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Dry Building Mixes in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
This report is a study of the Russian market of dry construction mixtures in 2007-2017.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market for dry construction mixtures.
The object of the study are modified dry building mixtures.
This work is a desk study. Information sources of the Federal State Statistics Service, customs statistics of the Russian Federation, the UN UNDATE database of foreign trade operations, InfoMine LLC, as well as materials of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of manufacturers of dry construction mixtures were used as sources of information.
Chronological framework of the study: 2007-2017; forecast - 2018-2025.
Geography of the study: The Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 99 pages, including 21 figures, 24 tables and 2 annexes.
In the first chapter of the report, a classification of dry construction mixtures is given, their types and purpose are considered.
The second chapter of the report presents the technology of production of dry construction mixtures.
The third chapter is devoted to the production of the products in question in Russia. The capacities of the largest manufacturers are presented, the dynamics of production of modified building mixtures in 2007-2017, the structure of production in 2015-2017. The chapter also describes the current state of the largest manufacturers of dry construction mixtures.
The fourth chapter of the report contains data on Russian foreign trade operations with dry construction mixtures for the period 2015-2017. Dynamics, directions and structure of export-import supplies are analyzed. The brief description of the largest foreign suppliers of SSS to the Russian market is given.
The fifth chapter presents data on domestic and export-import prices for dry building mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017.
The sixth chapter of the report is devoted to the consumption of the products in question in Russia. This section shows the balance of consumption of modified dry building mixtures in 2007-2017. and the structure of consumption in 2015-2017. Also, factors that influence the development of the market are characterized.
The seventh chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of dry construction mixtures for the period up to 2025.
The annexes provide information on the composition of some types of dry building mixtures, as well as targeted and contact information of the main Russian enterprises that produce the products in question.
The target audience of the study:
- participants of the market of dry construction mixtures - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and specialists who make managerial decisions on the market for dry construction mixtures.
1. Classification of dry construction mixtures, their types and purposes
2. Technology of production of dry construction mixtures
3. Production of modified dry construction mixtures in Russia
3.1. The capacities of the largest Russian manufacturers of modified dry construction mixtures
3.2. Dynamics of production in 2007-2017
3.3. Structure of the Russian production of modified dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017
3.4. The current state of the largest manufacturers of dry construction mixtures
4. Foreign trade operations with dry building mixtures in Russia
4.1. Volumes of foreign trade operations in 2007-2017
Import of dry building mixtures in 2015-2017
Export of dry building mixtures in 2015-2017
4.2. Brief description of foreign manufacturers of dry construction mixtures represented on the Russian market
Lithuanian companies
Turkish companies
Polish companies
5. Prices for dry building mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017
5.1. Prices of Russian manufacturers on the domestic market
5.2. Review of export-import prices
6. Domestic consumption of dry building mixtures in Russia
6.1. Consumption balance in 2007-2017
6.2. Structure of consumption in 2015-2017
6.3. Factors affecting the development of the market
7. The forecast of development of the market of dry building mixtures in Russia for the period up to 2025
Appendix 1. Composition of some dry construction mixtures for different applications
Appendix 2. Addresses of enterprises producing dry construction mixtures in Russia
Table 1. Characteristics of the main modifying additives used for the production of dry construction mixtures
Table 2. Capacities of Russian enterprises for the production of dry construction mixtures at the beginning of 2018, thousand tons per year
Table 3. Russian production of construction mortars (dry) by regions (Federal Districts) in 2013-2016, kt
Table 4. Russian production of concrete mixes (dry) by regions (Federal Districts) in 2013-2016, kt
Table 5. Russian production of construction mixtures by regions (Federal Districts) in 2016-2017, kt
Table 6. A brief description of the Russian enterprises of Knauf, which produce dry building mixtures
Table 7. Brief description of the enterprises Corporation "Volma", producing dry building mixtures
Table 8. Stages of development of production of dry building mixtures of the UNIS Group of Companies
Table 9. Brief description of the enterprises of LLC "Sedrus", which produce dry construction mixtures
Table 10. Brief description of the enterprises of "Bergauf Building Technologies", producing dry building mixtures
Table 11. Brief description of the enterprises of Henkel-Bautechnik LLC, which produce dry construction mixtures
Table 12. Brief description of the enterprises of LLC "EM Sau Bauhemi", producing dry building mixtures
Table 13. Brief description of the enterprises of LLC "Saint-Gobain Construction Products Rus", producing dry building mixtures
Table 14. Brief description of the enterprises of Kreps Corporation, which produce dry construction mixtures
Table 15. Geographical structure of Russian imports of dry construction mixes by type in 2015-2017, t, thousand $
Table 16. The main countries-suppliers of dry construction mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017, kt
Table 17. Structure of Russian imports of dry mixes by supplier companies in 2015-2017, t
Table 18. The largest Russian recipients of imported dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017, t
Table 19. Geographical structure of Russian exports of dry mixes by type in 2015-2017, t, thousand $
Table 20. The main recipient countries of Russian dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017, kt
Table 21. The largest Russian exporters of dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017, t
Table 22. Prices for the products of the largest foreign producers supplying CAS to Russian consumers in 2015-2017, kt, $ / t
Table 23. The prices for the products of the largest Russian enterprises supplying CAS to the external market in 2015-2017, kt, $ / t
Table 24. The balance of production-consumption of dry construction mixtures in Russia in 2007-2017, million tons,%
Figure 1. Classification of dry building mixtures
Figure 2. Flow chart of mini-plant dry mixes
Figure 3. Dynamics of production of dry construction mixtures in Russia in 2007-2017, million tons
Figure 4. Evaluation of the regional structure of the Russian production of dry construction mixtures in 2017,%
Figure 5. Dynamics of the structure of Russian production of dry mixes for manufacturing companies in 2009, 2013, 2017,%
Figure 6. The structure of the Russian production of dry mortars according to the type of binder
Figure 7. Structure of the Russian production of dry building mixtures in Russia by commodity types
Figure 8. Location of production facilities LLC "Starateli" in Russia
Figure 9. Dynamics of exports and imports of dry construction mixtures in Russia in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 10. Dynamics of the structure of Russian imports of dry mixes by type of binder in 2007-2017, kt
Figure 11. Dynamics of Russian imports of dry mixes in natural (kt) and monetary (mln $) in 2015-2017
Figure 12. Dynamics of the geographical structure of Russian imports of dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017,%
Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian exports of dry mixes in bulk (thousand tons) and monetary (million dollars) in 2015-2017
Figure 14. Dynamics of the geographical structure of Russian exports of dry construction mixtures in 2015-2017,%
Figure 15. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices for dry construction mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017, $ / t
Figure 16. Dynamics of average annual import prices (by codes TN VED) on dry building mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017, $ / t
Figure 17. Dynamics of average annual export prices (by codes TN VED) on dry building mixtures in Russia in 2015-2017, $ / t
Figure 18. Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian market of dry construction mixtures in 2007-2017, million tons
Figure 19. Structure of the Russian market of dry construction mixtures by commodity groups in 2017,%
Figure 20. Growth rates of the main indicators of the Russian economy, affecting the domestic industry of dry construction mixtures, in 2008-2017,%
Figure 21. Forecast of the development of the Russian market of dry construction mixtures for the period up to 2025, million tons