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Ammonium Nitrate in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)
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This report is the third edition of the study of the ammonium nitrate market in Russia, the EAEU and the world.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the ammonium nitrate markets of the world, Russian and EAEU countries.
The object of the study is ammonium nitrate.
The presented work is a desk study. The sources of information used were data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international databases of the UN (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of Russia (until 2022); Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Chronological framework of the study: 1995-2023, assessment 2024, forecast - 2025-2030.
Geography of the study: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; the world and the EAEU countries - general retrospective analysis of the market.
The report consists of 7 parts, contains 140 pages, including 42 tables, 43 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter presents a brief description of the world ammonium nitrate market for the period 2005-2023, as well as the prospects for its development.
The second chapter of the report provides information on the raw materials required for the production of ammonium nitrate, its characteristics. This chapter also provides a detailed examination of the ammonium nitrate production technology. In addition, it provides data on the main suppliers of raw materials, delivery directions and volumes.
The third chapter is devoted to the production of ammonium nitrate in Russia, the EAEU countries, and the former USSR countries. This section of the report provides statistical and estimated data on the volumes of ammonium nitrate production in Russia (1995-2024), the EAEU countries, and the former USSR countries. In addition, it provides quality indicators of the products obtained.
The fourth chapter of the report provides statistical and estimated data on foreign trade operations with ammonium nitrate in Russia for the period 1997-2024, the EAEU countries and the former USSR countries in 2007-2023.
The fifth chapter provides information on the level of prices for ammonium nitrate on the domestic Russian market in 2013 - 7 months. 2024, and also analyzed data on changes in export-import prices for this product in Russia from 1997 to 6 months of 2024, in other EAEU countries and former USSR countries from 2007 to 2023.
The sixth chapter of the report examines the consumption of ammonium nitrate in Russia in the period 1997-2024. This section provides the production-consumption balance of this product, the industry structure of consumption, describes the current state of the main industries consuming ammonium nitrate, the current state and development prospects of the largest consumer enterprises.
The seventh chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian ammonium nitrate market for the period up to 2030.
The appendix provides addresses and contact information of enterprises producing ammonium nitrate in Russia and the EAEU countries and companies consuming this fertilizer.
The target audience of the study:
– participants in the ammonium nitrate and ammonia market – producers, consumers, traders;
– potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and decision-makers working in the mineral fertilizer market.
1. Brief characteristics of the world ammonium nitrate market in 2005-2023
1.1. Production capacity and output of ammonium nitrate in 2007-2024
1.2. Raw materials for the production of ammonium nitrate
1.3. Production of ammonium nitrate in the countries of the former USSR
1.4. World consumption and trade in ammonium nitrate in 2019-2023
1.5. Export-import of ammonium nitrate in the countries of the former USSR in 2007-2023
1.6. Price situation on the world ammonium nitrate market in 2019-2023
1.7. Dynamics of export-import prices in the countries of the former USSR in 2017-2023
2. Ammonium nitrate production technology and raw materials used in industry
2.1. Ammonium nitrate production methods
2.2. Main raw material suppliers
2.3. Delivery directions and volumes
3. Ammonium nitrate production in Russia and the EAEU countries in 1995-2024
3.1. Quality of manufactured products
3.2. Ammonium nitrate production in the EAEU in 1995-2023
3.2.1. Ammonium nitrate production in Russia in 1995-7 months of 2024
3.2.2. Ammonium nitrate production in other EAEU countries in 2008-2023
3.3. Current status of the main ammonium nitrate producing enterprises in Russia
3.3.1. JSC NAK Azot (Novomoskovsk, Tula Region)
3.3.2. KAO Azot (Kemerovo)
3.3.3. Azot Branch of JSC UCC Uralchem (Berezniki, Perm Region)
3.3.4. PAO Dorogobuzh
4. Export-import of ammonium nitrate in 1997-2024
4.1. Export-import of ammonium nitrate in Russia in 1997-2024
4.1.1. Export of ammonium nitrate from Russia in 1999 – 6 months of 2024
4.1.2. Import of ammonium nitrate to Russia
4.2. Export-import of ammonium nitrate in other EAEU countries in 2007-2023
