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High-cube-shaped Crushed Stone in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)

Número de páginas: 172 Número de tablas: 36 El número de cifras: 40
Informe Idioma: Russian
Liberado: 08.09.2011
Forma de presentación:

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Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Precio: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of narrow fractions of crushed stone cube for road construction in Russia, raw materials and equipment for its production. The report consists of 7 Sections, contains 172 pages including 40 Figures, 36 Tables and Appendix.
This work is mainly desk research. As information sources, data of the State balance of mineral resources of Russia, Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official statistics of domestic rail transport, policy papers and projects of state authorities, the materials sector and regional press, annual and quarterly repots of companies, Internet sites of company-producers of information databases "InfoMine", as well as the results of interviews with representatives of manufacturers.
Due to the fact that in Russia, freight trucks are not subject to obligatory statistic account, the report presents only data traffic carried by rail.
The first part is devoted to particular technologies of cube-shaped crushed stone, and presented the equipment used by the Russian road metal factory to produce it. In addition, this chapter describes the major Russian and foreign manufacturers of such equipment, provided their contact details.
The second chapter presents the characteristics of resource support for release of high-cube rubble of igneous and metamorphic rocks. It provides information on stocks of raw materials for production of crushed stone in Russia as of 2007-2009., Evaluated the qualitative and regional structure of reserves of building stone.
The third chapter is devoted to production of this product in Russia: data on volumes of production of crushed stone (including the cube-shaped) in Russia in 2000-2010., Estimation of regional and commodity structure of production. Also in the third chapter introduces the major manufacturers of cube-shaped rubble narrow fractions. The characteristics of the resource base of the enterprises set of technological equipment, are given the power output of crushed stone over the past 9-10 years, the qualitative characteristics of the products, the direction of product supply, the prospects for the company.
The fourth chapter is devoted to analysis of foreign trade operations with rubble. It presents data on volumes of supplies in bulk and in money terms in 2002-2010. Data on volumes and destinations of supplies of the largest importers of rubble (including cube). Estimation of regional structure of supplies.
In the fifth chapter of price analysis. In particular, analyzed the cost of delivery of gravel transport modes, evaluated the influence of the distance of transportation by rail of rubble on the cost of delivery to the consumer. The data on the prices of production and purchase of crushed stone in 2001-2010. and for 7 months. 2011 the whole of Russia and the average purchase price of rubble by Federal Districts, as well as data on the current prices on rubble of some Russian producers. Analyzed the prices of foreign trade operations with rubble.
In the sixth chapter of the report describes consumption of crushed stone cube of narrow fractions for road construction in Russia. Given supply-demand balance, estimated settlement demand in the rubble, taking into account the state of the major consuming industries in the whole of Russia and federal districts, estimated sectoral and regional structure of consumption.
The seventh and final part is devoted to forecast of market development in Russia crushed stone cube in 2020 Analysis of the factors causing the demand for this kind of rubble, the forecast of production and consumption.
The Appendix presents addresses and contact information on leading Russian producers of crushed stone cube.





1. Technology for producing cube-shaped crushed stone and used in industry equipment
1.1. Brief description of the stationary crushing equipment for producing crushed stone cube
1.2. Brief description of the mobile crushing and screening equipment
1.3. Brief description of the largest suppliers of crushing and screening equipment
1.3.1. Russian manufacturers
JSC "Drobmash" (Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region).
JSC "Volgotsemmash" (Tolyatti, Samara region).
JSC "OMZ" (Sverdlovsk region).
JSC "Irkutsk Heavy Machinery Plant" (Irkutsk)
Ltd. "Obukhovskaya Industrial Company" (Nizhny Novgorod)
JSC "Ural-Omega" (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region).
JSC "Mekhanobr-Technology" (St. Petersburg)
JSC "New Technology" (St. Petersburg)
1.3.2. Foreign manufacturers
Metso Minerals (Finland)
Sandvik Rock Processing (Sweden)
Astec (USA)
Alta (Czech Republic)


2. Characteristics of Russian raw materials for production of high-cube-shaped crushed stone
2.1. Reserves and deposits of building stone for the production of crushed stone
2.2. Characteristics of the main deposits of building stones of igneous and metamorphic rocks


