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Review of modern coal preparation technologies in the world
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This report is available both in Russian and English versions
The purpose of research - the study of the latest technology of coal preparation
The object of study - the technology of coal preparation equipment for coal preparation
Geography of research - Russia and the World
This work is a desk research. As information sources, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, materials, websites of companies engaged in mining and processing of coal, production equipment, design and engineering companies, materials, scientific articles and conferences.
When working on a report conducted telephone interviews with market participants.
The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 190 pages, 39 figures and 19 tables.
The first chapter describes the existing coal preparation technology as the well-known traditional and new, have received less widespread.
This chapter provides information on the basic technology of coal preparation, gave a detailed description of technologies that are currently used in the world on an industrial scale.
In the second chapter describes the features of the existing coal preparation practices in the largest coal-producing countries. Examples of the use of the latest achievements in coal preparation industry.
The third chapter is devoted to the main manufacturing companies of equipment for coal preparation in Russia and the world. Provides a brief summary of companies, contacts, on which coal preparation plant in Russia used their equipment.
The fourth chapter is a detailed description of the largest Russian enrichment plants, indicating the used technologies and equipment.
In the fifth chapter describes the basic principles of decision-making on the necessity and feasibility of building a new coal preparation plant.
The sixth chapter contains information about the Russian expert organizations to conduct a qualitative analysis of coal washability for the purpose of selecting the optimal technology for its further enrichment.
1. Summary of the existing coal preparation technologies. Current status and prospects
1.1. Gravitational methods of enrichment of coal
1.1.1. Enrichment in heavy media
1.1.2. Hydraulic jigging
1.1.3. Pneumatic jigging
1.1.4. Steeply inclined separators
1.2. Enrichment in hydrocyclones
1.3. Flotation
1.4. Other technologies of coal enrichment
1.4.1. The enrichment in the water flow on an inclined plane
1.4.2. Enrichment gidrosayzere
1.4.3. Special methods of coal preparation
1.5. Dehydration dressing products
1.5.1. Screening
1.5.2. Centrifugation
1.5.3. Filtering
1.5.4. Thickening
2. Latest technology of coal preparation, experience of using technology in the largest coal countries
2.1. China
2.2. USA
2.3. Australia
2.4. South Africa
2.5. India
2.6. Germany
2.7. Norway (Svalbard)
3. Major World (including RF) equipment manufacturers for the enrichment of coal
Annotations manufacturing companies
4. The main processing plants in Russia (the largest and the newly commissioned)
4.1. Plant "Raspadskaya" (MC "Raspadskaya")
4.2. Plant "Mezhdurechenskaya" (LLC "Holding Sibuglemet")
4.3. Plant "Antonovskaya" (LLC "HoldingSibuglemet")
4.4. Plant "Matyushinskaya" (CJSC "Stroyservice")
4.5. Listvyazhnaya (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.6. Plant "Chernigovets" (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.7. Plant "Chernigov-Coke" (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.8. Plant "Cascade-1" and "Cascade-2" (JSC "Kuzbass Fuel Company")
4.9. Central plant "Schedruhinskaya" (CJSC "Toprom")
4.10. Plant "Kasyanovskaya" (LLC "VostSibUgol")
4.11. Plant "Sputnik" (MC "Nina")
4.12. Central plant "Siberia" (JSC "Mechel")
4.13. Plant "Neryungrinsky" (OJSC "HC" JAkutugol "/ Mechel)
4.14. Plant "Elga" (OJSC "HC" JAkutugol "/ Mechel)
4.15. Plant "Bungursky-North"
4.16. Central plant "Pechora" (JSC "Vorkutaugol")
4.17. Plant "Listvyanskaya-1" and "Listvyanskaya-2" (JSC "Siberian Anthracite")
4.18. Plant mine them. Kirov (OJSC "SUEK")
4.19. Plant "Montenegrin" (OJSC "SUEK")
4.20. Plant "Tugnui" (OJSC "SUEK")
5. The process of deciding whether to build a concentrator
6. Expert organizations to conduct qualitative analysis on coal washability
6.1. LLC "SibNIIugleobogaschenie"
6.2. JSC «SGS» (SGS Vostok Limited)
6.3. Mineral and Geochemical Research Center and the Center of Mineral Resources of the company CETCO / LLC "Coraline Engineering"
6.4. Testing center of "Eastern Research Institute of Coal Chemistry" (JSC "VUHIN")
6.5. JSC "Institute of solid fuel enrichment"
Table 1. Specifications Heavy-separators SKVP
Table 2. Specifications of vibration filtering centrifuges Tema
Table 3. Basic methods of coal preparation used in the largest coal-producing countries,%
Table 4. Some Projects of The Daniels Company (USA)
Table 5. The main international and Russian manufacturers of equipment for coal preparation
Table 6. Key Features sifter FGX (China)
Table 7. List of equipment manufactured by ANDRITZ AG
Table 8. Main concentrators RF
Table 9. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering plant "Raspadskaya"
Table 10. The volume and cost of coal processing PF "Mezhdurechenskaya" in 2011-2013, kt., USD / t
Table 11. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering PF "Antonovskaya"
Table 12. Performance Fund "Chernigov" in 2011-2013, mln t,%, USD / t
Table 13. Key indicators concentrators "Cascade-1" and "Cascade 2"
Table 14. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering plant "Sputnik"
Table 15. Main indicators of production activity of JSC "Mine" Nina "in 2012-2013, th.
