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Cement in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

Número de páginas: 175 Número de tablas: 84 El número de cifras: 38
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 10.06.2019
Forma de presentación:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the fifth edition of the study of the market of cement in Russia.

The cement market has been monitored since 1997.

The purpose of the study - an analysis of the Russian cement market.

The object of the research is cement of various grades and its consumption.

This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the official statistics of railway transport of Russian Railways, the UNdata database, the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, the websites of enterprises- cement manufacturers.

Chronological framework of the study: 2006-2018 (in assessing the production and consumption of cement in the country as a whole) and 2015-2018. (consumption patterns); the forecast is 2019-2025.

Geography research: Russia.


The report consists of 5 parts, contains 175 pages, including 84 tables, 38 figures and 1 annex.

The first chapter of the report presents data on the production of cement in Russia in 2006-2018. in general, as well as in individual Federal Districts. The cement production is shown by holdings, as well as by leading Russian enterprises.

Analyzed the change in cement production in the country by dry and wet methods. The data on new enterprises that appeared in the country during the analyzed period are presented.

The state of a number of cement enterprises leading to various holdings, including OJSC Eurocement Group, OJSC GAZMETALLPROEKT, LafargeHolcim Group, HiedelbergCement, PJSC Trust, as well as individual enterprises (Asia Cement LLC, Chechencement LLC ", LLC" UUGPK ",. LLC Serebryansky Cement Plant, OJSC" Sebryakovcement ", OJSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant. Presents data on new projects in the industry.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade in cement in Russia in 2006-2018. The chapter analyzes the volumes and regional structure of exports and imports of cement, presents data on major importers and main exporters of cement.

In the third chapter of the report, the situation with prices for a cement in Russia, including in the domestic market, is analyzed. The review of export-import prices on cement is given.

The fourth chapter analyzes cement consumption in Russia: the balance of production and supply of cement in the country for the period 2006-2018 is given, the sectoral and regional consumption structure is presented, and the seasonality of supply is analyzed.

The fifth chapter of the report presents a forecast for the development of the cement industry until 2025.

The appendix contains contact information of enterprise-producers and consumers.


Target audience of the study:

- cement market participants - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the cement market.





1. Cement production in Russia in 2006-2018

1.1. Statistics of cement production in Russia in 2006-2018

1.2. Estimation of dry and wet cement production in 2006-2018

1.3. New enterprises for the production of cement, formed in the industry in 2006-2018.

1.4. Current status of cement industry enterprises

1.4.1. OJSC "Eurocement Group"

LLC Peterburgcement (Leningrad region)

CJSC Pikalevsky Cement (Leningrad Region)

JSC Maltsovsky Portland Cement (Bryansk Region)

CJSC Oskolcement (Belgorod region)

ZAO Kavkazcement (Rep. Karachay-Cherkessia)

CJSC Belgorodsky Cement (Belgorod Region)

LLC Sengileevsky Cement Plant (Ulyanovsk region)

PJSC "Mordovcement" (Resp. Mordovia)

JSC "Ulyanovskcement" (Ulyanovsk region)

Voronezh branch of JSC "Eurocement Group" (Voronezh region.)

Lipetskcement JSC (Lipetsk region)


Novoroscement OJSC (Krasnodar Territory)

OJSC "Verkhnebakansky cement plant" (settlement Verkhnebakansky, Krasnodar region)

1.4.3. LafargeHolcim Group

LLC "Holcim (Rus)" (formerly OJSC "Volskcement") (Saratov region.)

