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Coking Coal and Coke in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first publication of market research coking coal and coke in Russia.
The purpose of the study - an analysis of the market of coking coal and coke in Russia.
The object of the study are the coals for coking coal concentrate, coal coke.
The chronological scope of the study: 2000-2012 gg. Outlook - 2013-2025 years.
Geography Research: Russian Federation
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, rail transport statistics of JSC "Russian Railways", the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics. Also used the data base UNdata, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of materials producers and consumers of coking coal and coke.
The report is divided into 9 chapters, 107 pages, 27 Figures, 42 Tables and Appendix.
The first chapter is devoted to the reserve base of coal in Russia, it presents data on reserves of coal, including coking, the distribution of coking coal for coal basins and regions of Russia, provides information about the largest Russian coking coal deposits.
The second chapter provides a classification adopted in the Russian coal by brands, as well as its compliance with the international classification.
The third chapter analyzes data on mining and beneficiation of coking coal in Russia in 2000-2012 years. This section presents statistical data on volumes of mining of coking coal industry's largest enterprises, described their current status, data on grade composition of mined coal.
It also contains data on the structure of large coal companies, indicating capacity of departments and fields under development.
In the fourth chapter, analysis of foreign trade with Russia coking coal in the period 2001-2012 gg. It presents data on volumes of export and import of coking coal, regional structure of supplies, data on volumes and directions of supplies of the largest exporters and importers of coking coal.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the production of coke in Russia in the period of 2000-2012 years. This chapter provides information on the main producers of merchant coke in Russia, volumes and directions of supplies.
In the sixth chapter analyzes the dynamics of foreign trade operations with coke in Russia in 2000-2012 years. The statistical data on directions and volumes of exports and imports.
The seventh chapter examines data on monthly dynamics of prices in Russia for ordinary coking coal, coking coal concentrate and coal coke in 2009-2012.
The eighth chapter is devoted to analysis of consumption of coke in Russia in 2003-2012 years. In section presents supply-demand balance of coke, estimates sectoral pattern of consumption. Also presents data on volumes of supplies of coke to the main Russian consumers of these products.
In the ninth, final chapter of the report presents forecast of development of the market of coking coal and coke in Russia in 2013-2025 years.
The Appendix presents contact information on the main coking coal companies and Russian companies.
1. Raw material base of coking coal in Russia
2. Classification of coals
3. Production of coking coal in Russia (1998-2012)
3.1. Volumes of mining and beneficiation of coking coal
3.2. The largest producers of coking coal
"Southern Kuzbass" (Kemerovo region).
JSC HC "JAkutugol" (Republic of Sakha-Yakutia)
JSC "Vorkutaugol" (Republic of Komi)
Of "GCC" JUzhkuzbassugol "(Kemerovo region).
JSC "Holding" Sibuglemet "(Kemerovo region).
3.3. Projects for the development of deposits of coking coal
4. Foreign trade in coking coal from Russia (2001-2012)
4.1. Exports of coking coal
4.2. Imports of coking coal
5. Production of coke in Russia in 2000-2012
5.1. Coke production
5.2. The main producers of coke
JSC "Coke" (Kemerovo region).
JSC "Altai-Koks" (Altai Territory)
JSC "Moscow Coke and Gas Plant" (Moscow region).
JSC "Gubakhinsky coke" (Perm)
JSC "Mechel-Coke" (Chelyabinsk region).
6. Foreign trade with Russia coke (2003-2012)
6.1. Coke exports
6.2. Imports of coke
7. Review of prices for coking coal and metallurgical coke in 2009-2012
8. The consumption of coke in Russia in 2003-2012
8.1. Supply-demand balance of coke
8.2. Structure of consumption of coke
9. Market forecast for coking coal and coke in Russia up to 2025
Appendix. Contact information on company-producers of coking coal and coke
Table 1. Quality coal reserves and the major coal basins of Russia
Table 2. The Russian and the international classification of the main grades of coal
Table 3. Coal production (million tonnes) in the number of active coal mining enterprises (units) in Russia in 2007-2012
Table 4. Key performance indicators of mining and processing of coking coal in 2008-2012, mln t
Table 5. The structure of the largest coal producers in Russia
Table 6. Volumes of mining of coking coal the main producers in Russia in 2009-2012, kt
Table 7. Key performance indicators of the largest mining companies coking coal in 2011
Table 8. The consumption of coking coal coke produced in Russia by Russian enterprises in 2009-2012, kt
Table 9. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC “Southern Kuzbass" in 2010-2012, mln Rubles
Table 10. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC "Holding" JAkutugol "in 2009-2012, mln Rubles
Table 11. The qualitative characteristics of coal concentrate production of "Vorkutaugol"
Table 12. Shipments of "Vorkutaugol" by product in 2009-2012, kt
Table 13. Supply of coal production of "Vorkutaugol" consumers in 2009-2012, kt
Table 14. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC "Vorkutaugol" RR
Table 15. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC "TQM" JUzhkuzbassugol ", mln.,%
Table 16. The volume of exports of coking coal to destinations in Russia 2009-2012, kt
Table 17. The volume of exports of the main producers of coking coal in Russia in 2009-2012, kt
Table 18. The volume of imports of coking coal in Russia on the board in 2008-2012, kt
Table 19: Russian recipients of imported coking coal in 2009-2012, kt
Table 20. The volume of production of coke with 6% moisture by Russian enterprises in 2007-2012, kt
Table 21. Volumes of supplies of coke by Russian producers on the domestic market in 2008-2012, kt
Table 22. Volumes of supplies of coke of "Coke" to Russian consumers in 2008-2012, kt
Table 23. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC "Cox" in 2008-2012
Table 24. Volumes of supplies of coke of JSC "Altai-Koks" Russian enterprises in 2008-2012, kt
Table 25. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC "Altai-Koks" in 2009-2012, mln.
