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Uranium raw materials in the world, the CIS and Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This review is the 1st edition of the study of the uranium raw materials market in Russia and the CIS.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of uranium raw materials, as well as the CIS countries - in detail; Analysis of the global uranium raw materials market is fragmentary.
This market has been monitored since 2009.
The object of research is the geological reserves and resources of uranium, the production of oxide-nitrous oxide, as well as export-import operations with it.
Chronological scope of the study: 2009-2019, forecast - 2020-2035.
Research geography: Russian Federation and the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) - a comprehensive detailed analysis, the whole world - a brief description.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, we used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), the IAEA, Rosatom and its mining divisions, the UNcomtrade trade database, the World Nuclear Association WNA, scientific and technical literature, industry, regional and international press, as well as Internet sites of enterprises - producers and consumers of uranium raw materials.
The report consists of an introduction, 7 chapters and annex, contains 118 pages, including 40 tables and 22 figures.
The first chapter of the review is devoted to the study of the mineral resource base of uranium in the world. The dynamics of discovering uranium deposits since 1940 is presented. A list of the largest deposits in the world is given, including in Kazakhstan and Russia.
The second chapter of the review describes the main countries and companies engaged in the extraction of uranium raw materials from the subsoil. An increase in world uranium production by the method of underground borehole leaching was noted.
The third chapter of the review is devoted to new projects for the development of uranium deposits for the period until 2035.
The fourth chapter of the review discusses foreign trade operations. International trade in uranium is carried out through two channels: 1) uranium ores and ore concentrates; 2) a chemical concentrate of uranium raw materials in the form of nitrous oxide or ammonium polyuranates, the so-called "yellow cake".
In the fifth chapter of the review, a study is made of the state of production of uranium raw materials. Raw material processing volume correlates with current uranium consumption and stock movement. Extraction methods are widely used for uranium refining.
The sixth chapter of the review provides information on the mineral resource base, mining and processing of uranium raw materials in Russia and the CIS. Information is also provided on new uranium projects and on foreign trade operations with natural uranium.
The seventh chapter of the review analyzes the general prospects of nuclear energy in the world and gives a forecast for nuclear power generation and consumption of uranium in Russia and the CIS. A basic forecast is made for uranium mining in the world by 2035, taking into account the coronavirus pandemic.
The Appendix gives the mass fraction of impurities in the conditioned uranium oxide-oxide, and a list of used literature and contact information of enterprises producing uranium raw materials in the CIS.
A feature of the report that distinguishes it from competitors is the analysis of forecasts and their errors regarding the consumption of uranium raw materials in the world, the CIS and Russia.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the uranium raw materials market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the uranium raw materials market.
1. The world mineral base of uranium
2. Mining of uranium-containing raw materials in the world in 2009-2019
3. Projects for the development of new deposits in the world
4. Export-import of uranium raw materials in the world in 2010-2019.
5. Processing of uranium-containing raw materials
6. Mineral resources, mining and production of uranium in the CIS countries in 2009-2019.
6.1. Russia
6.1.1. Mineral resources base of uranium in Russia
6.1.2. Mining of uranium-containing raw materials in Russia in 2009-2019
6.1.3. Projects for the development of new uranium deposits in Russia
6.1.4. Export-import of uranium-containing raw materials in Russia in 2009-2019
6.1.5. Processing of uranium-containing raw materials in Russia in 2010-2019
PJSC PIMCU (Krasnokamensk, Trans-Baikal Territory)
JSC "Dalur" (Kurgan region)
JSC Khiagda (Buryatia)
Uranium One (Moscow)
6.2. Kazakhstan
6.2.1. Mineral resources base of uranium in Kazakhstan
6.2.2. Mining of uranium-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2009-2019
6.2.3. Projects for the development of new uranium deposits in Kazakhstan
6.2.4. Export-import of uranium-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2010-2019
6.2.5. Processing of uranium-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2009-2019
6.3. Uzbekistan
6.3.1. Mineral resources base of uranium in Uzbekistan
6.3.2. Extraction of uranium-containing raw materials in Uzbekistan in 2009-2019
6.3.3. Projects for the development of new uranium deposits in Uzbekistan
6.3.4. Export of uranium-containing raw materials in 2010-2019
6.3.5. Processing of uranium-containing raw materials in Uzbekistan in 2009-2019
6.4. Ukraine
6.4.1. Mineral resources base of uranium in Ukraine
6.4.2. Mining of uranium-containing raw materials in Ukraine in 2009-2019
6.4.3. Projects for the development of new uranium deposits in Ukraine
6.4.4. Export-import of uranium-containing raw materials in Ukraine in 2010-2018
6.4.5. Processing of uranium-containing raw materials in Ukraine in 2009-2019
6.5. Other CIS countries
6.5.1. Kyrgyzstan
6.5.2. Tajikistan
6.5.3. Armenia
7. Forecast of the development of the market of uranium-containing raw materials for 2020-2035. Prospects for nuclear power.
