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Iron Ore Raw Materials Market Research in the World: Current Condition and Prospects of Development (2nd edition)
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
The report focuses on the research of the current condition of the world market of iron ore raw materials and prospects of development of iron ore enterprises for the period up to 2020.
The report consists of 8 chapters, contains 290 pages including 78 figures, 125 tables and Annex. This work is a desk study. As information sources, data from Rosstat, the Inter-State Statistics Committee of CIS countries, Federal Customs Service of Russia, information of Rudprom, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of company-producers, analytical and statistical materials of foreign research centers, materials of the manufacturing companies have been used.
In the first chapter of the report basic concepts and requirements for iron ores are given.
The second chapter is devoted to analysis of the condition of raw materials base of iron ores in the world. The chapter provides information on the distribution of reserves of iron ores by regions of the world, as well as description of large deposits.
The third chapter presents information on the production of iron ore raw materials in the world, including by regions and companies.
The fourth chapter is devoted to describing the largest company - producers of commodity iron ore in the world (by region and GOK).Separately, the data on the production of oxidized pellets and sinter at mining enterprises are given. In more details the Russian companies are described.
The fifth chapter analyzes the foreign trade operations in iron ore resources, displaying basic markets.
The sixth chapter describes the world consumption of iron ore raw materials. The regional structure of the consumption, as well as the structure for the major country- consumers of iron ore raw materials is given.
Significant attention in the seventh chapter is paid to price trends in the market of iron ore raw materials, both in the domestic and the world markets.
In the final, eighth chapter forecast of production of iron ore raw materials in the world up to 2015 and in Russia up to 2020 is presented, as well as the estimates of the market prospects.
In the Annex contact data on the enterprises of the CIS is presented.
1. Basic concepts and definitions. Requirements for iron ores.
2. Mineral resources base: basic deposits and reserves
2.1 Australia
2.2 Brazil
2.3 Russia
2.4 Ukraine
2.5 Kazakhstan
2.6 India
2.7 China
2.8 Other countries of the Far Eastern region
3. Production of iron ore raw materials
3.1 Australia
3.2 Brazil
3.3 Russia
3.3.1 Mining of iron ores
3.3.2 Production of iron ore products in Russia
3.4 Ukraine
3.4.1 Mining of ores in Ukraine
3.4.2 Production of commodity ore in Ukraine
3.5 Kazakhstan
3.6 China
4. The largest company - producers of iron ore raw materials
4.1 The company Vale SA
4.2 Rio Tinto
4.2.1 The company Hamersley Iron
4.2.2 Robe River
4.2.3 IOC (Canada)
4.2.4 Mineracao Corumbaense Reunida (MCR)
4.3 BHP Billiton
4.4 Cleveland-Cliff
4.5 Kumba Resources
4.6 The Russian companies
4.6.1 JSC “Stoilensky GOK”
4.6.2 LLC “Metal-Group” (Yakovlevsky mine)
4.6.3 JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK”
4.6.4 JSC “Lebedinsky GOK”
4.6.5 JSC “Works KMA-Ruda”
4.6.6 JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” (Kostomuksha GOK)
4.6.7 JSC “Olkon” (Olenegorsk GOK)
4.6.8 JSC “Kovdor GOK”
4.6.9. JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK”
4.6.10 LLC “Bakal Rudoupravlenie” (LLC “BRU”)
4.6.11 JSC “Kachkanar GOK “Vanadium”
4.6.12 JSC “Bogoslovsk RU”
4.6.13 JSC “Korshunovsky GOK”
4.6.14 JSC “Evrazruda”
4.7 Chinese companies
5. Foreign trade operations in iron ore resources
5.1 Exports of iron ore raw materials
5.2 Major exporters
5.2.1 Australia
5.2.2 Brazil
5.2.3 India
5.2.4 Canada
5.2.5 South Africa
5.2.6 Russia
5.2.7 Ukraine
5.3 Imports of iron ore raw materials
5.4 Major importers
5.4.1 Germany
5.4.2 France
5.4.3 China
5.4.4 Japan
5.4.5 South Korea
6. Consumption of iron ore raw materials
6.1. Regional structure of consumption
6.2. The greatest consumers
6.2.1 China
6.2.2 Japan
6.2.3 Russia
7. Price trends in the market of iron ore raw materials
8. Forecast of production of iron ore raw materials in the world and market prospects
8.1 The global forecast up to 2015
8.2 Forecast of development of the Russian GOKs up to 2020
8.2.1 Analysis of production of iron ore raw materials in the Russian Federation in the crisis conditions
