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Lead Concentrate and Lead Metal in CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)
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This report is the 6th edition of the lead concentrate and lead metal market research in Russia / CIS.
Market monitoring has been conducted since 1992.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the market of lead concentrate and lead metal in Russia and other CIS countries.
The objects of the study are lead concentrate and metallic lead.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information were used the data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, the State Customs Committee of Ukraine; data base UNdata and Eurostat; VLSI; materials of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as Internet sites of producers and consumers of lead.
Chronological framework of the study: 1992-2017; the forecast is up to 2025.
Geography of the study: Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan - complex market analysis.
The report consists of 10 parts, contains 87 pages, including 25 figures, 39 tables and 2 annexes.
The first chapter provides information on the mineral raw materials base of lead in the CIS countries, the structure of reserves and the characteristics of the main deposits.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the production of lead concentrate by enterprises of Russia and other CIS countries. This section of the report provides data on the volumes of lead production in concentrate in 1994-2017 in Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The third chapter is devoted to the description of the current state of the main lead producers in lead concentrate in the CIS - LLC "Novoangarskiy GOK" and LLC "Tajik-Chinese Mining Company".
In the fourth chapter, the projects on the development of new deposits and the forecast for the production of lead concentrate in the CIS are given.
The fifth chapter of the report contains data on foreign trade operations of Russia (1995-2011), Kazakhstan and Tajikistan (1998-2017) with lead concentrate. The volume of exports and imports, the geography of supplies, data on major suppliers are given.
The sixth chapter of the production of lead metal in Russia and other CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine) in 1992-2017.
In the seventh chapter of the report, the current status of the main producers of lead metal in the CIS is discussed: Kazzinc JSC, Frigate, Maglyuk GC, Ryaztsvetmet CJSC, Uralelectromed OJSC, and Svinets CJSC.
The eighth chapter presents data on foreign trade operations in Russia (1995-2011), Kazakhstan (1998-2017), Ukraine (2001-2017) with metallic lead. The volume of exports and imports, the geography of supplies, data on major suppliers are given.
The ninth chapter is devoted to the review of domestic consumption of lead in Russia and other countries of the NF. This section shows the balance of production-consumption of lead, the dynamics of the production of lead-acid batteries, the main consumers.
In the tenth, final, chapter of the report the forecast of lead production and consumption in Russia and the CIS countries for the period up to 2025 is given.
The appendix contains the address and contact information of the main enterprises - producers and consumers of lead concentrates and lead in Russia / CIS.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the lead market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed research claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make management decisions that work in the non-ferrous metals market.
1. Mineral base of lead in the CIS
Other CIS countries
2. Production of lead concentrate in the CIS (1992-2017)
Other CIS countries
3. The main producers of lead concentrate in the CIS
LLC "Novoangarskiy GOK" (OJSC "Gorevsky GOK")
LLC "Tajik-Chinese Mining Company"
4. Projects for the development of new deposits and the forecast for the production of lead concentrate in the CIS
5. Export-import of lead concentrate in the CIS (1995-2017)
Other CIS countries
6. Lead production in the CIS (1995-2017)
Other CIS countries
7. The main manufacturers of lead in the CIS
JSC Kazzinc (Kazakhstan)
Other CIS companies
LLC "Fregat" (Russia)
GC Maglyuk (Russia) (ZAO Maglyuk-Service / ZAO Agropribor)
ZAO Metcom Group
ZAO Ryaztsvetmet
OJSC "Uralelectromed"
ZAO "Svinets" (Ukraine)
8. Export-import of lead CIS
Other CIS countries
9. Lead consumption in the CIS
Other CIS countries
10. Forecast of lead production and consumption in the RF / CIS up to 2025
Appendix 1: Lead-bearing ore deposits to be developed for development in the Russian Federation
Appendix 2: Address book of producers and consumers of lead concentrate and lead in Russia / CIS
Table 1: Russia's main lead deposits and their reserves
Table 2: Characteristics of the developed lead deposits in Russia
Table 3: Characteristics of the main lead deposits in other CIS countries
Table 4: Release of lead in lead concentrate by Russian enterprises in 1992-2017, kt
Table 5: Release of lead in lead concentrate by enterprises of Kazakhstan in 1994-2017, kt
Table 6: Dynamics of extraction of ore and rock mass of JSC "Gorevsky GOK" (2012-2016)