SSB Lafarge Cement JSC (Ferzikovo, Kaluga region)

LLC Holcim (RUS) SM) (formerly Shchurovsky Cement, Moscow region)

1.4.4. HedelbergCement

OJSC "Slantsevsky Cement Plant" TsESLA "(Leningrad region)

Branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC in Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan)

A branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC in the village of Novogurovskom (Tula region)

1.4.5. Asia Cement LLC

1.4.6. AO Chechencement

1.4.7. LLC "SUGPK"

1.4.8. Serebryansky Cement Plant Ltd.

1.4.9. JSC "Sebryakovcement"

1.4.10. PJSC "NB Trust"

LLC Atakaytsement (Krasnodar Krai)

CJSC “Uglegorsk-Cement” (Rostov region)

1.4.11. Novotroitsk Cement Plant OJSC

1.5. Projects for the creation of new cement enterprises

LLC "Khokholsky chalk" plans to build a cement plant

"MosStroyTrans" intends to build a cement plant in Transbaikalia

Construction of the Magadan cement plant

Cement plant in Bashkiria will be completed

The Chinese have begun to design a cement plant in Sibai

A new cement plant may appear in the Ulyanovsk region

In the Tambov region is planned to build a cement plant

Dorogobuzh Cement LLC will start the production of Portland cement in the Smolensk region

In the center of Sakhalin want to build a cement plant

Complex modernization "Mikhailovcement"

Deep modernization "Zhiguli building materials"

In Tatarstan will produce nanocement


2. Foreign trade in cement in Russia in 2006-2018.

2.1. Cement import

2.2. Cement export


3. Review of prices for cement in Russia in 2006-2018.

3.1. Domestic market prices

3.2. Review of export-import prices on cement


4. Consumption of cement in Russia

4.1. The balance of production and consumption of cement in Russia in 2006-2018

4.2 Structure of cement consumption in Russia in 2015-2018

4.2.1. Sectoral structure of consumption

4.2.2. Seasonality of supplies

4.2.3 Regional pattern of consumption


5. Forecast of development of the cement industry until 2025


Appendix: Contact information of cement manufacturers and consumers

Table 1: Cement production by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2006-2018, mln t

Table 2: Cement production by the main Russian plants in 2006-2018, kt

Table 3: Membership in holdings of the main enterprises producing cement in Russia (2018)

Table 4: Share of dry cement production in the total volume of cement production in Russia in 2006-2018,%

Table 5: Commissioning of new cement production capacities in Russia in 2008-2018

Table 6: Production and export of cement LLC Peterburgcement in 2015-2018

Table 7: The main consumers of products of Peterburgcement LLC in 2015-2018

Table 8: Cement supplies (by rail) LLC Peterburgcement by region in 2015-2018

Table 9: Some financial indicators of Peterburgcement LLC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 10: Main consumers of Pikalevsky Cement CJSC products in 2015-2018

Table 11: Cement supplies (by railway transport) CJSC Pikalevsky Cement by region in 2015-2018

Table 12: Some financial indicators of Pikalevsky Cement CJSC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 13: Production and export of cement by Maltsovsky Portland Cement in 2015-2018

Table 14: The main consumers of products of Maltsovsky Portland Cement CJSC in 2015-2018

Table 15: Cement supplies (by railway transport) Maltsovsky Portland Cement CJSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 16: Some financial indicators of Maltsovsky Portland Cement CJSC in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 17: The main consumers of the products of CJSC Oskolcement in 2015-2018

Table 18: Cement supplies (by railway transport) by Oskolcement CJSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 19: Some financial indicators of CJSC Oskolcement in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 20: The main consumers of products of Kavkazcement CJSC in 2015-2018

Table 21: Cement supplies (by rail) of Kavkazcement CJSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 22: Some financial indicators of Kavkazcement CJSC in 2014-2017, mln rubles

Table 23: The main consumers of products of CJSC Belgorod Cement in 2015-2018

Table 24: Cement supplies (railway transport) CJSC Belgorod Cement by region in 2015-2018

Table 25: Some financial indicators of Belgorod Cement CJSC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 26: Some financial indicators of Sengiley Cement Plant LLC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 27: The main consumers of PJSC "Mordovcement" products in 2015-2018

Table 28: Cement supplies (railway transport) of PJSC "Mordovcement" by region in 2015-2018

Table 29: Some financial indicators of PJSC "Mordovcement" in 2014-2017, million rubles