8.2.2 Near-tern forecast
8.2.3 Forecast of development of the Russian GOKs up to 2020
Annex: Contact information on producers of iron ore raw materials in the CIS
Table 1. Mass fraction of iron in iron ore of the main operated deposits in the Russian Federation
Table 2. Basic iron ore deposits of Australia
Table 3. Basic iron ore deposits, operated by Brazil's Vale
Table 4. Condition of mineral resources of iron ores of the Russian Federation as of 1.01.2008, bln t
Table 5. Basic mined deposits of the Russian Federation
Table 6. Distribution of reserves of the Central Federal District by iron ore areas
Table 7. Distribution of reserves of the Ural Federal District by iron ore areas
Table 8. Distribution of reserves of the North-West Federal District by Regions
Table 9. The distribution of reserves in the Siberian Federal District by Regions
Table 10. The distribution of reserves in the Far Eastern Federal District by iron-ore areas
Table 11. Iron ore deposits in Ukraine
Table 12. Basic iron ore deposits in Kazakhstan
Table 13. Identified resources and reserves of iron ores of the Far Eastern Federal District as of 1.01.2005 and the average iron content in the ores.
Table 14. World production of commodity iron ores in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 15. Mining of crude iron ore by Federal Districts of Russia in 1995-2009 (mln t)
Table 16. Distribution of existing open pits for the iron ore mining in the Russian Federation (2008)
Table 17. Distribution of underground mines for iron ore mining in Russia (2009)
Table 18. Mining of crude iron ore by mining enterprises in Russia in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 19. The iron content in the crude ore in Russian regions in 2000-2008, %
Table 20. Production of commodity iron ore by enterprises in Russia in 1998-2009, th. tonnes
Table 21. Production of oxidized pellets by mining companies* in Russian in 1998-2009, th. tonnes
Table 22. Production of commodity iron ore, including concentrate, by enterprises in Ukraine in 2000-2009, th. tonnes
Table 23. Pellet production at enterprises of Ukraine in 2000-2009, th. tonnes
Table 24. The dynamics of crude iron ore mining in Kazakhstan in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 25. Production of commodity iron ore by major enterprises in Kazakhstan in 2000-2009, th. tonnes
Table 26. Production of iron ore raw materials in the company Vale by its enterprises
Table 27. Production of iron ore raw materials by Rio Tinto Group in 2008-2009, mln t
Table 28. Shipments of iron ore raw materials by Rio Tinto Group in 2008-2009, mln t
Table 29. Production of iron ore raw materials by BHP Billiton, th. tonnes
Table 30. Production and sale of iron ore raw materials by Kumba Iron Ore company in 2006-2009, mln t
Table 31. Specifications for sintered iron ore (TU 0711-006-00186826-98) of Stoilensky GOK’s production
Table 32. Specifications for the sintered iron ore concentrate: TU (specifications) 0712-021-00186826-2005
Table 33. Exports of iron ore raw materials of “Stoilensky GOK” by products in 2007-2009, th. tonnes
Table 34. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Stoilensky GOK” in 2005-2009
Table 35. Profit and loss account of JSC “Stoilensky GOK”, rubles
Table 36. Consumers of iron ore raw materials of LLC “Metal-Group” (Yakovlevsky mine) in 2007-2009, th. tonnes
Table 37. Reserves of iron ore of Vereteninsky lode of Mikhailovsky deposit (as of 1.01.2007), th. tonnes
Table 38. Consumers of iron ore raw materials of Mikhailovsky GOK at domestic market of Russia in 2006-2009, th. tonnes
Table 39. Exports of iron ore raw materials by Mikhailovsky GOK in 2005-2009 by country, th. tonnes
Table 40. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 41. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 42. The dynamics of quality data of products of Lebedinsky GOK for 2007 - 2009
Table 43. Supplies of iron ore products by Lebedinsky GOK (by product) in 2009, th. tonnes
Table 44. The dynamics of supply of iron ore raw materials by Lebedinsky GOK to domestic market in 2005-2009, th. tonnes
Table 45. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials and HBI of JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” in 2005-2009 by country (including HBI), th. tonnes
Table 46. Assortment of exports of iron ore raw materials and HBI of JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” by country in 2009, th. tonnes
Table 47. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” for the period 2005-2009, th. rubles