5. Review of ammonium nitrate prices
5.1. Domestic prices for ammonium nitrate in Russia in 2013-2024
5.2. Dynamics of export-import prices in 1997-2024
5.2.1. Dynamics of export-import prices in Russia in 1997-2024
5.2.2. Dynamics of export-import prices in other EAEU countries in 2017-2023
6. Consumption of ammonium nitrate in Russia
6.1. Balance of production-consumption of ammonium nitrate in Russia in 1997-2024
6.2. Ammonium nitrate consumption structure
6.3. Main ammonium nitrate consuming industries in Russia
6.4. Largest ammonium nitrate consuming enterprises in Russia
6.4.1. JSC PVV (Kemerovo Region)
6.4.2. PJSC Polyus
6.4.3. JSC UK Kuzbassrazrezugol (Kemerovo Region)
6.4.4. JSC Karelsky Okatysh (Kostomuksha, Republic of Karelia)
7. Forecast for ammonium nitrate market development in Russia until 2030
Appendix 1. Contact information of ammonium nitrate producing enterprises in Russia and the EAEU countries
Appendix 2. Contact information of Russian ammonium nitrate consuming enterprises
Table 1. The main ammonium nitrate importing countries in 2019-2023, million tons
Table 2. The main ammonium nitrate exporting countries in 2019-2023, million tons
Table 3. The balance of production and consumption of ammonium nitrate by regions of the world in 2023, million tons
Table 4. The volume of foreign trade operations with ammonium nitrate of the former USSR countries in 2007-2023, thousand tons, million $
Table 5. Export prices of the main ammonium nitrate exporting countries in 2019-2023, USD/t
Table 6. Import prices of the main ammonium nitrate importing countries in 2019-2023, USD/t
Table 7. Ammonia producers in Russia and the EAEU countries and their capacities for 2024
Table 8. Ammonia production in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons
Table 9. Nitric acid production in Russia in 2017-2023, thousand tons
Table 10. Ammonia supplies for ammonium nitrate production in Russia in 2020 – 6 months. 2024, thousand tons
Table 11. Ammonia production in the EAEU countries in 2017-2023, thousand tons
Table 12. Technical characteristics of ammonium nitrate of various grades, corresponding to GOST 2-85
Table 13. Technical characteristics of porous granular ammonium nitrate, corresponding to TU 2143–635–00209023–99
Table 14. Ammonium nitrate producers in Russia and their capacities as of September 2024
Table 15. Ammonium nitrate production in Russia in 1997-7 months. 2024, thousand tons
Table 16. The largest Russian consumers of ammonium nitrate of KAO Azot in 2020 - 6 months of 2024
Table 17. The largest Russian consumers of ammonium nitrate of the Azot branch of JSC UCC Uralchem in 2020 - 6 months of 2024
Table 18. The largest Russian consumers of ammonium nitrate of PJSC Dorogobuzh in 2022 - 6 months of 2024
Table 19. Russia's foreign trade in ammonium nitrate in 1997-2024, thousand tons
Table 20. Ammonium nitrate exports by Russian enterprises in 2016 - 6 months of 2024, thousand tons
Table 21. Countries importing Russian ammonium nitrate in 2016 – 6 months of 2024, thousand tons
Table 22. Largest companies importing Russian ammonium nitrate in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 23. Volumes of foreign trade operations with ammonium nitrate of other EAEU countries in 2007-2023, thousand tons, million dollars
Table 24. Monthly average wholesale prices in Russia for ammonium nitrate in 2013-2024. RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Table 25. Ammonium Nitrate Production-Consumption Balance in Russia in 1997-2024, thousand tons
Table 26. Regional Structure of Ammonium Nitrate Supplies in Russia in 2020 – 6 Months of 2024
Table 27. Largest Russian Enterprises Consuming Ammonium Nitrate in Agriculture in 2020 – 6 Months of 2024, thousand tons
Table 28. Largest Russian Enterprises Consuming Ammonium Nitrate for Production and Use as Explosives in 2020 – 6 Months of 2024 thousand tons
Table 29. Recommendations for mixing mineral fertilizers with ammonium nitrate
Table 30. Ratio of nutrients in fertilizer mixtures
Table 31. Distribution of the total annual dose of ammonium nitrate
Table 32. Effect of ammonium nitrate on the productivity of agricultural crops
Table 33. Effect of ammonium nitrate on the productivity and quality of winter wheat grain
Table 34. Payback of ammonium nitrate and urea applied to spring top dressing of winter wheat at a dose of 60 kg active ingredient/ha
Table 35. Effect of ammonium nitrate on the yield of barley grain, average data for 1974-1987
Table 36. Efficiency of ammonium nitrate application for winter wheat in the main cultivation zones, data from Geoset experiments for 12 years
Table 37. Efficiency of local application of ammonium nitrate in the cultivation of agricultural crops in the Non-Chernozem zone
Table 38. Suppliers of ammonium nitrate to JSC PVV in 2020 - 6 months of 2024
Table 39. Suppliers of ammonium nitrate to PJSC Polyus in 2022 - 6 months of 2024
Table 40. Suppliers of ammonium nitrate to JSC Kuzbassrazrezugol in 2020 - 6 months of 2024
Table 41. Suppliers of ammonium nitrate to JSC Karelsky Okatysh in 2020 - 6 months of 2024.
