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Magnetic Separators used for Mineral Processing in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Número de páginas: 133 Número de tablas: 58 El número de cifras: 42
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 14.04.2016
Forma de presentación:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestación: Descargar
Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of the research market magnetic separators in Russia.

The purpose of research – analysis of the Russian market of magnetic separators.

Object of research are magnetic separators used for mineral processing.

This work is a Desk study. As information sources used data of Rosstat, Federal customs service of Russia, statistics of railage, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet-sites of producers and consumers of magnetic separators.

The chronological scope of the study: 1999-2015, forecast, 2016-2020.

Geography research: Russian Federation – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.

The report consists of 6 sections, contains 133 pages, including 58 tables, 42 figures and 2 appendices.


The first Chapter provides the basic technology of magnetic separation of raw materials, classification of magnetic separators, shows the requirements for different types of magnetic separators.

The second Chapter is devoted to the production of magnetic separators in Russia. This section describes the estimated volumes of these devices. Detailed description of the main manufacturers of magnetic separators in Russia.

The third Chapter analyzes the Russian foreign trade operations with magnetic separators for the period 1999-2015 presents data on volumes of export and import of products, estimates of fine structure devices, are the main exporters and importers. Also in this Chapter are given price indices of magnetic separators of different brands and different manufacturers.

In the fourth Chapter of the report describes the state of the main suppliers of magnetic separators, as from CIS countries and from far abroad to Russia.

The fifth Chapter is devoted to the use of magnetic separators in Russia, given the estimated capacity of the Russian market, given its structure by directions of use of these devices. Describes the main applications and the largest enterprise-consumers of magnetic separators.

In the sixth Chapter of the report presents forecast of development of market of magnetic separator by 2020, given the SWOT analysis of the market.


The Appendix presents contact information on producers and consumers of magnetic separators in Russia.


Target audience research:

- market participants magnetic separators – manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and specialists taking management decisions, working in the mining industry.






1. The basic technology of magnetic separation of raw materials. Main characteristics and classification of magnetic separators, Types of magnetic separators


2. The production of magnetic separators in Russia. Major manufacturers

LTD. "UGMK-Rudgormash-Voronezh" /JSC "Rudgormash"


JSC "NPO "mechanobra Appliances"

LLC "Burmasha", JSC "mechanical engineer"

LLC "Vortecmax"

LTD. "ON khimstalkomplekt



3. Export-import of magnetic separators Russia (1999-2015)

3.1 Export

3.2. Import

3.3. Export-import prices on magnetic separators


4. Major suppliers of magnetic separators in Russia

"STC magnetic separation "Magnis"

CHMP smf "Prodecologia"

JSC "Dneprotiazhbummash"

JSC "Lugansk machine-building plant. A. Parkhomenko"

GP GS GPCI "Gipromashugleobogashenie"

LLC "Luhansk electric machine building plant" (LLC "Scientific-production company "LEMZ-OGMK")

Eriez Magnetics

Chinese companies


5. The use of magnetic separators for mineral processing in Russia

Processing of iron ore

The coal industry

Enrichment of sand for the glass industry

Other areas


6. Characteristics and forecast of market development of magnetic separator in Russia up to 2020


Appendix 1. Address book manufacturers of magnetic separators in the CIS

Appendix 2. Address book main users of magnetic separators in the CIS

Table 1: Main parameters and dimensions of the separators of PBM

Table 2: Main parameters and dimensions of the separators type PBS

Table 3: Main parameters and dimensions of the separators type computer

Table 4: Main parameters and dimensions of the separators type EMU

Table 5: Main parameters and dimensions of the separators type PBS

Table 6: reliability of magnetic separators

Table 7: specifications of magnetic roll separators, produced by LLC "UGMK-Rudgormash-Voronezh"

Table 8: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators, produced by LLC "UGMK-Rudgormash-Voronezh"

Table 9: Key financial indicators of JSC "Rudgormash" in 2008-2010, thousand rubles.

Table 10: Key financial indicators of LLC "UGMK-Rudgormash-Voronezh" in 2009-2014, thousand rubles.

