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Benzene (petroleum and coal) in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)

Número de páginas: 130 Número de tablas: 57 El número de cifras: 37
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 29.02.2024
Forma de presentación:

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Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro
This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

This report is the fourth edition of the benzene market research in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).


The purpose of the study is to analyze the benzene market in Russia, the countries of the EAEU (which, in addition to the Russian Federation, include the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic), as well as the world market for this product.

The object of study is benzene (cyclohexa-1,3,5-triene) of various types: petroleum and coal product; In addition, the quality requirements and production volumes of benzene reagent (chemically pure and pure for analysis) were considered.

This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.

Chronological scope of the study: 2019-2023; forecast – 2024-2031

Geography of the study: countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, including the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia.


The report consists of 7 parts, contains 130 pages, including 37 figures, 57 tables and 2 appendices.

The first chapter is devoted to the global benzene market. The section provides data on capacity, international trade in oil and coal products and their sales prices, consumption and prospects for the development of the global market for the products in question.

The second chapter provides information about benzene production technologies used in industry, the production capacity of this product in the EAEU countries and the main types of raw materials for its production (crude oil, pyrolysis products, coking coal).

The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of benzene production in the EAEU. It presents the requirements for the quality of products, traces the dynamics of their production and provides data on production volumes in 2019-2023, describes the leading product manufacturers in the Eurasian Economic Union and their current status.

The fourth chapter analyzes foreign trade transactions with benzene in Russia and the EAEU countries in the period 2019-2023. Data on the volumes of exports and imports of certain types of products under study are presented, the geographical structure of supplies is presented, and information on individual exporters and importers of benzene is analyzed.

The fifth chapter provides information on the price level for benzene in the domestic market of the Russian Federation, and also analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for the product in 2019-2023.

The sixth chapter is devoted to benzene consumption in Russia and other EAEU countries. This section provides a balance of production and consumption of the products under study, presents the structure of its use in the Russian Federation, examines the main areas of benzene use, and also describes the largest consumer enterprises of this product.

The seventh and final chapter is devoted to the forecast of benzene production and consumption in Russia for the period until 2031.

The appendices provide contact information for benzene producers in the EAEU countries, as well as the largest Russian consumers of this product who process third-party products.


Target audience of the study:

– participants in the market for benzene and raw materials for the production of this type of product;

– potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the chemical products market.





I. Brief characteristics of the world benzene market in 2008-2022

I.1. Benzene production capacity

I.2. International trade and consumption of benzene in the world

I.3. Review of world prices for benzene


II. Benzene production technology and raw materials used in industry

II.1. Benzene production technology

II.1.1. Coal benzene production technology

II.1.2. Petroleum benzene production technology

II.2. Methods for producing benzene at EAEU enterprises

II.3. Main raw material suppliers

II.3.1. Main suppliers of raw materials for the production of petroleum benzene

II.3.2. Main suppliers of raw materials for the production of coal benzene

II.3.3. Processing of raw coal coal benzene


III. Benzene production in Russia and the EAEU countries in 2019-2023

III.1. Product quality

III.2. Volume of benzene production in the EAEU countries

III.2.1. Benzene production in the Russian Federation

III.2.2. Benzene production in the Republic of Belarus

III.2.3. Benzene production in the Republic of Kazakhstan

III.3. Main benzene producing enterprises in the EAEU

III.4. Current status of the largest benzene producers in the EAEU

III.4.1. PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" (Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan)

III.4.2. Gazprom neftekhim Salavat LLC (Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan)

III.4.3. JSC "Evraz ZSMK" (West Siberian Metallurgical Plant) (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region)


IV. Export and import of benzene to the EAEU in 2019-2023.

IV.1. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Russian Federation

IV.1.1. Export of benzene by the Russian Federation in 2019-2023.

IV.1.2. Import of benzene by the Russian Federation in 2019-2023.

IV.2. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Republic of Belarus

IV.3. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Republic of Kazakhstan

IV.4. Export and import of benzene by the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic


V. Review of benzene prices in the Russian Federation

V.1. Domestic prices for benzene in the Russian Federation in 2010-2023.

