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Caustic Soda (solid) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report presents an overview of the market of solid caustic soda in the CIS. This work is desk study. As information sources, data of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and Ukraine (Goskomstat of Ukraine), the State Committee on Statistics of CIS countries, Federal Customs Service (FCS) and Ukraine (Ukraine's GTS), the base of foreign trade UN official railage statistics, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of producers and consumers.
The report consists of five chapters, contains 102 pages including 46 Tables, 23 Figures and Appendix.
The first chapter is devoted to analysis of production of solid caustic soda in the CIS. This chapter provides the requirements of the existing technical standards for quality of solid caustic different brands from different manufacturers, statistics of production of these products in the 2000-2011, described the producers of caustic soda.
The second chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with solid caustic soda in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries. The data on exports and imports of the product, estimation of regional structure of supplies, presents data on volumes of supplies of solid caustic soda exporters and importers of these products.
The third chapter presents data on the prices of solid caustic soda in the Russian domestic market, and analyzes data on dynamics of export-import prices in Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries.
In the fourth chapter of the report presents supply-demand balance of solid caustic soda in Russia, estimates regional and sectoral structure of consumption of the product, describes the main consumers of caustic soda solid, analyzed the factors causing the demand for domestic markets.
The fifth chapter is devoted to forecast of production and consumption of solid caustic soda in Russia up to 2015
I. The production of solid caustic soda in the CIS
I.1. Quality of products
I.2. The volume of solid caustic soda in the CIS in 2000-2011
I.3. Manufacturers of solid caustic soda in Russia
I.3.1. JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd)
I.3.2. JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak, Resp. Bashkortostan)
I.3.3. JSC "Khimprom" (Volgograd)
II. Export-import of solid caustic soda in the CIS (2004-2011)
II.1. The volume of exports and imports of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2011.
II.2. Tendencies and features of export deliveries of solid caustic soda in Russia
II.3. Tendencies and features of imports of solid caustic soda in Russia
II.4. Export-import of solid caustic soda in Ukraine
II.4.1. The volume of exports and imports of solid caustic soda in Ukraine
II.4.2. Tendencies and features of imports of solid caustic soda in Ukraine
II.4.3. Tendencies and features of export deliveries of solid caustic soda in Ukraine
II.5. Export-import of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries
II.5.1. The volume of imports of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries
II.5.2. Export volume of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries
III. Review of prices on solid caustic soda
III.1. Domestic prices of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2006-2011
III.2. Dynamics of export-import prices on solid caustic soda in Russia 2000-2011
III.3. Dynamics of export-import prices on solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2004-2010
III.4. Dynamics of export-import prices on solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries in 2006-2010.
IV. Consumption of solid caustic soda in the CIS
IV.1. Supply-demand balance of solid caustic soda in the CIS in 2006-2010.
IV.2. Supply-demand balance of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2011,.
IV.2. Structure of consumption of caustic soda in Russia
IV.3. The main end-consumers of caustic soda in Russia
IV.3.1. Chemical and Petrochemical Industry
IV.3.2. Gold mining
IV.3.3. Non-ferrous metallurgy
IV.3.4. Water conditioning
IV.4. The main company-consumers of solid caustic soda in Russia
IV.4.1. OJSC "Polyus Gold" (DP CJSC "Gold Mining Company" Pole ")
IV.4.2. JSC "Pokrovsky Rudnik" (Amur Region).
IV.4.3. OAO «Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company" (Murmansk region).
IV.4.4. JSC "Carbokam-Perm" (Krasnokamsk, Perm region)
V. Forecast of market development of solid caustic soda in Russia and the CIS for the period up to 2015
Appendix. Contact information on company-producers and consumers of solid caustic soda in the CIS
Table 1. Requirements for the quality of caustic soda (according to GOST 2263-79)
Table 2. Quality requirements for caustic soda technical granulated production of JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) (according to STO 00203275-206-2007)
Table 3. Quality requirements for sodium hydroxide technical pods produced by JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) (according to STO 00203275-219-2008)
Table 4. Quality requirements for reactive solid sodium hydroxide (according to GOST 4328-77)
Table 5. Quality requirements for solid mercury flake caustic soda of JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak) (according to GOST 4328-77)
Table 6. Quality requirements for caustic soda flake technical (diaphragm) improved production JSC "Khimprom" (Volgograd) (according to TU 2132-233-05763458-97)
Table 7. The production of solid caustic soda in the CIS by enterprises in 2000-2010 and 9 months. 2011, kt
Table 8. Utilization of capacities of enterprises for the production of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2008-2011,%
Table 9. The greatest Russian consumers of solid caustic soda of JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in 2004-2010 and 10 months. 2011, t
Table 10. The greatest foreign consumers of solid caustic soda of JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in 2006-2010 and 9 months. 2011, kt
Table 11. Results of financial-economic activity of JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in 2007-2010. and 9 months. 2011
Table 12. The greatest Russian consumers of solid caustic soda of JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak) in 2004-2010. and 10 months. 2011, t
Table 13. The greatest foreign consumers of solid caustic soda of JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak) in 2006-2010. and 9 months. 2011, t
Table 14. Results of financial-economic activity of JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak) in 2007-2010, mln Rubles.
