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Glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyldiglycol) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Número de páginas: 88 Número de tablas: 37 El número de cifras: 23
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 15.06.2022
Forma de presentación:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of the study of the glycols market in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market for glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol).

The objects of study are glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyldiglycol).

This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation were used; data from the UNdate database, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as websites of manufacturers and consumers of glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol).

Chronological scope of the study: 1910-2021; forecast - 2022-2027

Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis.

A distinctive feature of this review is the study of the market for each considered glycol separately (the raw materials used and their supplies, production volumes, export-import, production-consumption balance). The forecast takes into account the situation on the market, which may develop as a result of Russia's special operation on the territory of Ukraine.

The study examined the impact on the economy of geopolitical risks, the conflict in Ukraine, sanctions from Western unfriendly countries, as well as the impact of coronavirus and possible consequences.


The report consists of 6 parts, contains 88 pages, including 23 figures, 37 tables and 2 appendices.

The first chapter provides information about the existing technologies for the production of glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol), their features, and the raw materials required for the production. Data on the main suppliers of raw materials, directions and volumes of supplies are also presented.

The second chapter is devoted to the production of glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol) in Russia in 2010-2021. Here are the requirements of the existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol), production statistics of the products in question, including by manufacturing enterprises. The current state of the largest glycol producers is also described.

The third chapter of the report provides data on Russia's foreign trade operations with glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyldiglycol) in 2010-2021.

The fourth chapter analyzes information on the price level for the products under consideration in the domestic market, as well as data on changes in export-import prices in 2010-2021.

The fifth chapter examines the consumption of glycols (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butyl glycol) in Russia in 2010-2021. The balances of production-consumption of these products, the sectoral structure of consumption are given, the current state of the main consuming industries and the current state and prospects for the development of the largest consumer enterprises are described.

The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian glycol market for the period up to 2027.

The appendices contain addresses and contact information of the main Russian manufacturers and consumers of glycols.


Target audience of the study:

- participants of the glycol market - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study purports to be a reference tool for marketing and management decision makers working in the glycol market.





1. Technology for the production of glycols, raw materials used in industry

1.1 Production methods

1.2. Raw materials for the production of glycols in Russia. Directions and volumes of supplies of raw materials


2. Production of glycols in Russia

2.1. Product quality

2.2. Production in 2010-2021

2.3. Main manufacturing enterprises

2.4. The current state of the largest enterprises-manufacturers of glycols in Russia

2.4.1. JSC SIBUR-Neftekhim (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region)

2.4.2. PJSC Kazanorgsintez (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan)

2.4.3. PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (Republic of Tatarstan)

2.4.4. Khimprom LLC (Kemerovo region)


3. Foreign trade operations with glycols of the Russian Federation in 2010-2021

3.1. Export

3.2. Import


4. Review of Russian prices for glycols in 2010-2021

4.1. Current domestic prices

4.2. Export-import prices


5. Consumption of glycols in Russia

5.1. Supply-demand balance in 2010-2021

5.1.1. Monoethylene glycol

5.1.2. Other glycols

5.2. Consumption structure

5.3. Main industries-consumers of glycols

5.3.1. Chemical and petrochemical industry

5.3.2. Automotive

5.3.3. Production of anti-icing liquids

5.3.4. Other industries


6. Forecast of the development of the glycol market in Russia for the period up to 2027


Appendix 1. Contact information of the largest Russian glycol manufacturers

Appendix 2. Contact information of the largest Russian enterprises-consumers of glycols

Table 1: Material balance of the process for the synthesis of ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide

Table 2: Ethylene oxide and propylene oxide production capacities in Russia in 2021

Table 3: Specifications for ethylene glycol (according to GOST 19710-83)

Table 4: Technical characteristics of propylene glycol (qualification “pure”) (according to TU 6-09-2434-81)

Table 5: Technical characteristics of dipropylene glycol (mixture of isomers) (according to TU 2632-069-53081079-2010)

Table 6: Technical characteristics of polyglycols-3 (according to TU 2422-005-53081079-2006)