Table 30: Some financial indicators of Ulyanovsk Cement JSC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 31: The main consumers of products of the Voronezh branch of JSC "Eurocement Group" in 2015-2018

Table 32: Cement supplies (railway transport) by the Voronezh branch of Eurocement Group JSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 33: Cement supplies (railway transport) by Lipetskcement JSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 34: Some financial indicators of Lipetskcement JSC in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 35: The main consumers of products of JSC "Novoroscement" in 2015-2018

Table 36: Cement supplies (railway transport) by Novoroscement OJSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 37: Wholesale price list for cement produced by Novoroscement, rubles / ton, including VAT (with delivery in the Krasnodar Territory)

Table 38: Some financial indicators of Novoroscement OJSC in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 39: Production and export of cement by JSC "Verkhnebakansky cement plant" in 2015-2018

Table 40: Main consumers of products of Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant OJSC in 2015-2018

Table 41: Cement supplies (railway transport) of Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant OJSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 42: Wholesale price list for cement produced by Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant, RUB / t with VAT (with delivery in the Krasnodar Territory)

Table 43: Some financial indicators of Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant OJSC in 2014-2018, mln rub.

Table 44: Production and export of cement by Holsim (Rus) LLC in 2015-2018

Table 45: The main consumers of products of Holsim (Rus) LLC in 2015-2018

Table 46: Cement supplies (by railway transport) Holcim (Rus) LLC by region in 2015-2018

Table 47: Some financial indicators of Holcim (Rus) LLC in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 48: Some financial indicators of JSC "CESLA" in 2014-2017, mln rubles.

Table 49: Main consumers of products of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC branch in 2015-2018

Table 50: Cement supplies (railway transport) Branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC by region in 2015-2018

Table 51: Some financial indicators of the branch of LLC HeidelbergCement Rus in Sterlitamak in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 52: The main consumers of products of Asia Cement LLC in 2015-2018

Table 53: Cement supplies (railway transport) Asia Cement LLC by region in 2015-2018

Table 54: Some financial indicators of Asia Cement LLC in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 55: Some financial indicators of JSC "Chechencement" in 2016-2017, mln rubles.

Table 56: Production and export of cement LLC "South Ural SBC" in 2015-2018

Table 57: The main consumers of products of LLC South Ural SBC in 2015-2018

Table 58: Cement supplies (railway transport) LLC "South Ural SBC" by region in 2015-2018

Table 59: Some financial indicators of LLC “SUGPK” in 2014-2017, mln rub.

Table 60: The main consumers of products of Serebryansky Cement Plant LLC in 2015-2018

Table 61: Cement supplies (railway transport) LLC Serebryansky Cement Plant, by region in 2015-2018

Table 62: Some financial indicators of Serebriansky Cement Plant LLC in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 63: The main consumers of products of JSC "Sebryakovcement" in 2015-2018

Table 64: Cement supplies (by rail) by Sebryakovcement JSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 65: Some financial indicators of JSC "Sebryakovcement" in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 66: Some financial indicators of LLC Atakaytsement in 2014-2017, million rubles.

Table 67: Price list of CJSC Uglegorsk-Cement is valid from June 1, 2019

Table 68: Some financial indicators of CJSC Uglegorsk-Cement in 2014-2017, million rubles

Table 69: Production and export of cement by JSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant in 2015-2018

Table 70: The main consumers of products of JSC "Novotroitsk Cement Plant" in 2015-2018

Table 71: Cement supplies (railway transport) by Novotroitsk Cement Plant JSC by region in 2015-2018

Table 72: Some financial indicators of Novotroitsk Cement Plant JSC in 2014-2017, million rubles

Table 73: Volumes of foreign trade operations of Russia with cement in physical and monetary terms in 2006-2018 *, thousand tons, million

Table 74: Regional structure of imports of cement in 2006-2018 *, thousand tons

Table 75: Cement supplies to large importers in 2015-2018, kt

Table 76: Regional structure of cement exports in 2006-2018 *, thousand tons

Table 77: Directions and volumes of supplies of the main exporters of cement in 2015-2018, kt