V.2. Dynamics of export-import prices

V.2.1. Dynamics of export prices in 2019-2023

V.2.2. Dynamics of import prices in 2019-2023


VI. Benzene consumption in Russia and the EAEU countries in 2019-2023.

VI.1. Balance of benzene consumption in the EAEU

VI.2. Balance of benzene consumption in Russia

VI.3. Structure of benzene consumption in Russia in 2023

VI.4. Main areas of application of benzene in Russia

VI.4.1. Application of benzene in the production of ethylbenzene and styrene

VI.4.2. The use of benzene in the production of caprolactam

VI.4.3. The use of benzene in the production of phenol and acetone

VI.5. Main benzene consuming enterprises and their projects

VI.5.1. JSC SIBUR-Khimprom (Perm, Perm region)

VI.5.2. PJSC "KuibyshevAzot" (Tolyatti, Samara region)

VI.5.3. JSC "Azot" (Kemerovo, Kemerovo region)


VII. Forecast of benzene production and consumption in Russia for the period until 2031.


Appendix 1: Contact information of benzene producing enterprises in the EAEU

Appendix 2: Contact information of the largest third-party benzene consumer enterprises in Russia

Table 1. Physical properties of benzene

Table 2. Capacities and technology for the production of benzene by EAEU enterprises

Table 3. Capacities for primary oil refining and its supplies to EAEU enterprises producing petroleum benzene, million tons

Table 4. Type and volume of raw materials used in the production of petroleum benzene by pyrolysis, million tons/year

Table 5. Supplies of coking coals from various coal basins to Russian enterprises producing coal benzene in 2022, thousand tons

Table 6: Supplies of raw coal benzene for processing into a commercial product to Russian enterprises in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 7. Technical requirements for the quality of petroleum benzene according to GOST 9572-93

Table 8. Standardized indicators of benzene for oil production of Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP in accordance with ST LLP 40319154-47-2015

Table 9. Technical requirements for the quality of coal benzene according to GOST 8448-2019

Table 10. Technical characteristics and main properties of raw coal benzene according to TU 20.14.12-167-00190437-2021

Table 11. Physico-chemical parameters of benzene reagent according to GOST 5955-75

Table 12. Benzene production by EAEU countries in 2019-2023, million tons

Table 13. Benzene production in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 14. Capacities and volumes of benzene production by the largest EAEU producers in 2023, thousand tons

Table 15. Capacities for the production of main types of products of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, thousand tons/year

Table 16. Production of main types of pyrolysis products of PJSC Nizhnekamskteftekhim in 2018-2022, thousand tons

Table 17. Main consumers of benzene produced by Nizhnekamskteftekhim PJSC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 18. Financial indicators of PJSC Nizhnekamskteftekhim in 2017-2022, billion rubles

Table 19. Production capacity of the main types of products of Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC, thousand tons/year

Table 20. Production of main types of pyrolysis products of Gazprom neftekhim Salavat LLC in 2018-2022, thousand tons

Table 21. Main consumers of benzene produced by Gazprom neftekhim Salavat LLC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 22. Financial indicators of Gazprom neftekhim Salavat LLC in 2018-2022, billion rubles

Table 23. Production of coal benzene and processing of third-party products of Evraz-ZSMK JSC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 24. Main consumers of benzene produced by Evraz-ZSMK JSC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 25. Financial indicators of Evraz ZSMK JSC in 2017-2021, billion rubles

Table 26. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 27. Countries importing coal benzene from the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, million $

Table 28. Export of coal benzene by Russian producers in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 29. Countries importing petroleum benzene from the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, million $

Table 30. Export of petroleum benzene by Russian producers in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 31. Countries supplying petroleum benzene to the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, million $

Table 32. Countries importing petroleum benzene from Belarus in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 33. Countries supplying petroleum benzene to Belarus in 2018-2022, thousand tons, million $

Table 34. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Republic of Belarus in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 35. Countries importing petroleum and coal benzene from Kazakhstan in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 36. Balance of export and import of benzene of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 37. Benzene supplies to Armenia and Kyrgyzstan from the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, tons

Table 38. Average annual export prices of petroleum and coal benzene from the Russian Federation by largest destination countries in 2019-2023, $/t

Table 39. Average annual export prices of Russian producers of petroleum and coal benzene in 2019-2023, $/t

Table 40. Average export prices of petroleum and coal benzene on main sales bases in 2021-2023, $/t

Table 41. Average annual import prices of petroleum and coal benzene from the Russian Federation by largest countries of origin in 2019-2023, $/t

