alloys.
The fourth chapter of the report gives the dynamics of export prices for titanium powders, incl. by different brands and supplying companies, import prices - by country in 2005-2023.
The fifth chapter describes the consumption of titanium powders in Russia. It shows the dynamics of their consumption in 2007-2023, gives an estimated structure of consumption by area of use, and indicates Russian consumer enterprises. Russian companies producing tableted titanium alloy are described in detail. The chapter has also been supplemented with a section on the prospects for using titanium powders in additive technologies.
The sixth chapter is devoted to the forecast for the development of the titanium powder market in Russia.
The appendices provide contact information for the main enterprises producing, supplying and consuming titanium powders, as well as requirements for titanium porous powders.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants for titanium, titanium powders and alloys – manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for specialists working in the titanium and powder metallurgy market and making management decisions.
1. Raw materials for producing titanium powders, main methods of production and quality requirements
2. Production of titanium powders and the main manufacturing companies in Russia in 2007-2023.
"AVISMA" branch of PJSC "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation" (RF, Perm region)
JSC "Polema" (RF, Tula region)
Other businesses
3. Export-import of titanium powders of the Russian Federation in 2005-2023
3.1 Russian Federation export of titanium powders
3.2 Import of RF titanium powders
4. Prices for titanium powders in Russia in 2005-2023.
5. Consumption of titanium powders in Russia in 2007-2023.
5.1 Balance of production and consumption of titanium powders in Russia and the structure of their consumption
5.2 Main areas of use of titanium powders
5.2.1 Release of tablet ligatures
5.2.2 Other uses
5.3 Development of additive technologies and use of titanium powders
6. Forecast of the titanium powder market in Russia
Appendix 1. TU 1791-449-05785388-2010
Appendix 2. Contact information of the main manufacturers and consumers of titanium powders
Table 1. Quality requirements for TPP grade titanium powders
Table 2. Quality requirements for titanium powders according to TU 14-22-57-92
Table 3. Granulometric composition of titanium powders according to TU 14-22-57-92
Table 4. Quality requirements for titanium chemical powders
Table 5. Quality requirements for titanium electrolytic powders
Table 6. Granulometric composition of different grades of titanium powder (TU 1791-001-11805089-2014)
Table 7. Main importing companies of titanium powder PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2002-2023, tons
Table 8. Quality requirements for titanium powders produced by Polema JSC
Table 9. Main physical and technical indicators of titanium powders of JSC "Polema"
Table 10. Chemical composition of a number of brands of titanium powders of Polema JSC
Table 11. Directions and volumes of export supplies of titanium powder from the Russian Federation in 2005-2023, kg, tons
Table 12. Export of titanium powder by Russian supplying companies in 2005-2023, kg, tons
Table 13. Foreign companies importing Russian titanium powder in 2005-2023, kg, tons
Table 14. Directions of import supplies of titanium powder to the Russian Federation in 2005-2023, kg
Table 15. Suppliers of titanium powder in the Russian Federation and Russian importers in 2005-2023.
Table 16. Average annual export prices for titanium powder from Russian suppliers in 2005-2023, dollars/kg
Table 17. Average annual import prices for titanium powder by main countries in 2018-2023, dollars/kg
Table 18. Balance of production and consumption of titanium powders in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Table 19. Characteristics of titanium master alloys, Ekoraf LLC
Table 20. Financial indicators of Ekoraf LLC and Stroybis OK in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 21. Main characteristics of titanium-based tablets produced by Orion-Spetssplav-Gatchina LLC
Table 22. Characteristics of titanium master alloys, Orion-Spetssplav-Gatchina LLC
Table 23. Main financial indicators of Orion-Spetssplav-Gatchina LLC in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 24. Russian companies consuming titanium powder and their suppliers in 2015-2023. (analysis of tenders and procurement)
Table 25. Main parameters of 3-D devices for layer-by-layer synthesis from metal-powder titanium compositions
Table 26. Powder compositions of titanium supplied by manufacturers of additive technology devices
Table 27. Importing companies and volume of imports of titanium powders for additive technologies in 2009-2023.
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of titanium powders at PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Figure 2. The ratio of titanium powder grades in the exports of PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2010-2023, %
Figure 3. Dynamics of exports of titanium powder by JSC Polema in 2003-2023, kg
Figure 4. Dynamics of Russian exports of titanium powders in 2005-2023, tons, million dollars.
Figure 5. Change in the shares of the main importing countries of Russian titanium powder in 2005-2023, %
Figure 6. Dynamics of Russian imports of titanium powders in 2005-2023, tons, thousand dollars.
Figure 7. Average annual export prices for titanium powder in the Russian Federation and PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation in 2005-2023, dollars/kg
Figure 8. Average annual export prices of PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation for different grades of titanium powder in 2013-2023, dollars/kg
Figure 9. Estimated structure of consumption of titanium powders in Russia in 2018-2023, %
Figure 10. Forecast of the industry structure of the global AT market by 2025, %
Figure 11. Selective laser melting device SLM 280 from SLM Solution (Germany)
Figure 12. Structure of the use of various types of metal powders for 3D technologies, %
Figure 13. 3D printer RusMelt 310S produced by Rosatom State Corporation (Russia)