Table 42. Investment projects of the Russian Federation until 2040.
Figure 1. World ammonium nitrate production capacity in 2007-2023. (million tons), growth rate (%)
Figure 2. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate production in the world in 2019-2023, million tons
Figure 3. Structure of ammonium nitrate production by country, 2023, %
Figure 4. Volumes of world ammonia production in 2005-2023, million tons (in terms of nitrogen content)
Figure 5. Regional structure of world ammonia production in 2023, %
Figure 6. Dynamics of world ammonia prices in 2010-2023, USD/t
Figure 7. Largest countries-importers of ammonium nitrate in 2023, %
Figure 8. Largest countries-exporters of ammonium nitrate in 2023 g., %
Figure 9. Structure of world consumption of nitrogen fertilizers in 2023, %
Figure 10. Dynamics of export prices for ammonium nitrate in Uzbekistan and Georgia in 2017-2023, USD/t
Figure 11. Dynamics of import prices for ammonium nitrate in the countries of the former USSR in 2017-2023, USD/t
Figure 12. Heat of neutralization of nitric acid
Figure 13. Concentration of NH4NO3 solutions obtained using the heat of reaction, depending on the concentration of nitric acid (heat losses are taken into account at 3%)
Figure 14. Neutralization apparatus ITN
Figure 15. Neutralization apparatus ITN with solution circulation
Figure 16. Scheme of drying ammonium nitrate with cooled air
Figure 17. Ammonium nitrate production scheme
Figure 18. Scheme of the plant for the production of granulated ammonium nitrate by the non-evaporation method
Figure 19. HNO3 vapor pressure in the HNO3–NH4NO3–H2O system at 30 °C
Figure 20. Total vapor pressure of HNO3 and H2O in the HNO3–NH4NO3–H2O system at 30 °C
Figure 21. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate production in Russia in 1997-2024, million tons
Figure 22. Ammonium nitrate production in Kazakhstan in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Figure 23. Production of the main types of products of JSC NAK Azot in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 24. Production of the main types of products of KAO "Azot" in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 25. Production of the main types of products of the "Azot" branch of JSC "UCC "Uralchem" in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 26. Production of the main types of products of PJSC "Dorogobuzh" in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 27. Share of exports in the production of ammonium nitrate in Russia in 1997 - 6 months. 2024, %
Figure 28. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate exports in Russia in 1997-2023, million tons
Figure 29. Share of ammonium nitrate exports in the volume of its production by Russian producers in 2020-2023, %
Figure 30. Ammonium nitrate exports (by month) in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Figure 31. Dynamics of monthly average wholesale prices in Russia for ammonium nitrate in 2016 - 7 months of 2024 RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Figure 32. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate export prices in Russia in 1997-2024, USD/t
Figure 33. Average annual export prices of Russian ammonium nitrate producers in 2019-2023, USD/t
Figure 34. Average annual regional prices of Russian ammonium nitrate exports in 2019-2023, USD/t
Figure 35. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate export prices in Kazakhstan in 2017-2023, USD/t
Figure 36. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate import prices in other EAEU countries in 2017-2023, USD/t
Figure 37. Dynamics of ammonium nitrate consumption in Russia in 1997-2024, thousand tons
Figure 38. Structure of commercial ammonium nitrate consumption in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 39. Structure of ammonium nitrate supplies by federal districts in Russia in 2023, %
Figure 40. Commodity movement of ammonium nitrate on the domestic market
Figure 41. Continuous dry fertilizer mixing plant scheme
Figure 42. Basic forecast of ammonium nitrate production and consumption in Russia up to 2030
Figure 43. Moderate forecast of ammonium nitrate production and consumption in Russia up to 2030