Table 48. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” for the period of 2005-2009, th. rubles
Table 49. Supplies of concentrate of JSC “KMA-Ruda” Works to domestic market in 2004-2009, mln t
Table 50. Basic technical and economic performance of JSC “KMA-Ruda” in 2008-2009
Table 51. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “KMA-Ruda” for the period 2005-2009
Table 52. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “KMA-Ruda” for the period 2005-2009
Table 53. Sales of iron ore pellets and concentrate of JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 54. Deliveries of pellets by JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” to domestic market in 2004-2009, mln t
Table 55. Exports of iron ore pellets by JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” in 2004-2009 by country, th. tonnes
Table 56. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” in 2005-2009
Table 57. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” for the period 2005-2009
Table 58. Deliveries of concentrate by JSC “Olkon” in 2004-2009 to the domestic and foreign markets, th. tonnes
Table 59. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Olenegorsk GOK” for the period of 2003-2009
Table 60. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Olkon” for the period of 2003-2009
Table 61. Balance reserves of ores of Kovdor deposit (as of 01.01.2007)
Table 62. Sales of iron ore concentrate of JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 63. Supplies of iron ore concentrate of JSC “Kovdor GOK” to domestic market in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 64. Exports of iron ore concentrate of JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 65. Forecast of production and sales of major products of JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 2010
Table 66. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 2005-2009
Table 67. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Kovdor GOK” for the period of 2005-2009, th. rubles, %
Table 68. Supply of concentrate to “Vysokogorsky GOK” for the production of sinter in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 69. Basic consumers of iron ore raw materials of JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK” at domestic market in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 70. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK” for the period of 2005-2009
Table 71. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 72. Balance reserves of Bakal group of iron ore deposits, being on the books of LLC “BRU”
Table 73. Balance reserves of deposits of metallurgical quartzite, being on the books of LLC “BRU”
Table 74. Basic consumers of concentrate, siderite and sinter ore of LLC “BRU” in the domestic market in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 75. The average chemical composition of the products of Kachkanar GOK
Table 76. Mining of crude iron ore in the JSC “Kachkanar GOK” by open pits in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 77. Sales of iron ore raw materials by JSC “Kachkanar GOK” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 78. Consumers of iron ore raw materials (sinter and pellets) of JSC “Kachkanar GOK” at domestic market in 2007-2009, th. tonnes
Table 79. Export deliveries of pellets by JSC “Kachkanar GOK” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 80. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Kachkanar GOK” in 2004-2009
Table 81. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Kachkanar GOK” for the period 2004-2009
Table 82. Basic consumers of concentrate of JSC “Bogoslovsk RU” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 83. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Bogoslovsk RU” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 84. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Bogoslovsk RU” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 85. Supplies of iron ore of “Korshunovsky GOK” to domestic market in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Table 86. Indicators of financial and economic performance of JSC “Korshunovsky GOK” in 2004-2009
Table 87. The indicators characterizing the profitability and unprofitability of JSC “Korshunovsky GOK” for the period of 2004-2009
Table 88. Mining of crude ore at the enterprises of JSC “Evrazruda” in 2000-2009, th. tonnes
Table 89. Production of commodity ore by mining companies of “Evrazruda” in 2005-2009, th. tonnes.
