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Synthetic Zinc Chloride in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
This report is the second edition of the Russian synthetic zinc chloride market survey.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the market of the Russian zinc chloride market.
The object of research is zinc chloride.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information were the data of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation. Materials from the industry and regional press, websites of dry zinc chloride suppliers were attracted.
Chronological scope of the study: 2010-2020; forecast - until 2023
Geography of research: Russian Federation.
The report consists of 6 parts, contains 41 pages, including 12 figures, 16 tables.
The first chapter of the review is devoted to a description of the methods of zinc chloride production; the chapter contains acts of normative and technical documentation regulating the quality of the reagent.
The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade operations with zinc chloride in Russia. The data on the volumes of imports and exports of the studied products are given, the regional structure of imports is estimated.
The third chapter provides information on import prices for zinc chloride, and also analyzes data on changes in import prices for the reagent in Russia.
The fourth chapter of the report provides data on the consumption of zinc chloride in Russia, assesses the sectoral structure of consumption of the studied products, identifies the main consumer enterprises.
In the fifth chapter of the report, the factors influencing the development of the Russian dry zinc chloride market are given, and a forecast of its development for the period up to 2023 is given.
The sixth chapter presents the conclusions drawn from the results of the study.
The appendix contains the contact information of the companies mentioned in the study
Target audience of the study:
- market participants of zinc chloride and products produced with its use, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference for marketing and management decision makers in the zinc chloride market.
zinc chloride market.
Main characteristics
Chemical properties
1. Production
1.1. Production methods
1.2. Product quality
1.3. Packaging, transportation and storage
2. Export-import operations with zinc chloride
2.1 Dynamics of zinc chloride supplies in 2010-2020
2.2. Main producing countries supplying zinc chloride in 2010-2020
2.3. Major supplying companies in 2010-2020
3. Prices
3.1. Dynamics of prices for imported zinc chloride in 2010-2020
4. Consumption of zinc chloride in Russia in 2010-2020.
4.1. Consumption dynamics
4.2. Consumption structure
4.3. Main consumers of zinc chloride, areas of application
5. Forecast of the development of the zinc chloride market in Russia in 2020-2023.
6. Conclusions of the study
Appendix: Contact Information
Table 1. Physical properties of zinc chloride
Table 2. Requirements for the quality of zinc chloride in accordance with GOST 7345-78
Table 3. Requirements for the quality of zinc chloride in accordance with GOST 452978-78, STANDART GB / T 2093-93 (China) and a Czech-made reagent
Table 4. Quality of dry zinc chloride from Weifang Dongfangsheng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., China
Table 5. Quality of dry zinc chloride from Bohemie a.s. (Czech Republic)
Table 6. Quality of dry zinc chloride from Flaurea Chemicals S.A.
Table 7. Foreign trade operations with solid zinc chloride in the RF in 2010-2020, t
Table 8. Volumes of Russian imports of zinc chloride (solid and liquid) in physical and monetary terms in 2010-2020, tons, million $
Table 9. Countries supplying solid zinc chloride to Russia in 2010-2020, t,%
Table 10. Countries supplying zinc chloride solutions to Russia in 2010-2020, t
Table 11. Main companies-suppliers of solid zinc chloride to Russia in 2010-2020, tons
Table 12. Main companies-importers of dry zinc chloride to Russia in 2010-2020, thousand tons,%
Table 13. Main companies-importers of zinc chloride solutions to Russia in 2010-2020, tons
Table 14. Prices for zinc chloride imported by the Russian Federation in 2010-2020, $ / t
Table 15. Dynamics of foreign trade operations and consumption of solid zinc chloride in Russia in 2010-2020, tons
Table 16. Dynamics of metallurgical production in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023,% YoY
Figure 1. Dynamics of Russian import supplies of solid zinc chloride in 2010-2020, tons
Figure 2. Dynamics of Russian imports of solid zinc chloride in 2010-2020 in physical and monetary terms thousand tons, $ mln
Figure 3. Dynamics of Russian import deliveries of solutions
Figure 4. Regional structure of Russian imports of solid zinc chloride in 2019,% (total volume 6934 tons).
Figure 5. The share of Chinese products in the total Russian imports of dry zinc chloride in 2010-2020,%
Figure 6. Change in the structure of Chinese supplies of solid zinc chloride to Russia in 2010-2019, tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of average import prices for zinc chloride (solid and in solution) in the Russian Federation in 2010-2020, $ / t
Figure 8: Dynamics of prices for zinc (LME.Zinc,) in 2010-2020, $ / t
Figure 9. Dynamics of average import prices for dry zinc chloride of Chinese and European production in the Russian Federation in 2010-2020, $ / t
Figure 10. Dynamics of consumption of solid zinc chloride
Figure 11. Estimated structure of zinc chloride consumption in the Russian Federation in 2018-2019,%
Figure 12. Forecast of consumption of dry zinc chloride in the Russian Federation for 2019-2023, tons