Table 11: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators series FRF NGO "ERG"

Table 12: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators series SMBM and SMBM-2 NPO "ERG"

Table 13: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators series MBS NGO "ERG"

Table 14: Technical characteristics roller magnetic separators series SMVI-2 NPO "ERG"

Table 15: Key financial indicators of LLC "bars" LLC, "Separator" and OOO "ERG Plus" in 2012-2014, ths.

Table 16: specifications of roller magnetic separators produced by JSC "NPO "mechanobra Appliances"

Table 17: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators produced by JSC "NPO "mechanobra Appliances"

Table 18: Key financial indicators of JSC "NPO "mechanobra Appliances" in 2009-2014, thousand rubles.

Table 19: Technical specifications of magnetic separators of PBM produced by JSC "machine Builder"

Table 20: Key financial indicators of JSC "mechanical engineer" in 2009-2014, thousand rubles.

Table 21: Technical specifications of magnetic separators produced by "Vortecmax"

Table 22: Key financial indicators of LLC "Vortecmax" in 2009-2014, thousand rubles.

Table 23: Technical features of magnetic separator 2ПБМ 60/60 production AT OOO "po khimstalkomplekt

Table 24: Technical specifications of magnetic separators series LMO produced by "RPC INTERTAX"

Table 25: Key financial indicators of LLC "RPC INTERTAX" in 2009-2014, thousand rubles.

Table 26: Direction and volume of export of magnetic separators from Russia in 1999-2015, units

Table 27: Main exporters of magnetic separators from Russia in 1999-2007, pieces

Table 28: Main exporters of magnetic separators from Russia in 2008-2015, units

Table 29: Areas and volumes of imports of magnetic separators* Russia in 1999-2015, units

Table 30: Main companies-suppliers of magnetic separators in Russia in 1999-2007, pieces

Table 31: Main companies-suppliers of magnetic separators in Russia in 2008-2015, units

Table 32: Average prices for exported from Russia magnetic separators of different brands in 2006-2015, thous./units

Table 33: Average prices for imported Russian magnetic separators of different brands in 2006-2015, thous./units

Table 34: specifications of rotary separators STC "Magnis"

Table 35: Technical characteristics of separators SBM STC "Magnis"

Table 36: Technical characteristics of drum separators SDM STC "Magnis"

Table 37: Technical characteristics of drum separators SBM STC "Magnis"

Table 38: Technical specifications of the drum and belt separators STC "Magnis"

Table 39: specifications for individual types of roller magnetic separators in the production of smf "Prodecologia"

Table 40: specifications for individual types of drum magnetic separators in the production of smf "Prodecologia"

Table 41: Russian importers CHMP magnetic separators of smf "Prodecologia" in 1999-2015, units.

Table 42: specifications of magnetic separators of PBM produced by JSC "Dneprotiazhbummash"

Table 43: specifications of magnetic declamation JSC "Dneprotiazhbummash"

Table 44: Technical characteristics of certain types of magnetic separators produced by JSC "Lugansk machine-building plant"

Table 45: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators SBM With "Gipromashugleobogashenie"

Table 46: Technical specifications of drum magnetic separators SBM "Gipromashugleobogashenie"

Table 47: Technical data rotary electromagnetic separators "Gipromashugleobogashenie"

Table 48: Technical data drum separators produced by "Lugansk electric machine building plant"

Table 49: specifications of magnetic separators HI company Eriez Magnetics

Table 50: Technical characteristics of separators CTB company, Shandong Huate Magnet Technology

Table 51: Technical characteristics of separators CTB company Shanghai Vostosun Industrial

Table 52: Technical data of high-gradient separators SLon SLon company Magnetic Separator

Table 53: Production of commodity iron ore by major enterprises in Russia in 2006-2015, million tonnes

Table 54: characteristics of the main equipment used in the beneficiation of iron ore to major iron ore mining enterprises in Russia

Table 55: supplies of imported magnetic separators iron ore enterprises of Russia in 1999-2015*

Table 56: Coal preparation plant in Russia, using dense medium gravity separation method

Table 57: supplies of coal companies in Russia import of magnetic separator for regeneration of heavy media in 1999-2015*