Table 90. The largest exporters of iron ore raw materials in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 91. Exports of iron ore raw materials from Australia in 2000-2009, by type, mln t
Table 92. Exports of Australian iron ore raw materials by countries in 2007-2009, mln t
Table 93. Exports of iron ore raw materials from Brazil by products in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 94. Exports of Brazilian iron ore raw materials by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 95. Exports of iron ore raw materials from India in 2004-2009, mln t
Table 96. Exports of iron ore raw materials from Canada by products in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 97. Exports of iron ore raw materials from Canada by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 98. Export shipments of iron ore raw materials from South Africa by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 99. Dynamics of exports of commodity iron ore from Russian Federation by major exporters in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Table 100. Geographical structure of Russian exports of commodity iron ores in 1996-2009, th. tonnes
Table 101. Exports of iron ore raw materials from Ukraine in 2005-2009, th. tonnes
Table 102. Imports of iron ore in the world in 2003-2009, mln t
Table 103. The largest importers of iron ore raw materials, mln t
Table 104. Imports of iron ore raw materials by Germany by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 105. Imports of iron ore raw materials in France by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 106. Imports of iron ore raw materials by France by products in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 107. Imports of iron ore raw materials in China by type in 2000-2009, mln t
Table 108. Imports of iron ore raw materials in China by countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 109. Imports of iron ore raw materials by Japan from selected countries in 2007-2009 (mln t)
Table 110. Imports of iron ore raw materials in South Korea from selected countries in 2005-2009, mln t
Table 111. Real world consumption of iron ore raw materials and production of iron and DRI/HBI by countries in 2006-2009, mln t
Table 112. Apparent consumption of iron ore raw materials, ferrous metals production in China in 2003-2009 and change compared with previous years, th. tonnes, %
Table 113. Deliveries of non-sintered iron ore raw materials for Japanese metallurgical enterprises in 2009, th. tonnes
Table 114. Deliveries of sintered iron ore raw materials to the Japanese steel industry in 2009, th. tonnes
Table 115. Supply-demand balance of commodity iron ore in Russia in 1997-2009, mln t
Table 116. Pig iron production in Russia in 1997-2009, mln t
Table 117. Production of steel and ferrous metals in Russia in 1997-2009, mln t
Table 118. Supplies of iron ore raw materials by Russian regions in 2009, mln t
Table 119. Supply chain of commodity iron ore to the basic metallurgical enterprises in Russia in 2009
Table 120. Owners of Russian GOKs
Table 121. Average import prices of iron ore raw materials, shipped to China, Japan, South Korea, Germany in 2003-2009, $ / t
Table 122. Import prices for China by country and type of iron ore raw materials in 2009, $ / t
Table 123. Supply-demand balance of iron ore raw materials in the world in 2009-2015, mln t
Table 124. Forecast of production of iron ore raw materials in the world in 2009-2015 by major producing countries, mln t
Table 125. Forecast of supply-demand balance of commodity iron ore for metallurgical industry in Russia up to 2020, mln t
Figure 1. Distribution of predicted resources of iron ore of categories P1, P2 and P3, converted into conditional P1 category, by Regions of the Russian Federation, bln t (as of 1.01.2007)
Figure 2. Distribution of balance reserves of iron ore by Regions of the Russian Federation, bln t
Figure 3. Production and export of iron ore raw materials by Australia in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 4. Production of iron ore raw materials in Brazil in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 5. The dynamics of crude ore mining in Russia in 1995-2009 years, mln t
Figure 6. Dynamics of production of commodity iron ore in Russia in 1995 -2009, mln t
Figure 7. Mining of iron ore in Ukraine in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 8. Mining of iron ore raw materials in China in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 9. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Stoilensky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 10. Production of iron ore products of JSC “Stoilensky GOK” in 1998-2009, mln t
Figure 11. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials by JSC “Stoilensky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 12. Supplies of iron ore raw materials by JSC “Stoilensky GOK” to the domestic market in 2004-2009, mln t
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of iron ore raw materials by Yakovlevsky mine of LLC “Metal-Group" in 2007-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 14. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 15. Production of iron ore products of JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” in 1999-2009, mln t
Figure 16. Supplies of iron ore raw materials by JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” by kinds of products to the domestic market in 2004-2009, mln t
Figure 17. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials by JSC “Mikhailovsky GOK” in 1999-2009, mln t
Figure 18. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 19. Production of iron ore raw materials and HBI by JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 20. Basic consumers of iron ore raw materials of “Lebedinsky GOK” at domestic market in 2009, % (including HBI)
Figure 21. Dynamics of export supplies of iron ore raw materials (without HBI) by JSC “Lebedinsky GOK” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 22. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Works KMA-Ruda”
Figure 23. Production of iron ore products by JSC Works “KMA-Ruda" in 1995-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 24. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 25. Production of iron ore products by JSC “Karel'sky Okatysh” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 26. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Olenegorsk GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 27. Dynamics of production of concentrates in the JSC “Olkon” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 28. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 29. Dynamics of production of concentrate by JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 1998-2009, th. tonnes.