Table 78: Average monthly producer prices for cement in the Russian Federation in 2006-2018, rub / t (excluding VAT)

Table 79: Average annual producer prices for cement in the Russian Federation and federal districts in 2006-2018, rubles / ton, excluding VAT

Table 80: Balance of production and consumption of cement in Russia in 2006-2018, kt

Table 81: Segmentation of cement consumers by industry in 2015-2018,%

Table 82: Cement supplies to the largest Russian consumers in 2015-2018, kt

Table 83: Seasonality of cement supplies in Russia in 2006-2018,%

Table 84. Regional structure of cement consumption in Russia in 2015-2018, mln. Tons

Figure 1: Cement production in Russia (million tons) and production growth rates (% vs. the previous year) in 1997-2018

Figure 2: Regional structure of cement production in Russia in 2006-2018,%

Figure 3: Shares of leading companies in cement production in the Russian Federation in 2018,%

Figure 4: Structure of cement production in Russia by production methods in 2010-2018,%

Figure 5: Cement production of Peterburgcement LLC (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the North-West Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 6: Cement production of CJSC Pikalevsky Cement (kt) and its share in the production of the North-West Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 7: Cement production of CJSC Maltsovsky Portland Cement (kt) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 8: Cement production of CJSC Oskolcement (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 9: Cement production of Kavkazcement CJSC (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the North Caucasus Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 10: Cement production of CJSC Belgorod Cement (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 11: Cement production by LLC Sengileevsky cement plant (kt) and its share in the production of VFD (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 12: Cement production of PJSC "Mordovcement" (thousand tons) and its share in the PFD production (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 13: Cement production by Ulyanovsk Cement JSC (thousand tons) and its share in the PFD production (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 14: Cement production by the Voronezh branch of JSC "Eurocement Group" (kt) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018.

Figure 15: Cement production of Lipetskcement JSC (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 16: Cement production by OAO Novoroscement (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Southern Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 17: Cement production of JSC Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant (kt) and its share in the production of the Southern Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 18: Cement production by Holsim LLC (Rus) (thousand tonnes) and its share in the production of volatile federal district (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 19: Cement production OBP JSC Lafarge Cement (kt) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 20: Cement production by Holsim LLC (RUS) SM) (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 21: Cement production of JSC “CESLA” (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the North-West Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 22: Cement Production Branch of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC (kt) and its share in the VFD production (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 23: Cement production of HeidelbergCement Rus LLC in the settlement of Novogurovsky (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%)

Figure 24: Cement production by Asia Cement LLC (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Volga Federal District in 2015-2018 (%)

Figure 25: Cement production of LLC South Ural SBC (kt) and its share in the production of the Volga Federal District in 2015-2018 (%)

Figure 26: Cement production of LLC Serebryansky Cement Plant (kt) and its share in the production of the Central Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 27: Cement production of JSC Sebryakovcement (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Southern Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 28: Cement production by LLC Atakaytsement (thousand tons) and its share in the production of the Southern Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 29: Cement production of CJSC Uglegorsk-Cement (kt) and its share in the production of the Southern Federal District (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 30: Cement production of JSC Novotroitsk Cement Plant (kt) and its share in the production of VFD (%) in 2015-2018

Figure 31. Dynamics of import of cement in physical and monetary terms in 2006-2018

Figure 32: Dynamics of exports of cement in physical and monetary terms in 2006-2018 *.

Figure 33: Dynamics of average producer prices and average purchase prices for cement in Russia in 2006-2018, rub / t

Figure 34: Dynamics of average export and import prices on cement in 2006-2018, $ \ t

Figure 35: Dynamics of changes in the balance of production and consumption of cement in Russia in 2006-2018, mln t

Figure 36: Average seasonal dynamics of cement supplies in Russia in 2006-2018

Figure 37: Changes in the regional structure of cement consumption in Russia in 2015-2018,%

Figure 38: Forecast of cement consumption in Russia for the period up to 2025, million tons


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