7.1. Russia
7.2. Ukraine
7.3. Armenia
7.4. Belarus
7.5. Forecast of nuclear power generation in the CIS for 2020-2035.
7.6. Forecast of uranium consumption in the CIS for 2020-2035.
7.7. Forecast of uranium production in the CIS for 2020-2035.
Appendix 1: List of the main used literature
Appendix 2: Mass fraction of impurities in conditioned uranium oxide-oxide according to TU 95.1981-89, %
Appendix 3: Address book of enterprises producing uranium raw materials in the CIS
Table 1: Uranium reserves in the subsoil in the category of production costs up to $ 130 / kg of uranium, thousand tons of uranium
Table 2: The largest uranium mines in the world in 2018, thousand tons of uranium
Table 3: The largest uranium companies in 2018, thousand tons of uranium,% of world production
Table 4: Volumes of uranium mining in the countries of the world in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Table 5: Major Projects of New Uranium Mines
Table 6: Leading world exporters and importers of uranium ores and concentrates in 2015-2018, $ million
Table 7: Uranium requirements of countries with nuclear power plants, t
Table 8: Basic Supplies of Nuclear Fuel to TVEL Fuel Company for Power Reactors
Table 9: Volumes of uranium mining in the CIS countries in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Table 10: Condition of SMEs of uranium in Russia and the share of the distributed fund in 2017-2019, thousand tons,%
Table 11: Reproduction of SMEs of uranium in Russia in 2016-2018, t
Table 12: Key financial indicators of ARMZ JSC in 2010-2018, billion rubles
Table 13: Financial indicators of MMC Elkonsky JSC in 2010-2019, million rubles
Table 14: Losses from unrealized uranium mines in Russia for 2006-2018, million rubles
Table 15: Dynamics of Russian imports and exports of uranium raw materials in 2009-2019, thousand tons U
Table 16: The main participants in the Russian import of uranium and chemical concentrates of uranium in 2010-2019, mln $, t
Table 17: Russian export of animal-processing assets outside the borders of the customs union in 2010-2019, $ million, t
Table 18: Production and financial indicators of PJSC PIMCU in 2009-2018, billion rubles, tons
Table 19: Production and financial indicators of Dalur JSC in 2009-2018, million rubles, tons
Table 20: Production and financial indicators of JSC Khiagda in 2009-2018, million rubles, tons
Table 21: Consolidated profit of all uranium mining enterprises in Russia in 2010-2018, million rubles
Table 22: Oxide Production at Uranium One Inc. Major Mines in 2010-2018, thousand pounds
Table 23: Financial Performance of Uranium One Inc. in 2010-2018, million $, million pounds, $ / pound
Table 24: Net income of the main mines of Uranium One Inc. in 2010-2018, million $
Table 25: Kazakhstani imports of uranium ores and ore concentrates in 2010-2018, kg, $
Table 26: Commodity turnover of uranium concentrates between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in 2010-2016, $ million, t
Table 27: Export of uranium raw materials from Kazakhstan in 2010-2019, million $, t
Table 28: Maximum mass fractions of impurities in the ZOU production of JSC "UMP",% of uranium
Table 29: Quality indicators ZOU production of JSC "UMP"
Table 30: The main indicators of production and sales of animal welfare in Kazakhstan in 2009-2019, thousand tons of animal welfare, $ / f.
Table 31: Export of ZOU from Uzbekistan in 2010-2019, $ million, t
Table 32: Ukrainian imports of uranium ores and ore concentrates in 2010-2018, kg, $
Table 33: Ukrainian export of yellow cake to Russia in 2010-2018, $ million, t
Table 34: Data from Ukrainian customs on imports of VostGOK uranium oxide from Kazatomprom (Kazakhstan) in 2014-2018, $ million, t
Table 35: Production and financial indicators of SE VostGOK in 2009-2019, million hryvnias
Table 36: Installed capacity of nuclear power plants in the General scheme for the placement of electric power facilities until 2035 (basic version), GW
Table 37: Installed capacity of nuclear power plants in the General layout of electric power facilities up to 2035 (minimum option), GW
Table 38: Forecast of nuclear power generation in the CIS for 2020-2035, billion kWh / year
Table 39: Forecast of uranium consumption in the CIS for 2020-2035, thousand tons
Table 40: Forecast of uranium production in the CIS for 2020-2035, thousand tons
Figure 1: Expenditures on exploration for uranium from Cameco (Canada) in 2013-2019, $ million
Figure 2: Number of discovered uranium deposits in 1940-2016
Figure 3: The largest deposits of the world in 2017, thousand tons of uranium
Figure 4: Uranium Upper Leaching Scheme
Figure 5: World mining of uranium raw materials in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Figure 6: Expenditures on exploration and development of uranium mines in 2017, $ million
Figure 7: Dynamics of consumption, own production and import of uranium in China in 2010-2019, thousand tons of HEU
Figure 8: Average share of CIS countries in uranium mining in 2015-2019,%
Figure 9: Dynamics of mining of uranium raw materials of ARMZ JSC in 2009-2019, t U
Figure 10: Cost structure of PJSC PIMCU in 2019,%
Figure 11: Cost structure of Dalur JSC in 2019,%
Figure 12: Cost structure of Khiagda JSC in 2019,%
Figure 13: Comparative analysis of the cost structure of Dalur JSC and Khiagda JSC in 2019, million rubles
Figure 14: Revenue Structure of Uranium One Inc. in 2018,%
Figure 15: Dynamics of quarterly sales and stocks of uranium oxide Uranium One Inc. 3 sq. 2017 - 3 sq. Km. 2019, million pounds
Figure 16: Dynamics of quarterly average sales prices of uranium oxide Uranium One Inc., 3 sq. M. 2017 - 3 sq. Km. 2019 $ / lb
Figure 17: Layout of uranium deposits in Kazakhstan
Figure 18: Production of uranium raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Figure 19: Production of uranium raw materials in Uzbekistan in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Figure 20: Volume of yellow cake production at VostGOK in 2009-2019, thousand tons of uranium
Figure 21: Cost structure of SE VostGOK in 2019,%
Figure 22: Forecast of uranium consumption in the European Union for 2020-2035, thousand tons