3. Production of crushed stone cube in Russia
3.1. Statistics on production of crushed stone
3.2. Regional structure of production
3.3. The largest company-producers of crushed stone
3.4. Characteristics of the main companies producing high-cubiform crushed stone
3.4.1. Ltd. "Industrial and Construction Group LSR" (St. Petersburg)
3.4.2. JSC "Pavlovskgranit" (Voronezh region).
3.4.3. Ltd. "Karelprirodresurs" (Rep. of Karelia)
3.4.4. JSC "Uralasbest" (Sverdlovsk region).
3.4.5. JSC "PO" Lenstroymaterialy "(Leningrad region).
3.4.6. OJSC "Orsk Quarry" (Orenburg Region).
3.4.7. JSC "National Non-Metallic Company" (JSC "Sangalyksky diorite quarry" – Bashkortostan Republic)
3.4.8. JSC "Pervouralsk Mining Group" (Sverdlovsk region).
3.4.9. Ltd. "Karelnerud "(Rep. of Karelia)
3.4.10. JSC "Novosibirsk Quarry" (Novosibirsk region).
3.4.11. Other companies


4. Foreign trade of crushed stone cube in Russia in 2002-2010.
4.1. Imports
4.2. Exports 


5. Price analysis
5.1. The cost of delivery of rubble
5.2. Analysis of the domestic prices of crushed stone in 1999-2010, and for 7 months of 2011
5.3. Analysis of export-import prices on the gravel in the period 2002-2010 


6. Consumption of high-cubiform crushed stone in the Russian Federation
6.1. Supply-demand balance cube of narrow fractions of crushed stone for road construction in 2000-2010.
6.2. Regional structure of consumption
6.3. Sectoral structure of consumption
6.4. Key figures and prospects for development of highways in Russia
7. Prospects and forecast of the market high-cubiform crushed stone from hard rock used in road construction up to 2020 


Appendix: Contact information on the main Russian producers of high-cube-shaped crushed stone for road construction

Table 1. Comparative physico-mechanical properties of various gravel flakiness
Table 2. Types of crushers to produce cube-shaped crushed stone produced in Russia and Ukraine
Table 3. Comparative characteristics of different technologies to produce cube-shaped crushed stone
Table 4. Technical and operational characteristics of mobile crushing and screening plants of "Drobmash"
Table 5. Technical characteristics of mobile crushing and screening plants Sandvik
Table 6. Technical characteristics of mobile crushing and screening plants Astec Industries
Table 7. Russian enterprises, which operate the crusher Titan production JSC "New Technology"
Table 8. Regional structure of reserves of building stone in the Russian Federation million m3,%
Table 9. Regional pattern of location of building stone deposits in the Russian Federation on morphological types
Table 10. Accommodation reserves of building stone of various morphological types of federal districts of Russia, million m3
Table 11. Characteristics of the main producing fields of building stone for the production of high-gravel
Table 12. Production of crushed stone and gravel in Russia in 1999-2010, thousand m3
Table 13. The dynamics of the regional structure of production of crushed stone and gravel in Russia in 2005-2010., thousand m3,%
Table 14. Dynamics of gravel in Nord-West, Urals, Sibirian and Far East regions of Russia in 2007-2010, thousand m3,%
Table 15. Dynamics of the leading Russian producers in 2007-2010, thousand m3
Table 16. Price list on rubble produced by "Granit-Kuznechnoye" rub./m3 VAT (valid from 01 August 2011)
Table 17. Some of the financial results of JSC "Pavlovskgranit” in 2006-2010 and 1Q of 2011
Table 18. Price list for gravel production of "Sangalyksky dioritic quarry" rub. / t, m3 with VAT (valid from 1 July 2011)
Table 19. Price list for gravel production of JSC "Pervouralsk Rudoupravlenie" rub. / t without VAT (valid from 1 June 2011)
Table 20. Price list for gravel production of LLC “Karelnerud " rub. / t including VAT (valid from 1 June 2011)
Table 21. Regional structure of import gravel in 2002-2010.
Table 22. Volumes and destinations of supplies of gravel the main Russian importers in 2006-2010, thousand m3
Table 23. Indices of tariffs for cargo transportation by different modes of transport in Russia in 2000-2010,% change year
Table 24. Supply-demand balance of narrow fractions of crushed stone cube in Russia in 2002-2010, million m3
Table 25. The length of highways in Russia in 2000 and 2005-2009. (End of year, thousands of km)
Table 26. The distribution of length of roads in the Russian Federation according to the type and category of coverage in the 1999-2010 years., Km (as of 1 January of the year)
Table 27. Distribution of public roads of the federal and regional (intermunicipal) values ​​by category and number of lanes (on 01.01.2010)
Table 28. Parameters of the road bands, depending on the type of roads and regulations require repairs
Table 29. Norms of consumption of crushed stone for construction and repair of the roadway
Table 30. Density of public roads paved by region in 1995-2009 (end of year; km of roads per 1000 km2)
Table 31. The length of public roads paved by Federal Districts of Russia in 1995 and 2000-2009. (end of year; km)
Table 32. The proportion of roads paved in the total length of public roads (at the end of the year, in percentage)
Table 33. The share of roads with improved surface roads in the length of paved public (at year end, n percentage)
Table 34. The need for a gravel narrow fractions of cubic form (million m3) for the development of road network in the regions of Russia in 2001-2020
Table 35. Planned construction, reconstruction and repair of roads in Russia in 2005-2025.
Table 36. Major investment projects routines "Roads"

