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Phosphoric Acid in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)
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This review is the 3rd edition of a study of the phosphoric acid market in Russia and the CIS countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the phosphoric acid market in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as the market for the main raw material for its production.
The objects of research are: phosphoric acid, apatite concentrate.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Agency for Statistics of the Republic of. Kazakhstan and Ukraine, UN data base UN data, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of phosphorus-containing products.
Chronological scope of the study: 2010-2019, 1hy 2020; forecast - 2021-2025
Geography of research: Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - comprehensive detailed market overview; other CIS countries - a short market analysis.
The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 122 pages, including 29 Figures, 49 Tables and 1 Appendix.
The first chapter provides information about the existing technologies for the production of phosphoric acid, their features, the raw materials required for the production and their quality. This section provides information on the mineral resource base of phosphates in the CIS countries, as well as on the extraction and supply of raw materials to producers of phosphoric acid.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of phosphoric acid production in the CIS. This chapter contains the requirements of the existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of phosphoric acid of various brands, statistics of the production of these products in 2010-2019, 1hy 2020, the main producers of phosphoric acid are described.
The third chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with phosphoric acid in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine (2010-2019, 1 half of 2020) and other CIS countries (2010-2019). The data on the volumes of export and import of the studied products are given, the regional structure of supplies is estimated, data on the volumes of phosphoric acid supplied by exporters and importers are given.
The fourth chapter provides information on the level of prices for phosphoric acid in the domestic Russian market in 2018-2020, as well as analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for products in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020. in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia and other CIS countries. This section shows the balance of production and consumption of the studied products in Russia in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020, the regional and sectoral consumption patterns are estimated, the main consumers of commercial phosphoric acid are given. The section also provides the balance of production and consumption of phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The chapter describes the state of the main sectors of consumption, as well as government regulation of the industry.
The sixth and final chapter is devoted to forecasting the development of the phosphoric acid market in the CIS for the period up to 2025.
The appendix contains the addresses and contact information of the main producers and consumers of phosphoric acid.
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of phosphoric acid and chains of its further consumption;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market of phosphorus-containing products.
1. Technology of production of phosphoric acid and raw materials used in industry (volumes and directions of supplies)
1.1. Phosphoric acid production technology
1.2. Raw materials for the production of phosphoric acid. Volumes and directions of supplies
Mineral resource base of phosphates in the CIS countries
Phosphate mining in the CIS countries
Phosphate supplies to phosphoric acid producers
2. Production of phosphoric acid in Russia / CIS in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020
2.1. Requirements for the quality of products (GOST, TU), the main types of acid produced
2.2. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in the CIS in 2010-2019, 1H2020, major manufacturing companies
2.3. Characteristics of the main enterprises-producers of phosphoric acid in the CIS
2.3.1. PhosAgro Group
PhosAgro-Cherepovets JSC (now - Apatit JSC, Vologda region)
LLC "Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers" (now - Balakovo Branch of JSC "Apatit", Saratov Region)
JSC "Metakhim" (now - Volkhovsky branch of JSC "Apatit", Leningrad region)
2.3.2. EuroChem Group
LLC "PG" Fosforit "(Leningrad region)
OOO Eurochem-BMU (Belorechensk Mineral Fertilizers) (Krasnodar Territory)
2.3.3. Acron Group
2.3.4. JSC "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers" (Moscow Region)
2.3.5. LLP "Kazphosphate" (Kazakhstan)
2.3.6. JSC "Gomel Chemical Plant" (Belarus)
3. Foreign trade operations with phosphoric acid in the CIS in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020
3.1. Kazakhstan
3.2. Russia
3.3. Ukraine
3.4. Other CIS countries
4. Prices for phosphoric acid in the CIS
4.1. Analysis of the average annual export-import prices of Russia / CIS in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020