Table 42. Benzene consumption in the EAEU in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 43. Benzene consumption in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 44. Structure of benzene use in Russia by direction of product supply to consumers in 2023, thousand tons

Table 45. Styrene production in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 46. Structure of benzene supplies to Russian caprolactam producers in 2023, thousand tons

Table 47. Production of phenol and acetone in Russia in 2021-2023, thousand tons

Table 48. Largest Russian consumers of benzene in 2023, thousand tons

Table 49. Production capacity of the main types of products of SIBUR-Khimprom JSC, thousand tons/year

Table 50. Benzene supplies to SIBUR-Khimprom JSC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 51. Production capacity of the main types of products of PJSC KuibyshevAzot, thousand tons/year

Table 52. Production of main types of products of PJSC KuibyshevAzot in 2019-2023, million tons

Table 53. Supplies of benzene to PJSC KuibyshevAzot in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 54. Capacities for the production of main types of products of JSC Azot, thousand tons/year

Table 55. Production of main types of products of JSC Azot in 2019-2023, million tons

Table 56. Supplies of benzene to KAO Azot in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 57. Forecast of benzene consumption in Russia for the period until 2031, million tons

Figure 1. Dynamics of benzene production capacity in the world in 2008-2022, million tons

Figure 2. Geographical structure of the distribution of benzene production capacity by region of the world in 2022, %

Figure 3. Capacities of the world's largest benzene production companies, million tons/year

Figure 4. Dynamics of benzene imports in the world in 2008-2022, million tons, billion $

Figure 5. Regional structure of global benzene imports in 2022, %

Figure 6. Largest benzene importing countries in 2022, million tons

Figure 7. Dynamics of benzene exports by the largest countries supplying the product to the world market in 2015-2022, million tons

Figure 8. Structure of benzene consumption by world region in 2022, %

Figure 9. Dynamics of average annual prices for benzene exports by the largest countries supplying the product in 2015-2022, $/t

Figure 10. Dynamics of average annual prices for benzene imports by countries purchasing the product on foreign markets in the largest volumes, in 2015-2022, $/t

Figure 11. Structure of benzene production in the world by type of technology used, %

Figure 12. Structure of distribution of benzene production capacities in the EAEU countries, %

Figure 13. Structure of distribution of benzene production capacities in the EAEU by production technology, %

Figure 14. Dynamics and structure of benzene production in the EAEU by type of product in 2019-2023, million tons

Figure 15. Structure of distribution of benzene production across the EAEU countries in 2023, %

Figure 16. Structure of benzene production in Russia by type of product in 2019-2023, %

Figure 17. Dynamics of benzene production in the Republic of Belarus in 2014-2023, thousand tons

Figure 18. Dynamics of benzene production in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Figure 19. Dynamics of coke production by Evraz ZSMK JSC in 2017-2023, million tons

Figure 20. Dynamics of foreign trade volumes of benzene in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Figure 21. Dynamics of benzene exports in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, million $

Figure 22. Geographical structure of coal benzene exports from the Russian Federation by region of the world in 2019-2023, %

Figure 23. Geographical structure of exports of petroleum benzene of the Russian Federation by region of the world in 2019-2023, %

Figure 24. Dynamics of benzene imports in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, million $

Figure 25. Dynamics of imports of coal benzene of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020-2023, tons

Figure 26. Dynamics of average producer prices for benzene sold on the domestic market of the Russian Federation in 2010-2023, rub/t (excluding VAT)

Figure 27. Dynamics of monthly average producer prices for benzene sold on the domestic market of the Russian Federation in 2022-2023, rub/t (excluding VAT)

Figure 28. Dynamics of prices for exports of petroleum and coal benzene in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, $/t

Figure 29. Dynamics of prices for imports of petroleum and coal benzene in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, $/t

Figure 30. Geographical structure of benzene consumption by EAEU countries in 2023, %

Figure 31. Structure of benzene consumption in Russia by area of use in 2023, %

Figure 32. Dynamics of ethylbenzene production in Russia in 2015-2023, million tons

Figure 33. Dynamics and structure of caprolactam production in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Figure 34. Dynamics of phenol and acetone production in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Figure 35. Structure of benzene use in Russia by largest consumers in 2023, %

Figure 36. Production of main types of products of SIBUR-Khimprom JSC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Figure 37. Dynamics of projected benzene production in Russia in 2024-2031, million tons


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