Table 7: Technical characteristics of an aqueous solution of propylene glycol - VRPG (according to TU 2422-113-53081079-2012)

Table 8: Specifications for Butyl Diglycol

Table 9: Production of diols and polyhydric alcohols in Russia by manufacturing enterprises in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Table 10: Glycol production capacities in Russia in 2021, thousand tons per year

Table 11: Monoethylene glycol production in Russia by enterprises in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Table 12: Some financial indicators of SIBUR-Neftekhim JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 13: Some financial indicators of Kazanorgsintez PJSC in 2012-2020, million rubles

Table 14: Some financial indicators of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC in 2012-2020, billion rubles

Table 15: Some financial indicators of Kemerovo Khimprom LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 16: Volumes of Russian foreign trade operations with glycols in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Table 17: Glycol export volumes by Russia by recipient countries in 2010-2021, thousand tons, thousand $

Table 18. Export of Russian MEG in 2015-2021 by manufacturing companies, thousand tons

Table 19: Volumes of imports of glycols by Russia by supplying countries in 2010-2021, thousand tons, thousand $

Table 20. Prices of manufacturing enterprises for MEG in Russia in 2019-2021, rub./t

Table 21: Export-import prices for glycols in Russia in 2010-2021, $/kg

Table 22: Ethylene glycol production-demand balance in Russia in 2010-2021, thousand tons, %

Table 23: Production-demand balance of propylene glycol and butyl glycol in Russia in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Table 24: Ethylene glycol consumption volumes in Russia by industry in 2010, 2015 and 2021, thousand tons, %

Table 25: Production index in individual industries in Russia in 2013-2021, % of the previous year

Table 26. Capacities of enterprises for the production of PET in Russia

Table 27. Directions of MEG supplies for PET production in Russia in 2015-2021

Table 28: Some financial indicators of Polief JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 29: Some financial indicators of Ecopet JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 30: Some financial indicators of New Polymers Plant “SENEZH” JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 31: Some financial indicators of SIBUR-PET JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 32. Production of cars, parts and accessories for cars in the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, thousand units

Table 33: Some financial indicators of Delfin Distribution LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 34: Some financial indicators of Obninskorgsintez JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 35: Some financial indicators of Tosol-Sintez-Invest LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 36: Some financial indicators of Aviafluid International LLC in 2007-2021, million rubles

Table 37. Projects for the construction of new PET production facilities in Russia

Figure 1: Process flow diagram for the synthesis of ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide

Figure 2: Shares of the largest ethylene oxide producers in the total potential of its Russian production

Figure 3: Dynamics of production of diols and polyhydric alcohols in Russia in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 4: Shares of the largest monoethylene glycol manufacturing enterprises in Russia in 2021, %

Figure 5: Glycol production dynamics of JSC SIBUR-Neftekhim in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 6: Dynamics of production of glycols and products based on them of PJSC Kazanorgsintez in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 7: Scheme of petrochemical production flows of PJSC «Nizhnekamskneftekhim»

Figure 8: Dynamics of glycol production at Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 9: Dynamics of propylene glycol production by Kemerovo Khimprom LLC in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 10: Dynamics of export and import of monoethylene glycol in the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 11: Dynamics of glycol exports to the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 12: Dynamics of glycol exports to the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 13: Dynamics of export-import prices for monoethylene glycol in the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, $/kg

Figure 14: Dynamics of export-import prices for propylene glycol in the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, $/kg

Figure 15: Dynamics of export-import prices for butyldiglycol in the Russian Federation in 2010-2021, $/kg

Figure 16: Dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian MEG market in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 17: Sectoral structure of ethylene glycol consumption in Russia in 2021, %

Figure 18: Dynamics of PET production in Russia in 2010-2021, thousand tons

Figure 19: Dynamics of passenger car production in Russia in 2010-2021, thousand units

Figure 20: Number of Russian passenger car fleet in 2010-2021, million units

Figure 21: Segmentation of the Russian antifreeze market by base fluid type in 2021, %

Figure 22: Structure of the Russian antifreeze market by major players in 2021, %

Figure 23: Ethylene glycol production-consumption forecast in Russia for the period up to 2027, thousand tons


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