4.2. Domestic prices for commercial phosphoric acid in 2018-2020
5. Consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia / CIS in 2010-2019, 1 pg 2020
5.1. The balance of production and consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia
5.2. The structure of consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia in 2019-2020
5.3. Main consumer industries (market drivers) and enterprises-consumers of commercial phosphoric acid
5.4. The balance of production and consumption of phosphoric acid in other CIS countries
5.5. State and self-regulation of the activities of market participants and this product
6. Forecast of the development of the phosphoric acid market in Russia / CIS until 2025.
Application. Contact information of the largest manufacturers and consumers of phosphoric acid in the CIS
Table 1. Main deposits of apatite ores in Russia
Table 2. Main deposits of apatite and phosphorite ores in other CIS countries
Table 3. Production of apatite concentrate in Russia in 2000-2019, million tons
Table 4. Main consumers of apatite concentrate of JSC "Apatit" in 2010-2019, thousand tons
Table 5. Main consumers of apatite concentrate of Kovdorsky GOK OJSC in 2010-2019, thousand tons
Table 6. Consumers of apatite concentrate of CJSC NWPC in 2012-2019, thousand tons
Table 7. Supplies of phosphates to phosphoric acid producers in the CIS in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 8. Requirements for the quality of thermal phosphoric acid (GOST 10678-76)
Table 9. Requirements for the quality of desulfurized extraction phosphoric acid (TU 113-08-5015 182-105-95)
Table 10. Requirements for the quality of extraction phosphoric acid produced by JSC Sumykhimprom (Ukraine) (TU 6 05766356.037-98)
Table 11. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in the CIS in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 12. Production of phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019 (thousand tons in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 13. Structure of PhosAgro Group
Table 14. Supplies of phosphoric acid produced by PhosAgro-Cherepovets to domestic consumers and for export in 2010-2019, t (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 15. Supplies of phosphoric acid produced by the Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC to domestic consumers and for export in 2010-2019, t (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 16. Structure of the EuroChem Group
Table 17. Supplies of phosphoric acid produced by EuroChem-BMU to domestic consumers and for export in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 18. Structure of the Acron Group
Table 19. Phosphoric acid production by Acron Group enterprises in 2010-2019, thousand tons * (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 20. Physical and chemical indicators of thermal phosphoric acid (technical and food) produced by Kazphosphate LLP
Table 21. Dynamics of production of thermal and extraction phosphoric acid by Kazphosphate LLP in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 22. Dynamics of production of extraction phosphoric acid at JSC "Gomel Chemical Plant" in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Table 23. Volumes of exports of phosphoric acid from Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020 by directions, t *
Table 24. Volumes of imports of phosphoric acid to Kazakhstan in 2010 2019, 1 hy 2020 by directions, t *
Table 25. Volumes of exports of phosphoric acid by Russia in 2010-2019, 1 hy 2020 by directions, t *
Table 26. Main Russian exporters of phosphoric acid in 2014-2019, 1H2020, t *
Table 27. Volumes of imports of phosphoric acid to Russia in 2010 2019, 1 hy 2020 by directions, t *
Table 28. Main Russian importers of phosphoric acid in 2015-2019, t *
Table 29. Volumes of imports of phosphoric acid to Ukraine in 2010 2019, 1 hy 2020 by directions, t *
Table 30. Volumes of phosphoric acid imports to Belarus in 2010 2019, 1 half of 2020 by directions, t *
Table 31. Volumes of phosphoric acid imports to other CIS countries in 2010 2019, t *
Table 32. Export prices for phosphoric acid in Russia by directions in 2014-2019, 1H2020, $ / t
Table 33. Export prices for phosphoric acid of the main Russian exporters in 2014-2019, 1H2020, $ / t
Table 34. Import prices for phosphoric acid in Russia by directions in 2014-2019, 1H2020, $ / t
Table 35. Export prices for phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan by directions in 2014-2019, 1H2020, $ / t
Table 36. Import prices for phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan by directions in 2014-2019, 1 half of 2020, $ / t
Table 37. Import prices for phosphoric acid in Ukraine by directions in 2014-2019, 1 half of 2020, $ / t
Table 38: Current prices for phosphoric acid in the Russian market (according to suppliers)
Table 39: Domestic Russian prices for phosphoric acid in 2018-2020 (according to open auction data)
Table 40: Balance of production-consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, 1H 2020 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Table 41: Supplies of marketable phosphoric acid to the domestic Russian market in 2015-2019, 1H2020 thousand tons
Table 42: Balance of production-consumption of commercial phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, 1hy 2020 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Table 43: Regional structure of phosphoric acid consumption in Russia in 2019, 1H2020 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons,%
Table 44: Sectoral structure of phosphoric acid consumption in Russia in 2019, 1hy 2020 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons,%
Table 45. The main consumers of commercial phosphoric acid in Russia in 2015-2019, H1 2020, thousand tons
Table 46. Production of phosphate fertilizers in Russia in 2010-2019, thousand tons
Table 47: Balance of production-consumption of phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Table 48: Balance of production-consumption of phosphoric acid in Ukraine in 2010-2019 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Table 49: Growth rates of production in the chemical industry and the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia in 2015-2019,%
Figure 1. Technological scheme for the production of thermal phosphoric acid
Figure 2. Technological scheme for the production of extraction phosphoric acid
Figure 3. Distribution of reserves of apatite ores (P2O5) by regions of Russia,%
Figure 4. Dynamics of production of apatite concentrate in Russia in 2000-2019 (in terms of 100% Р2О5), mln tons
Figure 5. Production of phosphate raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2000-2019, thousand tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of production of phosphoric acid in the CIS in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 7. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in Russia in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 8. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 9. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in Belarus in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of phosphoric acid in Uzbekistan in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 11. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in Ukraine in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 12. Dynamics of phosphoric acid production in Turkmenistan in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 13. Production of extraction phosphoric acid (EPA) and phosphoric fertilizers by PhosAgro-Cherepovets in 2010-2019, thousand tons
Figure 14. Production of extraction phosphoric acid (EPA), phosphoric fertilizers of the Balakovo branch of Apatit JSC in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 15. Production of extraction phosphoric acid (EPA), phosphoric fertilizers and sodium tripolyphosphate of the Volkhov branch of Apatit JSC in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 16. Production of extraction phosphoric acid (EPA) and phosphoric fertilizers by LLC PG Phosphorit in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 17. Dynamics of the production of phosphoric acid and phosphoric fertilizers by Eurochem-BMU LLC in 2010-2019, thousand tons (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 18. Production of phosphoric acid by Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers JSC in 2010-2019, thousand tons * (in terms of 100% P2O5)
Figure 19. Dynamics of export-import of phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, t *
Figure 20. Dynamics of export-import of phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, thousand tons *
Figure 21. Dynamics of import of phosphoric acid to Ukraine in 2010-2019, t *
Figure 22. Dynamics of export-import prices for phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, $ / t
Figure 23. Dynamics of export-import prices for phosphoric acid in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, $ / t
Figure 24. Dynamics of import prices for phosphoric acid in Ukraine in 2010-2019, $ / t
Figure 25. Dynamics of production and consumption of phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019, (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Figure 26. Dynamics of production and consumption of commercial phosphoric acid in Russia in 2010-2019. (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Figure 27. Production of phosphate fertilizers in Russia in 2000-2019, 1 half of 2020, (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons
Figure 28. Production of phosphate fertilizers in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, 1 half of 2020, (in terms of 100% Р2О5), thousand tons
Figure 29. Forecast of production (consumption) of phosphoric acid in Russia until 2025 (in terms of 100% P2O5), thousand tons