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Russian non-ferrous metallurgy: the current state, forecast of development up to 2020 and prospects up to 2030
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This report is the first edition of the research review of non-ferrous metallurgy Russia and forecast of its development.
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of the Ministry of Economy , Industry and Trade , Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia , sectoral and regional press , annual and quarterly reports of companies , web-sites of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy .
The chronological scope of the study : 2006-2013
Study geography : Russian Federation.
The report is composed of 8 Sections, contains 80 pages , including 24 Tables and 2 Appendices.
The first chapter is devoted to study the general characteristics of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy . Presents the industry achieved in 2006-2013 formulated problems and challenges of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy .
The second chapter analyzes the use of secondary raw materials (scrap) for the production of non-ferrous metals in Russia.
The third chapter is devoted to the study of security analysis of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy raw materials and other resources. The state of the mineral resource base of major non-ferrous and rare metals, presented data on the use of scrap and their role in the production of non-ferrous metals .
The fourth chapter analyzes the security of metallurgical production of nonferrous metals auxiliary materials , mining and metallurgical equipment.
The fifth chapter analyzes the investment activity of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, the results of the introduction of innovative processes.
The sixth chapter of the study is devoted to the production and consumption of non-ferrous metals , the forecast of consumption of non-ferrous metals up to 2020 and up to 2030
In the seventh chapter provides a forecast of the key economic indicators non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia until 2020 and up to 2030
Eighth chapter is devoted to identify and forecast the main target indicators non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia until 2020 and up to 2030
In the applications presented major investment projects non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises of Russia, as well as the balance of production and consumption of major non-ferrous metals in Russia in 2010-2013 and forecast in 2014-2020 and up to 2030
This research claims to be the reference guide for professionals taking management decisions , working in Russian non-ferrous metallurgy .
1. Current situation in non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia, the main indicators in 2006-2013
2. Provision of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy raw materials
Rare earth metals
3. Provision of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy secondary raw materials
4. Provision of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy auxiliary materials and equipment
5. Investments in non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia, the most important investment projects in 2020 , the introduction of new technologies and processes
6. Forecast of production and consumption of non-ferrous metals in Russia up to 2020 and 2030
Rare earth metals
7. Forecast of major economic indicators of development -ferrous metals up to 2020 and 2030
8. Identify and forecast of key target indicators of industry development
Appendix 1. Major investment projects of non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia
Appendix 2. Balance of production and consumption of major non-ferrous metals in Russia in 2010-2013 and forecast in 2014-2020 and up to 2030
Table 1: Shipments of products, works and services in Russian non-ferrous metallurgy 2011-2013, bln . %
Table 2: Major indicators non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia in 2006-2013
Table 3: Dynamics of production of the main types of non-ferrous metals in Russia in 2007-2013, % (2006 = 100)
Table 4: Dynamics of export of non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia in 2006-2013, bln
Table 5: Share of exports of base metals production in 2006-2013, %
Table 6: Dynamics of imports of non-ferrous metals in Russia in their apparent consumption in 2006-2013, %
Table 7: Trends in bauxite mining, alumina refining and nonferrous metals concentrates in Russia in 2007-2013, %
Table 8: Share of import raw materials from non-ferrous metals in domestic consumption in 2008-2013 %
Table 9: Share of exports of primary non-ferrous metal products ( concentrates) from their production in 2008-2013 , %
Table 10: Dynamics of the collection and use of base metals scrap in Russia in 2007-2012 , kt
Table 11: Share of secondary raw materials in the production of base metals Russia ( estimate) in 1992-2012 , %
Table 12: Dynamics of export and import of scrap base metals Russia in 2005-2013 , kt
Table 13: The share of imported auxiliary materials and chemicals used in non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia , %
Table 14: Supplies of imported equipment ferrous metallurgy enterprises of Russia in 2010-2013 , mln
Table 15: Investments in fixed capital subsector non-ferrous metallurgy in 2011-2013 , mln.
Table 16: Specific investment rate subsectors and activities in non-ferrous metallurgy , UAH / RUB . manufactured products (2012-2013)
Table 17: Dynamics of apparent consumption of non-ferrous metals in Russia in 2007-2013 , %
Table 18: Indices of industrial production of certain types of products using non-ferrous metals and products from them in 2007-2013 , % to previous year
Table 19: Areas of non-ferrous metals consumption and "points of growth " in Russia
Table 20: Projected production of base metals on various scenarios for 2020 and 2030 , in % by 2012
Table 21: Projected level of apparent consumption of base metals on various scenarios for 2020 and 2030 , in % by 2012
Table 22: Per capita consumption of non-ferrous metals in Russia (2012 , 2020 and 2030 forecast ) , kg / person , %
Table 23: Forecast of key economic and financial indicators of nonferrous metallurgy in 2015-2030
Table 24: Key indicators of development targets nonferrous metallurgy of Russia in 2020 and up to 2030