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Copper in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)

Número de páginas: 122 Número de tablas: 41 El número de cifras: 44
Informe Idioma:
Liberado: 19.07.2013
Forma de presentación:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 500 Euro
This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the 6th edition of the copper market research in Russia.

The purpose of the study - an analysis of the copper market.

The objects of study are copper concentrate, blister and refined copper, copper rod and cupriferous hire.

This work is a desk study. As information sources, data of Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat), JSC "Russian Railways" (statistics of rail transportation), Federal Customs Service of Russia, the UN database (UNdata), the database "InfoMine". Also, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of company-producers of copper.

The chronological scope of the study: 1991-2012 outlook - 2013-2020

Geography Research: Russia.


The volume of research: report consists of 12 chapters, contains 123 pages, including a 41 tables, 44 figures and 1 Appendix.

In the first chapter of the report presents information on Mineral Reserves of copper in Russia, given the characteristics of the main deposits.

The second chapter provides information on the extraction and processing of copper-bearing ore and production of copper in concentrate production by Russian enterprises in 1991-2012 provides the profiles of the major processing plants that produce copper concentrate.

In the third chapter of the report provides an overview of Russian foreign trade in copper concentrate in 1992-2012.

The fourth chapter is devoted to a review of the current state of the main Russian producers of copper concentrate.

The fifth chapter presents data on production of blister copper commodity Russian enterprises (1992-2012), and in the sixth chapter provides an overview of the current state of the main manufacturers of blister copper in Russia.

The seventh chapter is devoted to the production of refined copper in Russia, given the dynamics of production in 1991-2012, the structure of production, the estimated proportion of secondary raw materials in the production of refined copper production capacity and found the proportion of their load.

In the eighth chapter of the report provides an overview of foreign trade of refined copper in Russia 1992-2012

In the ninth chapter of the report provides an overview of the current state of the main producers of refined copper in Russia.

 The tenth chapter is devoted to analysis of domestic copper consumption in Russia. This section presents supply-demand balance of the products, estimates sectoral structure of consumption, shows the dynamics of production of copper semi-finished products.

In the eleventh chapter provides an overview of the current state of the main consumers of copper in Russia, producing copper semi-finished products.

In the final, the twelfth chapter of the report presents forecast of production in Russia of copper concentrate, refined copper and copper semi-finished products (rods and rolled products) in Russia up to 2020, and forecast of consumption of copper.

The Appendix presents addresses and contact information on the main producers and consumers of copper.


The target audience of the study:

- Members of the copper market - producers, consumers, traders;

- Potential investors.


This research claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and for decision management solutions in the copper market.




1. Mineral resources of copper Russia

2. Production of copper-bearing ore and copper concentrate production in Russia in 1992-2012

3. Export-import of copper concentrate in Russia in 1992-2012

4. The current state of Russian companies - major producers of copper concentrate

Polar Division of OSC "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "


JSC "Uchalinsky GOK"

5. Production and supply of blister copper in Russia in 1990-2012

6. The current state of Russian enterprises - the main producers of crude copper


JSC "Svjatogor"

7. Production of refined copper in Russia in 1990-2012

8. Current state enterprises in Russia the main producers of refined copper in Russia

MMC "Norilsk Nickel"



9. Export-import of refined copper in Russia in 1992-2012

10. Copper consumption in Russia in 1990-2012

11. Current standing of the main producers of copper semi-finished products

JV "Catur-Invest"

Ltd. "Elkat" (Moskabelmet)

JSC "Kirov Non-Ferrous Metals Plant"

12. Forecast of development of the copper industry in Russia up to 2020

The mining sector

Production of refined copper

Release of copper and semi-finished copper consumption


Appendix: Contact information on the main enterprise-producers and consumers of copper in Russia

Table 1: Main industrial types of deposits of copper ores in Russia
Table 2: The main deposits of copper-bearing ores in Russia
Table 3: Distribution of copper mining companies holdings
Table 4: Existing processing plants of Russia for processing copper-bearing ores with the release of copper concentrate
Table 5: Production of copper in copper concentrate by Russia In 1990-2012, kt
Table 6: Exports of copper concentrate from Russia in the direction of the supply in 1990-2012, t
Table 7: Imports of copper concentrate from Russia in the direction of the supply in 1990-2012, t
Table 8: Russian exporters of copper concentrate in 1997-2012, kt
Table 9: Russian importers of copper concentrate in 1997-2012, kt
Table 10: Ore extraction in the Taimyr Peninsula in 2004-2012 by type of ores, mln t
Table 11: Stocks of copper in copper-nickel ores of the Norilsk deposits in the Taimyr Peninsula
Table 12: Technical and economic and financial indicators of "Gai GOK» in 2009-2012
Table 13: Key financial and economic indicators of "Uchalinsky GOK» in 2008-2012
Table 14: Production of commodity blister copper by Russian enterprises in 1990-2012, kt
Table 15: Exports of crude copper RF-suppliers in 1993-2000, t
Table 16: Russian exporters of blister copper in 1997-2000, t
Table 17: Volumes of raw materials supplied by JSC "SUMZ" in 2009-2012, kt
Table 18: Financial and economic indicators of "SUMZ" in 2006-2012, thousand rubles
Table 19: Key financial results of JSC «Svjatogor" in 2008-2012
Table 20: Production of refined copper enterprises in Russia in 1990-2012, kt
Table 21: Strong revenue MMC "Norilsk Nickel" and the proportion of copper in the sales of products in 2001-2012
Table 22: Russian company-consumers of refined copper MMC "Norilsk Nickel"
Table 23: Production of the main kinds of products with copper "Uralelectromed" in 2004-2012, kt
Table 24: Major companies - consumers of copper cathodes "Uralelectromed" in 2003-2012, kt
Table 25: Structure of commodity production "Uralelectromed" in 2010-2012
Table 26: Financial results KMEZ in 2003-2012
Table 27: Volumes and directions of supplies of refined copper from Russia in 1993-2012, kt
Table 28: Main exporters of refined copper from Russia in 1997-2012, kt
Table 29: Supply-demand balance of refined copper in 1990-2012, kt
Table 30: Production of copper rod by Russian enterprises in 1991-2012, kt
Table 31: Structure of consumption of refined copper by end-uses in 1992-2012, kt
Table 32: Volumes of copper to a number of cable plants in 2011-2012, kt
Table 33: Main applications of various types of cable products
Table 34: Production of rolled ferrous metals major plants in 2001-2012, kt
Table 35: Specific consumption of rolled copper and alloys for the manufacture of various pipes and radiators
Table 36: Production of selected industrial products that use cupriferous hire in 1990-2012, thousand pieces.
Table 37. Major companies, suppliers of copper to produce copper rod in LLC "Elkat" in 2006-2012, kt
Table 38: Production of various types of rolled ferrous metals JSC "Kirov Non-Ferrous Metals Plant" in 2005-2012, t
Table 39: Financial results of JSC "Kirov Non-Ferrous Metals Plant"
Table 40: Forecast of production of copper in concentrate holdings up to 2020, kt
Table 41: Forecast of production of refined copper by companies to 2020, kt