Table 15. The greatest Russian consumers of caustic soda solid VOAO "Khimprom" in 2004-2010, t
Table 16. Results of financial-economic activity VOAO "Khimprom" in 2009-2010. and 9 months. 2011
Table 17. Exports of solid caustic soda for enterprises and their share in exports in 2005-2010 and 10 months. 2011
Table 18. The main country-importers of Russian solid caustic soda in 2004-10 months. 2011, Kt,%
Table 19. The main Russian consumers of solid caustic soda in 2007-9 months. 2011, Kt
Table 20. Major exporting countries of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2010. and 9 months. 2011, Kt
Table 21. The main suppliers of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2011, Kt
Table 22. The main consumers of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2007-9 months. 2011, Kt
Table 23. Major exporting countries of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2004-2010, t
Table 24. The main suppliers of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2006-2010, t
Table 25. The main importers of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2006-2010, t
Table 26. The main country-importers of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2004-2010, t
Table 27. The main exporters of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2006-2010, t
Table 28. The main company-importers of solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2006-2010, t
Table 29. Imports of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries in 2006-2010, t
Table 30. Exports of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries in 2006-2010, t
Table 31. Domestic prices of Russian producers of solid caustic soda in 2006-2011, Thousand rub. / t excluding VAT
Table 32. Prices of exports of solid caustic soda in Russia by countries in 2001-2011, $ / t
Table 33. Export prices of caustic soda by Russian companies in 2001-2011, $ / t
Table 34. Prices for Russian firm acquired by caustic soda supplier countries in the 2001-2011, $ / t
Table 35. Prices of Ukraine acquired a solid caustic soda in 2004-2010, $ / t
Table 36. Prices for exported by Ukraine solid caustic soda in 2004-2010, $ / t
Table 37. The average prices of imports of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries in 2006-2010, $ / t
Table 38. Average annual export prices of solid caustic soda in the other CIS countries in 2006-2010., $ / t
Table 39. Supply-demand balance of solid caustic soda in the CIS in 2006-2010, Kt
Table 40. Supply-demand balance of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2011, Kt
Table 41. Deliveries of solid caustic soda in the company "Gold Company" pole "in the 2004-2011, t
Table 42. Deliveries of solid caustic soda in mines Pokrovsky and Malomyrsky in 2004-2011, t
Table 43. Investment activities Company SC "Petropavlovsk"
Table 44. Indicators of production and processing of copper-nickel ores of "Kola MMC" and the consumption of caustic soda in 2004-2010
Table 45. Main characteristics of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (TU 2231-002-50277563-2000) and polyanionic cellulose (TU 2231-010-50277563-2003) produced by JSC "Carbokam"
Table 46. Deliveries of solid caustic soda in the JSC "Carbokam-Perm" in 2004-2011, t
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of solid caustic soda in the CIS in 2000-2011, Kt
Figure 2. The share of enterprises in the production of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2007-2011,%
Figure 3. Dynamics of production of solid caustic soda to JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in the 1997-2011, Kt
Figure 4. Dynamics of production of solid caustic soda to JSC "Caustic" (Sterlitamak) in 2000-2011, Kt
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of solid caustic soda VOAO "Khimprom" in 2004-2011, Kt
Figure 6. Dynamics of export-import operations with solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2011, Kt
Figure 7. Dynamics of production of solid caustic soda (kt) and share of exports in total production (%) in Russia in 2004-2011
Figure 8. The share of export of caustic soda in the volume of its production by Russian enterprises in 2009-2011,%
Figure 9. Exports of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2009-2011,%
Figure 10. Dynamics of export-import operations with solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2004-2010, t
Figure 11. Dynamics of export prices for caustic soda in Russia in 2000-2011, $ / t
Figure 12. Dynamics of import prices on caustic soda in Russia in 2000-2011, $ / t
Figure 13. Dynamics of export-import prices on solid caustic soda in Ukraine in 2004-2010., $ / t
Figure 14. Production, export, import and consumption of solid caustic soda in the CIS in 2006-2010, Kt
Figure 15. Production, export, import and consumption of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2004-2011, Kt
Figure 16. The main uses of solid caustic soda in Russia by industry in 2011,%
Figure 17. Dynamics of production and indices of industries, the most widely used solid caustic 2004-2011, Kt
Figure 18. Gold mining in Russia in 2000-2011, t
Figure 19. Production of nickel in Russia in 2005-2011, Kt
Figure 20. Dynamics of production of gold, "Polyus Gold" in the 2002-2011, t
Figure 21. Dynamics of gold mining company SC "Petropavlovsk" in the 2005-2011, t
Figure 22. Production of carboxymethyl cellulose JSC "Carbokam" in the 1999-2010, t
Figure 23. Forecast of production and consumption of solid caustic soda in Russia up to 2015, kt