Table 26. Volumes of supplies of coke of JSC "Moscow Coke and Gas Plant" Russian consumers in 2008-2012, kt
Table 27. The main figures of financial-economic activity of JSC «Moskoks" in 2007-2012, mln Rubles
Table 28. Deliveries of coal coke production of "Gubakhinsky coke" Russian consumers in 2008-2012, kt
Table 29. Deliveries of coke produced by "Mechel-Koks" Russian consumers in 2008-2012, kt
Table 30. Volumes of Russian foreign trade operations with coke in 2003-2012 (thousand tons, million $)
Table 31. The volume of Russian exports of coke on the board in 2007-2012, kt, mln $
Table 32. Export volumes of coke by Russian enterprises in 2009-2012, kt
Table 33. The volume of imports of coke in Russia in 2007-2012 on the board, kt, mln $
Table 34. The main Russian consumers of imported coke in 2009-2012, kt
Table 35. Average prices of coking coal in the Russian regions in 2009-2012, Ruble / t (excluding VAT)
Table 36. Average prices for coal concentrate in Russia in 2012, Ruble / t exclusive of VAT
Table 37. Average producer prices for metallurgical coke in Russian regions in 2009-2012, Ruble / t (excluding VAT)
Table 38. Producer prices for coke chemical products in the domestic market of Russia, Ruble / t exclusive of VAT
Table 39. The balance of production and consumption of coke in Russia in 2009-2012, thousand t,%
Table 40. Structure of consumption of coke in Russia in 2010-2012,%
Table 41. The main recipients of coke in 2009-2012, kt
Table 42. Market forecast for coking coal and coke to 2025, mln t
Figure 1. Distribution of proven reserves of coking coal in coal basins Russia, billion tons,%
Figure 2. Dynamics of mining of coking coal (million tons), and the proportion of coking coal in the total production (%) in Russia in 1998-2012
Figure 3. Volumes of mining of coking coal for coal basins in Russia 2011-2012, mln t
Figure 4. The structure and amount of coking coal by Federal Districts of Russia in 2012, mln t,%
Figure 5. Dynamics processing of coking coal preparation plants and concentrate production in 2000-2012, mln t
Figure 6. Volumes of mining of coal caking marks Russia's leading mining companies in 2011-2012, kt
Figure 7. The volume of coal coking leading Russian mining companies in 2011-2012, kt
Figure 8. Production and exports of coking coal "Southern Kuzbass", the export share of production (%) in 2009-2012
Figure 9. Dynamics of Russian foreign trade operations with coking coal in 2001-2012, mln t
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of coke (based on 6% humidity) in Russia in 2000-2012, kt
Figure 11. Structure of production of coke by species in Russia in 2012,%
Figure 12. Structure of production of coke in Russia in 2012 by industry groups,%
Figure 13. Structure of production of coke in Russia in 2012 by enterprises,%
Figure 14. Dynamics of production of coke of "Coke" in 2007-2012, mln t
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of coke of JSC "Altai-Koks" in 2007-2012, mln t
Figure 16. Dynamics of production of coke of JSC "Moscow Coke and Gas Plant" in 2007-2012, mln t
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of coke "Gubakhinsky coke" in 2007-2012, mln t
Figure 18. Dynamics of production of coke, LLC "Mechel-Koks" in 2008-2012, mln t
Figure 19. Dynamics of Russian exports of coke in bulk (million tons) and monetary value ($ million) in 2003-2012
Figure 20. Dynamics of Russian import of coke in kind (thousand tons) and money (millions of $) terms in 2003-2012
Figure 21. Dynamics of average producer prices for coking coal in Russia in 2009-2012, Ruble / t (excluding VAT)
Figure 22. Dynamics of prices for coking coal in January-December 2012 on a domestic market of Russia, Ruble / t exclusive of VAT
Figure 23. Dynamics of average producer prices for metallurgical coke in Russia in 2009-2012, Ruble / t (excluding VAT)
Figure 24. Forecast of the price of coking coal and coke in Russia until 2025, Ruble / t (excluding VAT)
Figure 25. Dynamics of production, export, import, and "apparent" consumption of coke in Russia in 2003-2013, mln t
Figure 26. The consumption of coke metallurgical plants in Russia in 2012, mln t
Figure 27. Dynamics of production of main kinds of ferrous metallurgy in 2002-2012, mln t