Table 58: SWOT analysis of the Russian market of magnetic separators

Figure 1: Closed (a) open and (b) magnetic systems magnetic separators

Figure 2: schematic diagrams of the most common types of magnetic separators

Figure 3: Types of magnetic separators depending on the direction of movement of the partial particles

Figure 4: Structure of Russian production of magnetic separators for mineral processing (2013-2015), %

Figure 5: appearance of double-drum separator for wet enrichment of magnetite ores BSP-150/300М13 produced by "Rudgormash"

Figure 6: External view of a drum separator for dry processing of brand PBS-90/210A (AC)

Figure 7: appearance of double-drum separators with permanent magnets PBM-90/250Р12 for the regeneration of magnetite weighting agent

Figure 8: Dynamics of export supplies of magnetic separators produced by LLC "UGMK-Rudgormash-Voronezh" in 1999-2015, units

Figure 9: appearance of magnetic separators series mbpd of production of JSC "NPO "ERG"

Figure 10: External view of roller magnetic separator series SMVI NPO "ERG"

Figure 11: Dynamics of export supplies of magnetic separators produced by JSC "NPO "mechanobra Appliances" in 1999-2015, units

Figure 12: layout of magnetic separator the series of LMO for dry magnetic enrichment of quartz sand production by LLC "NPK INTERTAX"

Figure 13: Dynamics of export of industrial magnetic separators from Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 14: Dynamics of export of laboratory magnetic separators from Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 15: Dynamics of export of magnetic separators from Russia in value terms in 1999-2015, million.

Figure 16: Summary structure of the supply of magnetic separators manufacturers for 1999-2015, %

Figure 17: Main direct consumers of imported from Russia magnetic separators (1999-2015), units

Figure 18: Summary structure of export of magnetic separators from Russia by major brands (1999-2015), %

Figure 19: Dynamics of imports of magnetic separators in Russia 1999-2015, units

Figure 20: Dynamics of imports of magnetic separators Russia in value terms in 1999-2015, million.

Figure 21: Summary structure of import of Russia magnetic separators* country of consignment (1999-2015), %

Figure 22: Summary structure of import of Russia magnetic separators* the company-manufacturer (1999-2015), %

Figure 23: Summary structure of use of imported magnetic separator* areas of raw material processing (1999-2015), %

Figure 24: the Main Russian "direct" consumers of imported magnetic separators in 1999-2015, units

Figure 25: External view of a rotary magnetic separator with high intensity magnetic field produced by NTC "Magnis"

Figure 26: appearance of the complex magnetic for mechanized picking and magnetic beneficiation of lump magnetite ores, the production of STC "Magnis"

Figure 27: Dynamics of supplies of magnetic separators "STC magnetic separation "Magnis" in Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 28: Dynamics of supplies CHMP magnetic separators of smf "Prodecologia" in Russia in 1999-2015*, units

Figure 29: appearance of roller magnetic separator production smf "Prodecologia"

Figure 30: Dynamics of supplies of magnetic separators of JSC "Dneprotiazhbummash" in Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 31: the appearance of declamatory MD-5A production of JSC "Dneprotiazhbummash"

Figure 32: Dynamics of supplies of magnetic separators, CJSC "Lugansk machine-building plant" in Russia in 1999-2015, units.

Figure 33: Dynamics of supplies of magnetic separators LLC "Luhansk electric machine building plant" in Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 34: Dynamics of import to Russia of magnetic separators of Eriez Magnetics in production 1999-2015, units

Figure 35: Exterior drum magnetic separator ERIEZ series HMDA

Figure 36: Dynamics of Russian imports of magnetic separators from China in 1999-2015, units

Figure 37: Exterior of drum magnetic separator series CTB company, Shandong Huate Magnet Technology

Figure 38: appearance of high-intensity magnetic separator series LGS (WHIMS) Longi Magnet company

Figure 39: Estimated structure of the market capacity of magnetic separators in the areas of application in Russia, %

Figure 40: Dynamics of production of commodity iron ore in Russia in 1998-2015, mln t

Figure 41: Dynamics of enrichment of coking and steam coal at processing plants in Russia 2004-2015, mln t

Figure 42: Dynamics of production of glass Sands in Russia in 2000-2015, mln t


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