Table 7: Distribution of exports of lead concentrate from the Russian Federation in terms of supply in 1995-2017, t
Table 8: Distribution of imports of lead concentrate in the Russian Federation by supply chain in 1995-2017, t
Table 9: Distribution of export of lead concentrate from Russia by exporting companies in 2002-2017, kt
Table 10: Distribution of export of lead concentrate from Kazakhstan by supply routes in 1998-2017, t
Table 11: Distribution of imports of lead concentrate in Kazakhstan in terms of supply in 1998-2017, kt
Table 12: Distribution of exports of lead concentrate from Tajikistan by supply chain in 1998-2017, t
Table 13: Production of lead in the Russian Federation by producers in 1992-2017, kt
Table 14:. Lead production in Kazakhstan by producers (1992-2017), kt
Table 15: Lead production in Ukraine by producers (1992-2017), kt
Table 16: Major lead import companies produced by LLC Fregat in 2014-207, kt
Table 17: The main financial indicators of LLC "Fregat" in 2012-2016, thousand rubles
Table 18: Major lead import companies produced by CJSC Agropribor in 2014-207, kt
Table 19: The main financial indicators of ZAO Agropribor in 2012-2016, thousand rubles
Table 20: Major lead import companies produced by ZAO Ryaztsvetmet in 2014-2017, kt
Table 21: The main financial indicators of ZAO "Ryaztsvetmet" in 2013-2016, thousand rubles
Table 22: The main financial indicators of ZAO "Svinets" in 2013-2016, thousand UAH
Table 23: Distribution of lead exports from the Russian Federation in terms of supply in 1995-2017, tons / Doll
Table 24: Lead exporting enterprises from Russia in 2002-2017, kt
Table 25: Lead exporting enterprises in the Russian Federation in 2005-2017, kt
Table 26: Distribution of lead imports of the Russian Federation by supply chain in 1995-2017, tons / Doll
Table 27: Distribution of lead exports from Kazakhstan in terms of supply in 1998-2017, thousand tons / million dollars
Table 28: Distribution of lead exports from Ukraine in terms of supply in 2001-2017, t / k$
Table 29: Distribution of lead imports of Ukraine in terms of supply in 2001-2017, t / k$
Table 30: Lead exporting enterprises of Ukraine in 2008-2017, kt
Table 31: Lead exporting enterprises of Ukraine in 2008-2017, kt
Table 32: Import of lead by other CIS countries in 1998-2017, t
Table 33: The balance of production and consumption of lead in Russia in 1995-2017, kt
Table 34: Release of automobile lead batteries in Russia by producers in 2004-2017, thousand pieces
Table 35: Supplies of lead to batteries and cable plants by rail in the Russian Federation in 2005-2017, kt
Table 36: Production of lead batteries in a number of CIS countries in 2005-2017, million pcs.
Table 37: The balance of production and consumption of lead in Ukraine in 2001-2017, kt
Table 38: The balance of production and consumption of lead in Kazakhstan in 1998-2017, kt
Table 39: Forecast of lead production and consumption in the Russian Federation to 2025, kt
Figure 1: Distribution of lead reserves by regions of Russia
Figure 2: Dynamics of lead production in lead concentrate in Russia in 1994-2017, kt
Figure 3: Structure of lead output in concentrate by main manufacturing companies in Russia,%
Figure 4: Quality of lead concentrates produced in Russia (lead content),%
Figure 5: Dynamics of lead production in lead concentrate in Russia in 1992-2017, kt
Figure 6: Structure of lead output in concentrate by main manufacturing companies in Russia in 1995-2017,%
Figure 7: Dynamics of lead production in lead concentrate in Russia in 1992-2017, kt
Figure 8: Dynamics of lead output in concentrate of LLC Novoangarskiy GOK in 1992-2017, kt
Figure 9: Structure of supplies of lead concentrate LLC Novoangarsk GOK in 2005-2017,%
Figure 10: Forecast of lead production in the concentrate of CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan) to 2025, kt
Figure 11: Dynamics of exports of lead concentrate in Russia in 1995-2017 (thousand tons / million dollars)
Figure 12: Dynamics of lead production in CIS countries in 1992-2017, kt
Figure 13: Structure of lead production in the CIS in 1992-2017,%
Figure 14: Dynamics of lead production in Russia in 1992-2017, kt
Figure 15: Structure of lead output by major manufacturing companies in Russia in 2007-2016,%
Figure 16: Lead production dynamics of JSC Kazzinc in 2009-2017, kt
Figure 17: Dynamics of Russia's exports and imports of lead in 1995-2017 (kt) and share of exports from production (%)
Figure 18: Major importing countries of Russian lead in 2007-2017,%
Figure 19: The volume of exports and imports of Russian lead ($ million) and the average annual contract price ($ / ton) in 1995-2017.
Figure 20: The main lead suppliers to Russia (1995-2017),%
Figure 21: Dynamics of lead export of Kazakhstan in 1998-2017 (thousand tons) and the share of exports from production (%)
Figure 22: The main directions of lead shipments from Kazakhstan in 1998-2017, t
Figure 23: Dynamics of export-import of lead of Ukraine in 2015-2017, kt
Figure 24: Apparent consumption of lead (thousand tons) and production of lead-in lead batteries (million pcs.) In Russia in 2005-2017
Figure 25: Dynamics of the price of lead (2017-2017) and forecast for 2018-2022, $ / t