Figure 1. The scheme of crushing and screening plant
Figure 2. Flow diagram of the apparatus for the production of crushed stone cube with crusher KID
Figure 3. Distribution of reserves of building stone by federal district, depending on the morphological type, million m3
Figure 4. Distribution of reserves of building stone of igneous rocks (with the exception of granitoids) in the Federal Districts of Russia, %
Figure 5. Distribution of reserves of granite and granitoid by Federal Districts of Russia, %
Figure 6. Distribution of reserves of building stone in the Central Federal District of Russia based on the morphological type, thousand m3
Figure 7. Regional pattern of location of building stones of different morphological types in North-West Federal District of Russia, thousand m3
Figure 8. Regional pattern of location of building stones of different morphological types in the Povolzhie Federal District of Russia, thousand m3
Figure 9. Regional pattern of location of building stones of different morphological types in the Urals Federal District of Russia, thousand m3
Figure 10. Regional pattern of location of building stones of different morphological types of the Sibirian Federal District of Russia, thousand m3
Figure 11. Regional pattern of location of building stones of different morphological types in the Far East Federal District of Russia, thousand m3
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of crushed stone (including fractions of up to 20 mm) in Russia in 1997-2010, million m3
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of crushed stone cube of narrow fractions in Russia in 2000-2010, million m3
Figure 14. Regional structure of production of crushed stone and gravel in the Russian Federation in 2010,%
Figure 15. Regional structure of cube-shaped narrow fractions of crushed stone in Russia in 2010,%
Figure 16. Shares of the largest manufacturers of high-cube-shaped crushed stone in Russia in 2010,%
Figure 17. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of "Granit-Kuznechnoye" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 18. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of "Pavlovskgranit" in 2000-2010., thousand m3
Figure 19. Dynamics of the crushed stone production company "Karelnerud "in 2004-2010, thousand m3
Figure 20. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of "Uralasbest" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of crushed stone of the " Lenstroymaterialy" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 22. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of "Orsk Quarry" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 23. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of "Sangalyksky dioritic quarry" in 2005-2010, thousand m3
Figure 24. Dynamics of production of crushed stone "Pervouralsk rudouravlenie" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 25. Dynamics of the crushed stone production company " Karelnerud" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 26. Dynamics of the crushed stone production of JSC "Novosibirsk Quarry" in 2000-2010, thousand m3
Figure 27. Dynamics of Russian foreign trade in rubble in 2002-2010, million m3
Figure 28. Dynamics of changes in the import of crushed stone in bulk and in money terms in 2002-2010
Figure 29. Dynamics of Russian exports of crushed stone and gravel in bulk and in money terms in 2002-2010
Figure 30. Dynamics of the cost of transportation by rail ballast, depending on distance, Ruble / t
Figure 31. Dynamics of average prices of producers of crushed stone and gravel in Russia in 1999-2011, Rub/m3
Figure 32. Dynamics of average export and import prices of crushed stone in 2002-2010., $ / m3
Figure 33. Dynamics of production, imports and apparent consumption of crushed stone cube of narrow fractions in the Russian Federation in 2002-2010., million m3
Figure 34. Regional structure of consumption of crushed stone in Russia in 2010,%
Figure 35. Sectoral structure of consumption of crushed stone in Russia,%
Figure 36. Classification of roads in the Russian Federation
Figure 37. The dynamics of the total length of roads in Russia in 1990-2009, km2
Figure 38. The structure of public roads in the RF coverage by type
Figure 39. The structure of public roads in the Russian Federation by category
Figure 40. Forecast of production and consumption of crushed stone cube of narrow fractions for road construction in Russia up to 2020


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