Table 16. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering PF p. "Elga"
Table 17. Qualitative characteristics of coal concentrates production of "Vorkutaugol"
Table 18. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering central plant "Pechora"
Table 19. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering plant "Listvyanskaya-2"
al'> 2. Latest technology of coal preparation, experience of using technology in the largest coal countries
2.1. China
2.2. USA
2.3. Australia
2.4. South Africa
2.5. India
2.6. Germany
2.7. Norway (Svalbard)
3. Major World (including RF) equipment manufacturers for the enrichment of coal
Annotations manufacturing companies
4. The main processing plants in Russia (the largest and the newly commissioned)
4.1. Plant "Raspadskaya" (MC "Raspadskaya")
4.2. Plant "Mezhdurechenskaya" (LLC "Holding Sibuglemet")
4.3. Plant "Antonovskaya" (LLC "HoldingSibuglemet")
4.4. Plant "Matyushinskaya" (CJSC "Stroyservice")
4.5. Listvyazhnaya (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.6. Plant "Chernigovets" (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.7. Plant "Chernigov-Coke" (JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal ")
4.8. Plant "Cascade-1" and "Cascade-2" (JSC "Kuzbass Fuel Company")
4.9. Central plant "Schedruhinskaya" (CJSC "Toprom")
4.10. Plant "Kasyanovskaya" (LLC "VostSibUgol")
4.11. Plant "Sputnik" (MC "Nina")
4.12. Central plant "Siberia" (JSC "Mechel")
4.13. Plant "Neryungrinsky" (OJSC "HC" JAkutugol "/ Mechel)
4.14. Plant "Elga" (OJSC "HC" JAkutugol "/ Mechel)
4.15. Plant "Bungursky-North"
4.16. Central plant "Pechora" (JSC "Vorkutaugol")
4.17. Plant "Listvyanskaya-1" and "Listvyanskaya-2" (JSC "Siberian Anthracite")
4.18. Plant mine them. Kirov (OJSC "SUEK")
4.19. Plant "Montenegrin" (OJSC "SUEK")
4.20. Plant "Tugnui" (OJSC "SUEK")
5. The process of deciding whether to build a concentrator
6. Expert organizations to conduct qualitative analysis on coal washability
6.1. LLC "SibNIIugleobogaschenie"
6.2. JSC «SGS» (SGS Vostok Limited)
6.3. Mineral and Geochemical Research Center and the Center of Mineral Resources of the company CETCO / LLC "Coraline Engineering"
6.4. Testing center of "Eastern Research Institute of Coal Chemistry" (JSC "VUHIN")
6.5. JSC "Institute of solid fuel enrichment"
Figure 1. Heavy-wheel separator DREWBOY (manufacturer Alta)
Figure 2. Diagram of the hydrocyclone Heavy-GT-710
Figure 3. steeply inclined separator KNS
Figure 4. General view of the hydrocyclone
Figure 5: A general view of the hydrocyclone battery
Figure 6. The rotor flotation machine production of "Usolmash"
Figure 7. Flotation machine StackCell
Figure 8. Screw (spiral) separator Roche (production Dawner-Mineral Technology)
Figure 9. The device gidrosayzera
Figure 10. Rentgenoabsorbtsionny separator TOMRA Sorting GmbH
Figure 11. Installing rentgenoabsorbtsionnogo separator XRT (production TOMRA) on the cut Arnot Colliery (Australia)
Figure 12. The roar of the "banana"
Figure 13. Use the main coal preparation technologies depending on the class size coal
Figure 14. Installing LARCODEMS production Courtesy of Don Valley Engineering Ltd.
Figure 15. A typical scheme of coal preparation in the US
Figure 16. The new "design" for the coal preparation plant (USA)
Figure 17. The volume of coal production in the world's largest manufacturers of 2012-2013, mln t
Figure 18. Flow sheet of coking coal enrichment factory "Guohua" (China)
Figure 19. Flow sheet of steam coal enrichment factory "Guohua" (China)
Figure 20. Schematic diagram of the circuit apparatus factory "Shannon Breng"
Figure 21. Circuit diagram vehicles factory "Keystone» №4
Figure 22. Typical flowsheet for coking coal deposits State Queensland (Australia)
Figure 23. An alternative scheme enrichment of coking coal, which includes an additional line enrichment class -2 + 0.25 mm
Figure 24. Typical flowsheet of steam coal deposits HunterValley (Australia)
Figure 25. Scheme of enrichment steam coal with a two-step enrichment of small class
Figure 26. Scheme of the jig internal pressure Gekko IPJ (Australia) and specifications
Figure 27. DIC with the installation of dry processing FGX-12 w / y "Eastern"
Figure 28. Depositor alljig® (manufacturer Allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik)
Figure 29. Depositor BATAC® (producer - MBE)
Figure 30. Air Flotation PNEUFLOT® (manufacturer MBE)
Figure 31. Dynamics processing and coking coal concentrate production at the concentrators Russia in 2000-2013, mln t
Figure 32. Dynamics of processing and production of steam coal concentrate at the concentrators Russia
Figure 33. Flow sheet of enrichment PF "Raspadskaya"
Figure 34. Scheme of circuit devices PF "Antonovskaya"
Figure 35. Scheme of circuit devices PF "Sputnik"
Figure 36. Scheme of circuit devices concentrator CEP "Siberia"
Figure 37. Project flowsheet PF "Neryungrinskaya"
Figure 38. Scheme of circuit devices PF "Pechora"
Figure 39. Scheme of the discharge car BEW 3000