Figure 1: Stocks of copper in Russia, kt
Figure 2: Dynamics of production of copper in concentrate in Russia in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 3: Production of copper in concentrate by regions of the Russian Federation
Figure 4: The largest producers of copper in concentrate in Russia (2005, 2012), kt
Figure 5: Dynamics of export and import of copper concentrate in Russia in 1992-2012, kt
Figure 6: Structure of production of the Polar Division on the mines for 2007-2012,%
Figure 7: Structure of the copper production of the Polar Division of OJSC "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "in mines in 2007-2012,%
Figure 8: Flow sheet of metal of the Polar Division of OJSC "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "
Figure 9: Dynamics of production of copper in concentrate production of "Gai GOK» in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 10: Dynamics of production of copper in concentrate production of "Uchalinsky GOK» in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 11: Dynamics of production of commodity blister copper in Russia in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 12: Scheme of supplies of commodity blister copper in Russia
Figure 13: Dynamics of production of blister copper at JSC "SUMZ" in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 14: Dynamics of production of blister copper at JSC "Svjatogor" in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 15: Dynamics of production of refined copper in Russia in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 16: The ratio of shares of Russian enterprises in production of refined copper (1990, 1997, 2005, 2012),%
Figure 17: Shares of Russian holdings in the production of refined copper (2005, 2012),%
Figure 18: Dynamics of production of refined copper in the Taimyr Peninsula and the whole MMC "Norilsk Nickel" in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 19: Share of exports in the supply of copper "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "in 2005-2012,%
Figure 20: Geographic pattern of revenue from copper sales of "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "in 2009-2012,%
Figure 21: Dynamics of production of refined copper "Uralelectromed" in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 22: Level of capacity utilization for the production of metal recycling cathode "Uralelectromed» in 2005-2012,%
Figure 23: Dynamics of export of copper cathode "Uralelectromed" (kt) and share of production (%) v1997-2012
Figure 24: Dynamics of production of refined copper at CJSC "KMEZ" in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 25: Dynamics of Russian exports of refined copper
Figure 26: Share of exports of Russian refined copper production levels from v1992-2012,%
Figure 27: Dynamics of Russian exports of refined copper and copper wire rod in 2001-2012, kt
Figure 28: Distribution of copper supply on the main export destinations in 1993-2012, kt
Figure 29: Dynamics of average prices of copper exports from Russia and world prices in 1996-2012, $ / t
Figure 30: Dynamics of Russian imports of refined copper
Figure 31: Dynamics of apparent consumption of refined copper in Russia in 1990-2012, kt
Figure 32: Dynamics of production of copper rod and copper-bearing steel in Russia in 1991-2012, kt
Figure 33: Refining of copper in the manufacture of RF cable products in 1998-2012, kt
Figure 34: Dynamics of production of various types of rolled ferrous metals in Russia in 1991-2012, kt
Figure 35: Estimated structure of use of refined copper in Russia,%
Figure 36. Dynamics of production of copper rod CJSC "JV" Catur-Invest "(tonnes) and sales revenue (million rubles)
Figure 37: Dynamics of export of copper wire rod CJSC "JV" Catur-Invest »(kt) and share of production (%) in 2005-2012
Figure 38: Dynamics of production of copper wire rod, LLC "Elkat" in 1999-2012, kt
Figure 39: Production of copper in concentrate in Russia and forecast up to 2020, kt
Figure 40: Value of production of copper in copper concentrate of the holdings in 2005, 2012, 2015 and 2020,%
Figure 41: Forecast of production of refined copper in the Russian Federation
Figure 42: Value of production of refined copper holdings in 2005, 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2020,%
Figure 43: Forecast of production of copper rod and copper-bearing steel in Russia up to 2020, kt
Figure 44: Forecast of consumption of copper in Russia and in the production of copper cabling products up to 2020, kt


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