Figure 30. Dynamics of exports of concentrate by JSC “Kovdor GOK” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 31. Mining of raw ore by JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 32. Production of iron ore products of JSC “Vysokogorsky GOK” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 33. Mining of raw ore by LLC “Bakal RU” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 34. Production of iron ore products by LLC “Bakal RU” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 35. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Kachkanar GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 36. Production of iron ore products in the JSC “Kachkanar GOK” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 37. Supplies of iron ore raw materials of JSC “Kachkanar GOK” to the domestic market in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 38. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Bogoslovsk RU” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 39. Production of iron ore concentrate by JSC “Bogoslovsk RU” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 40. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Korshunovsky GOK” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 41. Production of concentrate in the JSC “Korshunovsky GOK” in 1999-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 42. Sales of products of JSC “Korshunovsky GOK” in 2004-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 43. Mining of crude iron ore by JSC “Evrazruda” in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 44. Dynamics of production of commodity ore by JSC “Evraz Group" in 2005-2009, th. tonnes
Figure 45. World trade in iron ore raw materials in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 46. Shares of largest exporters of iron ore raw materials in the world trade in 2000, 2006 and 2009, %
Figure 47. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials from Australia in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 48. Exports of concentrate and lump ore from Australia (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t)
Figure 49. Dynamics of export supplies of iron ore raw materials from Brazil in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 50. Exports of non-sintered iron ore raw materials (concentrate, lumpy ore) from Brazil (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 51. Export of pellets from Brazil (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 52. Exports of iron ore raw materials from India in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 53. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials from Canada in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 54. Export shipments of concentrate from Canada (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 55. Export deliveries of pellets of Canada (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 56. Export shipments of iron ore raw materials from South Africa (mln t) and the average prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 57. Dynamics of exports of iron ore raw materials from Russia by types in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 58. Dynamics of Russian exports of non-sintered raw materials in 2000-2009 (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t)
Figure 59. Dynamics of Russian exports of pellets in 2000-2009 (mln t) and the average export prices ($ / t)
Figure 60. Dynamics of export supplies of iron ore raw materials from Ukraine in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 61. The shares of the largest importers of iron ore raw materials in the world trade in 2000, 2006, 2009, %
Figure 62. Dynamics of import purchases of iron ore raw materials by the EU countries (25) in 2002-2009, mln t
Figure 63. Dynamics of imports of iron ore raw materials in Germany: total and of non-sintered iron ore raw materials (lumpy ore, concentrate, iron ore fines) in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 64. Imports of non-sintered raw materials (concentrate, lumpy ore) in Germany (mln t) and the average import prices ($ / t)
Figure 65. Import of pellets in Germany (mln t) and the average import prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 66. Steel output in China and imports of iron ores, mln t
Figure 67. Imports of concentrate and lump ore by China (mln t) and the average import prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 68. Import of pellets by China (mln t) and the average import prices ($ / t) in 2000-2009
Figure 69. Imports of iron ore raw materials by Japan in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 70. Dynamics of imports of non-sintered iron ore raw materials (concentrate, lumpy ore) into Japan in 2003-2009, (mln t) and the average prices ($ / t)
Figure 71. Dynamics of imports of pellets into Japan in 2003-2009, and the average price ($ / t)
Figure 72. Imports of iron ore raw materials in South Korea in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 73. Imports of non-sintered raw materials (concentrate, lumpy ore) in South Korea (mln t) and the average import prices ($ / t)
Figure 74. Import of pellets in South Korea (mln t) and the average import prices ($/t)
Figure 75. Actual consumption of iron ore raw materials in 2009 by the world regions, %
Figure 76. Apparent and actual consumption, imports of iron ore raw materials in China, and pig iron production in 2003-2009, mln t
Figure 77. The dynamics of consumption (imports) of iron ore raw materials, and steel production in Japan in 2000-2009, mln t
Figure 78. Dynamics of production, exports, imports and consumption of commodity iron ores in Russia in 1997-2009, mln t