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Hafnium in Russia, CIS and the World: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)
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This report is the 3rd edition of hafnium market research in the world, Russia and the CIS.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the hafnium market in the world, Russia and the CIS and a forecast for its development.
The uniqueness of the research lies in the fact that such a topic is not considered in such detail in the market for marketing research in Russia.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, we used data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Statistics of Ukraine, materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of manufacturers of the products in question, websites of hafnium producers and consumers, scientific and technical literature, and a database financial statements of organizations of the Russian Federation, the UN database, the database "Infomine".
Chronological scope of the study: 2005--2018.
Geography of research: CIS (Russia and Ukraine) - a comprehensive analysis of the market, the world is considered fragmentarily.
Study volume: the report consists of 3 parts, contains 53 pages, including 16 tables, 24 figures and 1 appendix.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to a review of the global hafnium market. This section provides data on the main manufacturing companies, presents data on foreign trade by the main countries, gives the dynamics of prices for supplied hafnium, shows the areas of its consumption.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the hafnium market in the CIS. This section provides data on manufacturers of these products in Russia and Ukraine. The analysis of foreign trade operations of Russia and Ukraine with hafnium and hafnium-containing products (hafnium oxide, hafnium chloride) is made. Data on volumes of exports and imports of the studied products in physical and monetary terms are presented, the regional supply structure is shown, data on the main exporting companies are presented. The dynamics of prices for hafnium exported from Russia and Ukraine is also shown. The capacity of Russian consumption of hafnium was also estimated, the results of the bidding for these products are given.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of the prospects for the global and domestic hafnium market.
The appendix contains contact information of the main enterprises-producers and consumers of hafnium in Russia and Ukraine.
The target audience of the study:
- Rare metals market participants - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of a reference guide for specialists working in the rare metals market and making managerial decisions.
1. The global hafnium market
1.1 Raw materials for the release of hafnium
1.2 Assessment of global production of hafnium, major manufacturing companies
1.3 Trading operations of a number of countries with hafnium
1.4 Areas of hafnium consumption
1.5 Dynamics of prices for hafnium
2. Russian / CIS hafnium market
2.1 Characteristics of the market for raw materials for the production of hafnium
2.2 Assessment of hafnium production in Russia / CIS, hafnium producers in the CIS
JSC Chepetsk Mechanical Plant (ChMZ)
GNPP Zirconium / SE Vostochny GOK
2.3 Trade operations of Russia with hafnium and compounds, the dynamics of export-import prices for hafnium (2012-2018)
2.3.1 Export of hafnium metal
2.3.2 Import of metallic hafnium
2.3.3 Export and import of hafnium compounds
2.4 Trade operations of Ukraine with hafnium, dynamics of export-import prices for hafnium (2012-2018)
2.5 Consumption of hafnium in Russia
3. The main trends and forecasts for the development of global and domestic hafnium markets
Appendix: Address book of the main producers, importers and consumers of hafnium in the CIS
Table 1. World reserves of hafnium in mineral raw materials, thousand tons of HfO2
Table 2: Typical Chemical Analysis of Hafnium Production by Wah Chang *
Table 3: Wah Chang Albany Nomenclature for Hafnium Based Chemicals
Table 4: Directions of export supplies of hafnium from France in 2007-2018, t
Table 5: Directions of export-import supplies of hafnium from Germany in 2007-2018, t
Table 6: Chemical composition of Ni-based superalloys
Table 7: The chemical composition of the ligatures based on hafnium,%
Table 8: Directions of export supplies of metallic hafnium from the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, kg
Table 9: The main company-recipients of exported metallic hafnium from the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, kg
Table 10: Russian companies importing hafnium in 2012-2018, kg
Table 11: Import of RF hafnium oxides in 2012-2018 by suppliers and importers, kg
Table 12: Import of hafnium chlorides of the Russian Federation in 2013-2018 by suppliers and importers, kg
Table 13: Directions of export supplies of hafnium products from Ukraine in 2012-2018, t
Table 14: Results of open tenders for the supply of hafnium products of the Russian Federation in 2013-2018, kg
Table 15: Results of open bidding for the supply of hafnium oxide products of the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, kg
Table 16: Deliveries of Boeing and Airbus of new aircraft to customers in 2007-2018, units
Figure 1: Estimated structure of world production of hafnium by companies (2016), t
Figure 2: Dynamics of imports of US hafnium in 2007-2018, t
Figure 3: Estimated structure of hafnium consumption (2016),%
Figure 4: Dynamics of prices in the US market for metallic hafnium in 2000-2018, dollars / kg
Figure 5: Dynamics of France's export prices for supplied hafnium in 2009-2018, Euro / kg
Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the production of hafnium ChMZ
Figure 7: Dynamics of export of hafnium and hafnium ligature
Figure 8: Dynamics of export of the Russian Federation of metallic hafnium in 2010-2018, kg / thousand Doll
Figure 9: Geographic structure of Russian export of hafnium metal (summary for 2012-2018),%
Figure 10: Pattern of export supplies of hafnium from Russia by type of product (consolidated for 2012-2018),%
Figure 11: Average annual price of exported tablets from pressed hafnium of the Russian Federation in 2015-2018, dollars / kg
Figure 12: Dynamics of imports of hafnium in the Russian Federation in 2008-2018,
Figure 13: Geographic structure of hafnium imports by Russia
Figure 14: Structure of hafnium imported products of the Russian Federation 2012-2018,%
Figure 15: Dynamics of imports of hafnium oxides in the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, kg / thousand Doll
Figure 16: Geographic structure of suppliers of hafnium oxides of the Russian Federation (consolidated for 2012-2018),%
Figure 17: Dynamics of imports of hafnium chlorides in the Russian Federation in 2012-2018, kg / dollar
Figure 18: Dynamics of export of hafnium of Ukraine in 2008-2018, t
Figure 19: Dynamics of Ukraine's export of hafnium compounds in 2012-2018, kg
Figure 20: Geographic structure of deliveries of hafnium compounds from Ukraine (consolidated for 2012-2018),%
Figure 21: Average annual export price of Ukraine of materials based on hafnium oxide in 2012-2018, dollars / kg
Figure 22: Export price of Ukraine materials based on hafnium oxide for different directions of supplies in 2018, USD / kg
Figure 23: Dynamics of hafnium import volumes and its domestic purchases in Russia in 2013-2018, kg
Figure 24: Dynamics of nuclear energy production in the world in 1998-2018, TWh